Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Multicoloured Notebook

Life is Beautiful? My ass.

by MyFamousLastWords 1 review

Go fourth and continue.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2009-09-21 - Updated: 2009-09-21 - 165 words

So guys, again, updating slow as always. I can't really control my mind these days. It's been super blank and shit, this is just my physical life I guess. Maybe some thoughts later. This is all real, I only kept one person the same here. Every person in this is real just made into the oppisite gender. And I'm pretty sure Gari is a girl's name too! I didn't want him to be gay. I've also got quite the plot coming up next. And fourth come! My sister is no alchoholic...ahem. I'm just a fucked up 12 year old sometimes good fellow. Reviews? Generous chaps! Oh and Appitite For Desturtion will be updated soon! (I know I said that last time, it's still soon) - if not. I'm dead. Oh and if you're from Belfast, yes, I am one of those hippies/emos/creeps/goths (whatever) that sit at City Hall. Sorry for making this so long!

My alpology completey:
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