Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Only Vampiric Love Can Last Forever

Silver tears

by ElaLovesYou 1 review

It's almost morning.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2009-09-29 - Updated: 2010-07-08 - 799 words

Ray pressed his lips together as the fire spread through his veins.
Gerard was totally unaware, the blood on his tongue tasted like heaven nomatter where it came from... Wait... He struggled to rearrange his thoughts as more of the blessed liquid ran down his throat.
'This is Ray!'
'You can't do this to Ray! Let go of him! Now!'
'I can't!'
'Yes you can! He's your best friend!'
'I'm not in control! I can't stop! Help me!'
Gerard felt his fangs be ripped away from Rays jungular as his body was spun away from any form of blood and thrown into the wall.
Frank stood between Gerard and the others, an exquisite snarl rippling up from deep in his chest.
He turned, his eyes still on Gerard, and licked the open wound on Ray's neck. It healed instantly and the change began for him.
Frank turned back to Gerard, who hadn't moved an inch in this whole time, and stared straight into his deep hazel eyes. Though hard at first, his expression slowly softened as he read the deep sorrow in them.
"I know you didn't mean it. You couldn't help it." Frank mumbled.
He walked over and gently lay his head on Gerard's chest. Gerard's arms came up almost automatically to encircle themselves around Frank, hugging him tight.
He didn't realise he was crying until Frank leant up shyly and delicately brushed the tears off his cheeks.
"Thankyou. Frankie?" He lowered his head. "Bob's dead. I think." The tears began to fall again and he sunk to his knees, crying gently. Frank layed a hand on Gerard's shoulder, gently stroking it.
"I'm sure he's not dead. I can hear his heart beating. Are you ok?"
Gerard nodded slightly, a simple jerk of his head and layed out on the floor, exhausted by the emotions of the past few hours.
The corners of Franks mouth twitched upward a little as he felt the danger leaving the air.
He turned to Bob then. "Robert? If you hear me answer my voice in your thoughts."
'Yeah, I can hear you. It's Bob.'
Frank grinned widely, "Right. Well Bob. You have only about two minutes to live. Do you wish to go quietly to the other side or do you care to join us in our eternal damnation."
'Please. I'm not ready to die yet. It's not my time.'
"If you join us you will never have a time. Do you truly want this?"
'Yes I do. I know it hurts but I need to live! Please!'
"Ok, be ready now."
Frank drew back from Bob's mind and gently tilted his head back to get access to his throat. He took a deep breath, reinserted his mind into Bob's, just incase, and bit down gently.
The moment he tasted Bob's blood he released his venom and gently withdrew both his fangs and, with a departing wave of calm, his mind.
Frank licked the wound to seal it then turned back to Gerard to see him watching in fascination. He blushed slightly under Gerard's intense gaze and averted his eye's to the doorway where a younger Way was leaning heavily on the doorframe. Frank, sure of himself now, walked straight over, lifted Mikey gently and placed him on the floor next to Gerard.
Mikey snuggled into Gerard's chest, warm from his recent meal, and fell asleep quickly.
Gerard kissed him gently on his forehead and looked over the top of his head at Frank who was sitting crosslegged on the ground between Bob and Ray watching over them ith such love that Gerard's insides seemed to turn over and if he had had a heart it would have tried to leap out of his chest.
Frank felt him staring and looked up straight into Gerard's eyes and smiled warmly, mouthing 'sleep.'
Gerard smiled back and nodded, 'night love.' he mouthed back blushing.
Frank looked straight into Gerard's eyes, blushing slightly and blew him a kiss.
Gerard closed his eyes and sunk his head down onto the floor, asleep in seconds.
Frank, however, stayed awake for a long time, thinking over the exchange. 'Gerard had said goodnight love did it mean anything? I doubt it. He doesn't love me. I'm alone in my love.' That was when the tears began to fall and the sobs threaten to burst his chest apart.
Bob awoke briefly and stroked Franks hair a little but fell asleep about two minutes later.
Ray woke up a few seconds later and, unlike Bob, came over to Frank and, noticing the silver trails the tears had left on his face, sat down beside him and hugged him until first light when Frank finally fell asleep on his lap.
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