Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
(#) BrokenMinor 2009-09-05
Look, Guys, I'd like to thank vampyGee (above) for making me realise that it's not really going anywhere. I was attempting to write a one-shot but as always, I failed and just wrote and wrote.
Alot of people have said it's good. but vampyGee opened my eyes a little bit.
So I've decided I'm gonna just write whenever I have nothing else to write, and maybe do something just to keep me entertained for a bit and give you something to read.
Hard to explain but what I'm saying is that I'm not going to try and write a story with a target ending, just something that basically is like what's going on? "/
Anyway, there isn't any longer a target ending for this piece because I failed at reaching anything a long while ago.
Just keep reading and coming back when I have updated it?
Thanks to vampyGee too.
(#) MyFamousLastWords 2010-02-20
Nah, I like it. I think you should just write for yourself, do what makes you happy. Yeah, it's nice to have other people comment on it or whatever but just keep writing until you're happy.
If I'm not mistaken (which I probably am) if you happen to be an Elliot Minor fan, I salute you!
And instead of making like one page reallyyyyy long, you could always just do them in like chapters, as in when you click on "add chapter" and it's like a different page.
Anyway! More soon? ^_^
F oxox.Untitled
(#) CyanideChild_ 2010-02-20
Elliot Minor... = WOW!
I do like this. i dont not think its going anywhere, i think it honestly has potential :P
and ^^ MyFamousLastWords is right, just clicky the add chapter thing to kinda seperate things out a little.
Thats my only critism.
Any who... Love it!
oxox Gee
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