Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Why Doesn't Anyone Ever Notice Her?

Lions and Tigers and Bears! Oh My!

by bubbly-gum 2 reviews

Actual chapter. Title has nothing to do with the actual story. Just love that film.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Gerard Way - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-09-13 - Updated: 2009-09-13 - 1853 words - Complete

Hey my keyboard very happy dance No more on-screen keyboard that almost drove me insaner :P So yeah...some of this was typed downstairs. I would have up-dated from down there but my parents are normally on and they have this habbit of hanging about behind me to nosey at what I'm doing...I would let them read this (some parts and not others) if they asked. I think it's a parent thing to nosey at what their children are doing.

Just so you know thwy bit (coming up further down the chapter) about Alice talking to her fringe and Bob walks in is kinda based on what happened between me and my best-friend. Basically I was shouting at my fringe and she walked in asking me who the fuck I was talking to. Haha, she knows I'm crazy so she just said 'yeah fringes can be bitches can't they?' When I explained I was shouting at my fringe.

Gee-Gee P.O.V (yeah I changed his name...slightly)

When I finally did visit Alice, everyone was gone..except Frank he was curled into Alice's side fast asleep. He looked adorable. I should take him back to the bus and I'll leave Ali a note. She'll get pissed off if Frank just dissapears.

I taped it to her hand. Even Ali isn't that un-observational. I carefully picked up Frank bridal style and began walking through the hospital (getting some weird looks as I went). He curled into my chest and mewed quietly. I just got to my car when he woke up. He blinked a few times before finally focusing on me.
"Hey" I said softly.
"Wuz goinon?" He asked sleepily. His hair was sticking up in every direction. He yawned and stretched.
"I'm gonna put you down, k baby?" Frank smiled at me sleepily and nodded. I put him down and kept hold of his elbow. He's not very good at balancing when he's just woken up...then again who is? I unlocked my car and opened the door for him. I got in the other side. Frank slid down in the seat and shut his eyes. After about 10 minutes of silence Frank woke up. He yawned and stretched, making little mewing noises. He rubbed his eyes and yawned again. His hair flopped into his eyes and stuck up in every direction.
"Gee?" He mumbeled sleepily.
"Yeah?" I asked tentivley
"I wasn't really mad at you" YAWN "I'm you Ger..." Frank fell asleep again. I heard him snoreing lightly. I laughed quietly.
"Love you too Frankie" I whispered.
When we arrived I picked him up again and carried him on the bus. I laid him in his bunk. I brushed the fringe out of his eyes and kissed his forehead. I tried to leave as quietly as I could...Who am I kidding, I'm a klutz. I fell over my own feet and landed with a bump on the bunk room floor.
"Careful Gerard" I heard Frank giggle from his bunk. I stood up, brushed myself off and walked out the door, my dignity tatters. Frank began laughing loudly. I shook my head and managed to walk out of the bunk room with no further accidents.

Ali's P.O.V

I woke up alone in the hospital...good...Bob isn't here. I'm glad he went to the bus to rest. Hmmm wonder when Frank left. I stretched out my arms above my head and saw a pink note taped to my hand.

I'm taking Frankie back to the bus so he won't bug you anymore. And how did you get Bryar
to go back to the bus? He's not left you in three days! I'm sorry I wasn't
there when you woke up hun. I'll be back later. I need to talk to you about something.
Don't worry about it though. It's nothing that important. Miss ya babe! ;D
xo G

What does he want to talk to me about? But awwww he misses me...sweet. I wanna hug him. I hope Frank isn't upset anymore.

When the fuck can I get out of here? I'm bored, I still feel tired and I want a mirror...At least there isn't any beeping. I shut my eyes for a minute.

I saw Alex's face grinning down at me, I felt his hands close around my throat. I want to scream but my lungs ache from lack of oxygen. Then nothingness. My chest heaves as I fight to get enough oxygen in. White spots burst before my eyes, I feel his breath down my neck.
"Ali?" Alex whispers...only it's not Alex. I fight to open my eyes. My breathing evens and the ache from my lungs is slowly going away. My eyes slowly open. I see a pair of bright worried hazel eyes looking into my own. Definately not Alex. Alex has green eyes, bright sparkling mezmerising emerald green eyes. With a little ring of brown around the pupil
Okay...thats far too much description for a guy I desperatly want to forget. I finally focus on who is actually in front of me...Gee. I sat stright up and wraped my arms around his neck. I felt the warm salty tears run down my cheeks.
"Alice honey what's wrong?" He sounded so worried.
"A-A-Ale-x" I finally chocked out. Gerard pulled himself out of my grasp and whipped around, looking about rapidly.
"Not here" I whispered. Gerard turned around to face me, his hazel eyes where wide and filled with anger. He frowned at me confused.
"I'm sorry" I whispered again. "I j-just had this d-dream that he came...he came...back for me"
Gee walked over beside me.
"Skooch over" He said quietly. He's mad at me for being so stupid and believing a dream came for me. I moved over and he sat next to me. He carefully picked up my hands and held them in his own. He lifted them higher up and brought his head down. His lips lightly brushed my fingers. He sat up again and still keeping my hands in his spoke to me some of the truest words I knew I would hear in my life.
"Alice, I knew we were never that close. But that's changed. Your like my little sister, just like Alicia and Christia are. And I swear to God if that bastard comes within a mile of you I'll know about. I don't ever want anything like that to happen to you again. None of us do. Especially Bob, he really really likes you Alice. In fact I'm pretty sure he loves you. Although I wouldn't quote me on that" He grinned. I gave a small smile back.
"Aren't you mad at me though? I was so stupid cring over some dream.." I trailed off and shuddered at the memory. It had seemed so fucking real...
"Honey, I've had some pretty weird dreams in my life. Believe me, I know how scary they can be. You don't need to apologise" I could feel his eyes burning into me but I couldn't meet his. I felt a bit better. Gee asked me about the dream. I explained whathappened and about how real it felt. He wrapped ahis arm around my wiast and pulled me closer to him. He kissed the top of my head. I leaned my head against his shoulder and thuoght about what Gerard had just told me.

Finding out Bob loved me was bitter-sweet. Of course I was happy that he might be in love with fast as it was. A little part of my head told me it was Alex all over again. I told that part to shut up. Another part was scared...the Doctors and Nurses told me this would happen. I would be scared of any maled friends I have. They said people I have trusted my whole life would now seem un-trustworthy. I would be paranoid and I could get nightmares. I sighed to myself. I was already slightly paranoid when it came to locking doors and windows at night time...To be honest I was kinds scared sitting next to Gerard. I'd already flinched away from Bob. Mikey kissed my hand yesterday and I almost had a heart attack. Ray hen hugged me, making me feel worse. And I didn't sleep to well with Frank sleeping next to me. I should be an actress...Pretending everything is fine and dandy when it sure as hell ain't.

[/Lord Bobert's P.O.V

I tried napping on the bus - didn't work. Video games - didn't work. Drumming - didn't work. I just couldn't relax. Nothing I did worked! Not even drumming, the thing I eat, slept and breathed!!! Man Alice got me good. I think I love her. I know it's far too soon and wellbut something about her draws me to her. Fuck me, it sounds corny...cliche maybe. Doesn't stop it being true. It's far to soon to tell her. Especially after what happened. It stung like a bitch when she flinched away from me. Oh yeah, Fro-man and Mikey are fine. They had more physically contact with her than I did! I just want to hold her tight to me and tell her evrything is gonna be okay...and I can't because she is scared of me. If I ever see that son of a bitch again I hope there is someone to stop me. I don't think I'd be able to. Only reason I stopped last time was to help Alice. I had to button her pants and carry her out to get help. I didn't bother to tell them about Alex.

I think I'm visit Alice. I don't care if she gets mad at me. At least I'll be able to see her and talk to her.

Gerard's P.O.V

I took a deep shakey breath before asking Alice what I had been meaning to, since yesterday.
"Alice?" I said, shit I can hear the fear in my own voice. Her blue eyes focused on mine. They were watching me, searching for why I might be scared.
"Yeah Gerard?" She asked. Her voice was cool. As though she hadn't heard the fear.
"You know how I love Frankie more than anything in this world?" Her eyes were wide and the bluest I had ever seen them. She was biteing her bottom lip. Probably trying not to squeak.
"Uhuh" She said, her voice an octave higher then normal.
"Well I was thinking of asking him to marry me and I was wondering what you thought?"

Mwha ha ha ha. Yup I'm just leaving it there. Is the whole marriage thing too soon? It just seems right ya know? 'Bon Jovi - In These Arms' inspired me. So thank you Bon Jovi and thank you New Jersey for MCR and Bon Jovi. Salutes Peace guys. Tom Commoner out. xoxo

P.S This is still Sam btw. I just also go by the name of Tom Commoner. times. XD

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