Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Untitled (for now)

Chapter 9: Dinner

by shortie86madden 0 reviews

Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2009-09-20 - Updated: 2009-09-20 - 281 words


We walked into Marcelo’s, the hostess looked up and smiled, “Do you have reservations?” she asked politely.

“Yes, we are meeting two others, it should be under Carter.” I replied as the girl looked down her list.

“There it is, the rest of your party hasn’t arrived yet, but follow me, your table is ready.” Joel and I followed her and sat down. She gave us some menus and said that our waiter would be with us shortly. After she left, I looked at Joel and smiled.

“What?” he asked, looking puzzled.

“Nothing,” before I could finish my mother got to the table.

“Hello, Sweetheart, Joel, I hope you haven’t been waiting long,” I gave my mom and dad a hug and kiss.

“No we just got here,” Joel answered as everyone got settled.

We ordered and ate, when we were done the waiter cleared our table.

“So mom, where is Ronan and Brooklyn?” I asked.

“They are at home with Zoey.”

“Zoey is home? When did she come home?”

“A couple of months ago, she was having trouble at school, and came home. Ronan and Brooklyn love having her around and she loves spending time with them.”

“That’s great, listen is it ok if we come by and take them out tomorrow morning?”

“By all means, you don’t have to ask permission to take your own children out. Any ways, Honey, why don’t you go pay, we should get going.” My dad went to pay and the rest of us got up. I gave my mom a hug, Joel said bye and I told her that we would see her tomorrow and we left.
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