Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Stanford

You're what?

by GalacticFTW 1 review

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2009-09-27 - Updated: 2009-09-27 - 1756 words

A/N: This chapter made me kinda sad for some odd reason... BTW: this chapter mentions one of my fakemon, Elecros, which is an Acrocanthosaurus (ACK-roh-KAN-thoh-SAW-rus); a dinosaur from Oklahoma, Utah, Texas and possibly Maryland. I think I got the name combining electric + the c, r, o, s. An interesting thing about it is; that it’s covered in a thin layer of feathers. (Even though this isn’t true in the real Acrocanthosaurus.) Cyrus created it by putting Xatu DNA into a Rampardos and playing around with it (e.g. changing some of the genes’ characteristics around - I know, it sounds weird - but it is happening in real life, people are trying to create dinosaurs from chickens; by changing the wings into arms, etc; or they are at least trying.).


Chapter 6

I had obviously fallen asleep after my obsessive crying… I woke up to some sand in my mouth. I coughed it up and looked at the sky… it was a clear blue day. I sure was angry though… I got up and walked to a palm tree and punched it angrily; this caused a few of the immature coconuts to fall. I never realised how much strength I really had! “I have… failed… I failed Veilstone… I failed Iron Island… I have failed to keep my lover alive… I failed to keep Cyrus away from alcohol…,” I kept punching it, until my hands started to bleed. “I HAVE… FAILED…!” I punched it one last time, nearly breaking my hand. Now, I don’t necessarily like blood… it gives me the willies. I panted so hard, I must have fainted from exhaustion. I woke up, got up and walked off slowly. “Might as well finish this mission without her...,” I sniffled. I walked... and walked... and walked... (The base on this island is over ten miles!) I must have walked at least an hour... “I sure as hell don’t feel good...,” I groaned. I looked around carefully... Cyrus supposedly created a Pokémon called Elecros... I have no idea how or why he created him, probably just to play God. I sighed. I walked to a grove of trees, picked up some branches, and some old palm fibres; I then tied the fibre around it and made it look like a cross. I sniffled slightly and buried part of it into the sand.

“...To the late, great and beautiful Marie Julie Regard...,” My eyes watered as I walked off. I still didn’t feel good. I heard a deep growling; I turned around to see the Pokémon - Elecros right before me - my knees were shaking like crazy... was it going to eat me? I gulped. “I-I won’t-t-t h-urt-t y-you...” For one thing, Cyrus only mentioned it; he never really described it fully... which isn’t good for me...

“Ele?” It seemed to cock its head and walked closer while sniffing me. “Ele! Cros!” It continued to rub against me.

“Say... you’re not too bad,” I smiled while petting it. Surprisingly for a reptile-like Pokémon, it was covered in a thin coating of feathers, called protofeathers, which is very soft. “Say... could you help me please?” I sniffled again.

“Ele? Cros?”

“If you see her - ” I pulled out my wallet and took out a picture of her. “- Please tell me, OK?”

“Ele!” It nodded.

“Thank you,” I rubbed its muzzle. It turned around and slowly walked off. “Not a bad Pokemon,” I mumbled.


Marie’s P.O.V (A/N: I normally don’t do this, but I think she deserves some more recognition).

About five hours before Stan lands on the island.

I noticed that Stan was gone... and I, of course, was falling. “Go Pelipper!” I said just before hitting the water. He flew under me and I landed right smack-dab on his back; this caused him to wince slightly. He recovered quickly and he flew to the island. Oh God, where was my Stanford?! I thought he was... dead... “Oh, God... please help me...,” I sighed.

“Pelipper...,” he said calmly. I think he knew what my pain was. I’ve had him ever since I was a little kid and before I joined Galactic... in fact, he was my first Pokemon.

“I’m OK... for now... I guess...”

“Peli...,” he landed on the island carefully. I thanked and returned him.

“Stan... ford?! Where are you?!” I called... and called. But no answer... I started to sniffle. I came to a clearing of trees... I saw something peculiar. “What is that?” I walked up closer to it. It was a cross tied together with palm fibres. “I bet Stan did this... he’s bound to be around here somewhere...,” I walked on, passed the wooden cross. I sighed. I knew I was getting closer to the base... but I was tired and I had pangs for food and rest. I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going, either... I accidentally tripped. “Oof,” I just lied there. I saw that my radio had fallen out of my pocket. “Hmm... maybe I could try to radio Stan...,” I sat up and picked it up. “This is Mars to Saturn, pick up please, over....”


Back to Stan’s P.O.V....

I heard a slight garbled voice “Marie?!” I was stunned... I thought she was gone for sure... I guess not. I picked up the radio and said, “This is Saturn. Marie! You’r-r-e alive?! But how?! And where are you?! Please come to the base, I’ve arrived! Over.” Something in me was telling me all along she wasn’t dead at all...

“I’ll explain when I get there. I’m almost there. And yes, they don’t call me a survivor for nothin’, over!”

“Alright, bye-bye... over,” I sighed... I had no idea what I was feeling... what were these feelings; happiness, surprise, or shocked... or maybe a mix of both? I had too many emotions really, to actually tell. “I-I can’t be-elieve... she’s a-alive...,” I fainted, for obvious reasons.

“Stan... Stan! Stanford! Wake up! Please!” A familiar voice said while shaking me. I opened my eyes and grunted groggily.

“Huh...? Oh Marie!! My God!! I thought you were dead!” I hugged her so tightly she started to cough.

“Stan... oh my... your hugs are great...,” she hugged me back. We both cried for awhile and finally stopped... she also told me what happened and how she survived. I was shocked! I smiled...

I looked around at the base... it’s pretty crappy. I mean, come on Cyrus! Stupid evil genius couldn’t even figure out a good way to run electricity... it’s run by solar power (we have to flip a certain switch to turn it on)... oh God. It’s horrible! There are always storms on this island for some odd reason, I never really understood why (I’m not a walking meteorologist!). Every time a large storm comes or when it’s really windy, the power goes out. Which is stupid... and sucks. The solar panels may not be stable, but the building is; it happens to be made out of re-enforced steel with concrete. I don’t like the floors either: they’re made out of a hard concrete interior with a steel exterior - well - it’s very uncomfortable. The idiot Cyrus forgot to add beds for us (Marie and I seem to be the only ones that come out here... I think we’re the guinea pigs... he never tortures Jade or Paul [Charon]) to lie down on... and sleeping on the hard floor for me; it causes all of my joints to creak and my back to cinch - the pain is almost unbearable! The only thing nice that’s nice in the hell-hole that there is a bathroom... with a shower? What on earth was Cyrus thinking?! (I guess he did that because he drinks like... twenty beers a day, and on his second liver)... hence, he built a bathroom. There is also another problem... no air conditioning. My hands were clamy and we both started sweating like crazy. I was also starving... but once again, all Cyrus put in this hell-hole is a mini-fridge - with just STUPID BEER and possibly just old, rotting meat (no joke)! And there’s one more thing: this building happens to be built right near a cave. I, myself, or Marie, have not been into it so I have no idea that it’s like.

“Phew... I sure am hot...,” I wiped the sweat off of my forehead. I was sweat so much that my hair was starting to straighten out. I could hear Marie giggling at this. I laughed back because the same thing was happening to her.

“Your hair looks funny,” she stuck her tongue out.

“I would sure love to swim in the ocean right now; but we have to find out what we are really supposed to do...,” I sighed.

“I wonder why he never tells us what to do?”

“I have no idea...”

“Oh well, let’s radio him,” she pulled the radio out of her pocket. “This is Mars to Cyrus, come in? Over.”

“What the hell do you w-want...o-over...,” I could hear him retch over the radio.

“Gross...,” I mumbled.

“We’re wondering what you want us to do here,” she replied, slightly huffed at his drunkenness.

“Oh... oh-oh yeah... my hoard of Gyarados have... used Dragonrage on Winona and company... c-causing them to-to land on Glass-ss... I-Island...,” thud! He fell to the ground... hard. He must have been in a bar of all places. “And-d I want yyou... to tuuurn themmm... into... Pokémon... o-vverrr...,” he said in a garbled voice. We both nodded and she turned off the radio. Luckily, there was already some of that chemical there.

“Ugh, I’m tired of Cyrus being like that...,” I sighed.

“So am I!” She nodded.

“Come on, let’s go find your chemical before looking for Winona and company...,” I sighed. She nodded. The place where Cyrus keeps the chemicals is in the very back of the building, around three corners and three doors down from the bathroom. What also sucks is that this place is huge... really annoying. But we can make it there in about five minutes. When I thought everything would get better, my bad shoulder began to hurt... I groaned in pain and fainted... again.

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