Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Only Vampiric Love Can Last Forever


by ElaLovesYou 0 reviews

mild swearing

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-10-10 - Updated: 2010-07-08 - 705 words

It was almost midday before anyone woke up again.
Ray refused to move, even when tempted by a feed, because as Frank slept on him he looked more and more vulnerable and in need of protection.
Ray absentmindedly stroked Frank's hair and watched the others as they tried out their new abilities.
Gerard was sitting in the corner, his eyes closed and a look of pure concentration on his face.
Mikey was playing with a peice of string, waving it around and watching in amusement as Bob darted after it.
Ray smiled slightly when Bob mumbled quietly with frustration, "Why can't I get it? I'm faster than him!"
Frank turned over in his lap with a small whimper and gently took Ray's hand that rested on his head, pressing it to his cold, smooth cheek with a tiny hint of a smile.
A few hours passed and Gerard hadn't moved an inch. Mikey was watching him with a look of confusion and concern.
'I hope he's ok...' Mikey thought.
At almost the exact same time he thought that, Gerard opened his eyes and smiled comfortingly at Mikey.
He gasped, " did you do that??!"
Gerard's face fell, "Do what?"
"Read my thoughts!" Mikey said, his voice coloured with a hidden panic. Everyone else had turned by then and were staring at the brothers. Ray looked tense, Bob apprehensive and Frank woke to look straight at them, sensing the strain in the air.
Gerard looked confused. "What? Didn't you say that out loud?"
Mikey shook his head a little, looking a little freaked.
Gerard closed his eyes again and delibrately stretched his mind outward. Searching.
He was so surprised when he hit Mikey's thoughts again that he almost laughed.
Mikey's mind radiated a curious mix of innocent worry and a willing to learn, masked by curiosity. Gerard smiled, 'Hello little brother.' He thought.
Mikey jumped violently and leapt to his feet, "HOLY CRAP!!!" He shouted, scaring everyone else so badly that Bob dove out the window, Frank leapt into Ray's arms, Ray almost dropped him and Mikey was swept up into Gerard's arms and hugged tightly.
"Uh...Guys?" Came a voice from outside the window, "What exactly happened..?" Bob clambered very ungracefully back through the window.
Gerard gently put Mikey back down with a relieved sigh. Mikey worked on stopping his pounding heart and Frank tapped Ray on the arm.
"You can put me down now..."
Ray smiled widely, placed Frank down on his feet then procceeded to fall to the floor, laughing his head off.
A moment later Frank and Bob joined him. They all ended up in a mild disarray, stretched out on the floor, clutching their stomachs and chuckling weakly.
Mikey laughed quietly to himself, still slightly unnerved by hearing Gerard's voice in his head.
Gerard was thinking deeply. 'So, I can now both read minds and put myself in peoples minds. I wonder if I can control them..." As he was thinking this, without realising, he was stretching his mind back into Mikey's.
Mikey was ripped out of his thought's abruptly when his arm suddenly lifted and he slapped himself across the face! "Gerard! Cut it out!" He whined cutely, rubbing his cheek with a pout growing on his lips.
Frank got up from the floor and ran over to Mikey, hugging him and giving Gerard a comically oversized frown. "That's mean you meanie!" Frank said in a cute, little kid voice, poking his tongue out at Gerard.
Gerard drew back then tried to enter Frank's mind to see if he was kidding. He was not expecting what he found there.

The second he entered Frank's mind he was overwhelmed by an overpowering wave of mixed and very confusing emotion. There was a strong feeling of love, close and almost equal was strong guilt and underlying that was a profound sadness.
This turned out too much for Gerard, he swayed on his feet then collapsed, but not before hearing the surprised shouts of his friends. One voice stood out in perticular. Frank's.
He hid his feelings well but Gerard knew about them now and he could hear the anguish in his voice.
A second later, he was uncontious.
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