Categories > Original > Drama > Operation Repo: Umm... Something new?

Episode 1

by Repo_Man_Raya_Murphy 1 review

A new repossessor joins the repo team and helps them repossess a 1977 Chevrolet Cavalier from a gun-wielding car owner, resulting in one team member getting shot.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-09-16 - Updated: 2009-09-16 - 926 words

Raya: Hi, I'm Raya Traxler-Murphy, but most people only refer to me as Raya Murphy. I'm thirty-five years old. I'm not new to the repo business, but I'm a new member of Luis' repo team. I bet I'll be picked on for being a noob. I love repossessing, and I've been doing it for fifteen years, so lets see how my first day here goes.

Luis: I paired the new girl, Raya, with Matt and Froy. I have faith in them. I think that they will show her what to do, and if her first repo doesn't go smoothly, then my muscle man, Matt, will be there to back them up.

Matt: I don't know how or why Lu trusted me with the new chick, but I'll try not to screw up.

Raya held the clipboard in her hands. “Okay, so we're repossessing a 1997 Chevrolet Cavalier, license plate number 1*, she said, not looking up. “Vin number 4**, and it belongs to a Fred D**.”
Froy, who was driving the truck, drove up to the open gates of private property, which was also the address. “Oh great. Private property. There's usually a gun, a knife, or something else dangerous. Be armed with pepper spray.”
“I've got all I need right here,” Matt said, eyeing his muscle bound upper arms. “I don't need no stinking pepper spray.”
“Oy,” Raya stated. “Don't get a swelled head Matty boy.”

Raya: Matt, Froy and I have been hanging out and getting to know each other better. We're now comfortable enough around each other that we can joke around openly.

“Hey! I'm all muscle! No ego whatsoever!”
Froy laughed, driving again, and looked through the rear-view mirror. “Does your eye always twitch when you lie?”
“Not lying!” Matt looked out the window. “We're here.” He took the clipboard from Raya. “I'll go talk to this Fred person.”
Raya nodded and walked up to the car, looking up the license plate number and the Vin number. “They match,” Raya declared. She went up to the tow truck and started hooking up. She hit her head off the car, getting up when she heard someone yell “Don't touch my car”.
“Woah! Calm down, man,” Froy said, trying to calm the angered man down. “Are you Fred D**?”
“Yes!” he yelled. “And that's my car! What the hell do you think you are doing to my car?”
Matt sighed, his patience slipping away. “I told you already! The finance company issued an order for repossession. I'm sorry, but-”
“'Sorry' this!” The car owner pulled a gun. “Step away from my car now!”
“Raya,” Froy whispered. “Back away slowly and get in the truck.”
Raya started backing up, Matt trying to sneak up on the car owner while he was focused on Raya. “Stop moving! Just stop!” he yelled, firing the gun and hitting Raya's hand with a bullet.

Raya: Personally, I think the car owner was a little crazy. He didn't look like he knew what the hell he was doing. It was a Cavalier. No one likes Cavaliers.

“Ow! M*****!” Raya exclaimed, favoring her hand in the other. Matt ran up and tackled the car owner from behind, taking the gun and flinging it. “Forget about the car Matt!” she yelled, blood dripping from her hand. “We'll let the cops take care of it! Let's go tell Lu!” She jumped into the truck, Matt following closely and driving off, hearing gunshots in the distance. “Fred must've reached the gun again,” Raya stated.
“How bad is it?” Matt asked, looking at Raya's mangled hand.
“Stupid f** shot right through my hand. Good thing I've been shot before, or that would've hurt like a m****.”
“Now, who would shoot someone like you?”
Raya smiled. “A lot of people. I've been doing this for a long time.”

Raya: Yeah, I was shot, but it didn't hurt too bad. On my upper left arm is a long scar from where I was stabbed repossessing a school bus, and then I have a scar going right through my ass where I was shot leaving a repossession. I've also got some marks where I was arrested as a kid because I'm a former gang member. I love my job.

Matt scratched his head and pulled over just outside the gates. “We'll have to call Lu and tell him we left because of an idiotic gun-wielder. This place creeps me out. Let's get out of here,” he said, pulling out of the extensive driveway.

Luis: I got a call from Matt saying that they couldn't repossess the car. So when Matt, Froy, and Raya returned, I saw that there was blood all over Raya's hand, and that it was wrapped up. Turns out that the owner of the car shot at my team, and they couldn't finish hooking the car up. I'll have the cops on his ass in an hour.

Froy: Raya had a choice on whether to press charges, but she didn't bother. When the cops showed up, they called us, we reappeared, and we got out car. So either way, we won and he lost. Anyway, Raya is a very skilled repossessor, and I look forward to doing more repossessions with her.

Matt: When the idiot car owner pulled the gun on us, my first instinct was to move from the line of fire. I tried to get to him before anything could happen, but Raya ended up getting shot. She took it well though, like a real roughneck. She's kinda cute. I think I'll go for her number.
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