Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Personal Oxygen

All Eyes on Me

by SafeBehindMusic 1 review

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2009-09-01 - Updated: 2009-09-01 - 1012 words

Big thanks to whoever is rating this thing. Its awsome. Basket of Cookie to those who review and rate. Love you all.



Not a second after I thought this I could hear music being played.

“Success.” I said to myself and no one at the same time. All I had to do was follow the sound. That had to be where the music room was. And its not like I promised to sit still well

I did but when do I ever really listen.

Deciding that it would be okay to get up I followed one of my best devices. My ears. They lead me down a short hallway and then through a door. Just as I was about to take another step forward before I realized that the sound was coming from below me. That could only mean one thing. Stairs. Carefully feeling around me I reached out and grasped one of the railings and began walking down the flight of stairs and closer to the music.

Reaching the end of the stairs I could hear someone walking towards me, then stop right in front of me. Maybe it was Alex.

“ Do you realize that you are late for class?” Nope not Alex at all.

“I do. That’s where I am trying to get to.”

“Look. You know the rules I have to give you a detention.”

“I don’t know the rules and I don’t know where my next class is. I know its on this floor but…”

“Being a smart ass. Okay tacking on another day, and I’m going to have to tack on another
day for the sunglasses. You know those are not supposed to be worn around school”

“I told you I don’t know the rules and you don’t understand. Your not letting me explain” This guy was not comprehending my situation.

“There is nothing to explain. And you don’t understand. Now stop arguing and tell me your name.” Pushy much.

Sighing in defeat I decided not to prolong the inevitable. “Celeste Jones.”

“Alright Jones... Wait did you say Celeste as in the new girl.”

I nodded.

“Jeez. Why didn’t you say something? I feel like a complete asshole. They faculty told me that you might be around. They said to cut you and your guide some slack. But where’s you guide.”

“I tried to tell you. You wouldn’t listen and my guide had to go to Gym. The teacher seemed really pissed off. I didn’t want him to get into any trouble.”

“You mean more trouble than he already is in? Coach will get him."

“Umm. Okay?” Jack was in trouble. Why did that shock me.

“Never mind. Look I really am sorry for giving you such a hard time.”

“As long as I don’t get into trouble its not a problem.”

“You don’t get into trouble but you do get a private escort to your class. I’m Tyler by the way.”

“Nice to meet you Tyler.”

Before I could ask he grabbed my back pack and books. And then adjusting them he placed his hand at the small of my back leading me down the hall to my next class.

“You did it anyway. But you are the first person to ask all day.”

“You just didn’t look like a girl that was into charity.’

“I’m not usually but thank you.”

“Not a problem. Say, isn’t your homeroom on the first floor?”

“Okay stupid question but how did you get down here?”

“Down a flight of stairs?”

“yeah.” He stopped dead in his tracks.

“You could have been killed.” Exaggeration of the day.

“Hardly. Its just a flight of stairs. Nothing major.” I said taking a step forward

“But…But you cant see.”

“Okay captain obvious. I’m blind. So?” I said laughing a bit.

“I heard the music and decided to follow. It lead me here.”

“well that’s resourceful.”

“Just working with what I’ve got.” I said chuckling

“all I’ve got is a detention pad, hall privileges and obviously a hot girl radar.”

I knew I was blushing. But it was not every day that a complete stranger said something like

“Ummm. Thank you. I think.”

“Your welcome.” He said with a chuckle.

I couldn’t help but instantly like him. He did not seem wigged out by the fact that I was
blind. He didn’t treat me like some kind of freak. For the first time a complete stranger treating me like a normal person.

Just at that moment I heard feet running and then someone ran right up to me.

“I just got Jacks text. I’m so sorry. Coach did not know, I guess they forgot to tell him. Your ok aren’t you?”

“Yeah I’m fine. Tyler here was just helping me to class.”

Suddenly it seemed as though the air was thick with tension.

The greetings were short, and awkward.

“well Tyler seems that you are free to go. Thanks but I can take it from here.”

“yeah I guess so.” He said moving his hand and placing my books in my arms. I assumed that he gave my bag to Alex. “See ya later Celeste.”

“Yeah. Thanks Tyler." With that I heard him walking away.

“So. Lets get you to music class. The teacher is waiting.” Alex said. And then nothing. Not a word for the next 100 feet. I could feel him pull me the last few feet towards the music room, opened the door and then as if on cue the music stopped, there was dead silence and I could hear and feel the attention on me.

[*Bit shorter than usual but I just needed to get this out there. Next update tommorow or thursday. I have about 4 more chapters written I just need to edit.

As usual thanks for reading and reviewing and rating if you are . If not Please do. Reviews are love. I love you...dont you love me...

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