Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Lucian, M.D.

The Great Battle Commences!

by GalacticFTW 0 reviews

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2009-10-03 - Updated: 2009-10-03 - 1367 words

Chapter 102

“Let’s see what you two have,” I looked at them. They both sat down on a patient chair. I fumbled around for a Popsicle stick (I have no idea what they’re called… that’s just what I call them). The two looked at me curiously. “Here we go…!” I found two Popsicle sticks and some cue tips (they’re more for swabbing than anything). “Let’s start with you Candice, you seem pretty bad,” I grabbed a vial. “Say ‘ahh’.”

“Ahhhh…,” she opened her mouth. I put the Popsicle stick on her tongue; I’m lucky enough to usually get passed the gag reflex; she gagged.

“Oh, sorry, I was trying to avoid that,” I got the cue tip all the way to the back of her throat. She gagged and coughed for a few seconds. “Whoa, are you OK?”

“Yeah, that really did gag me though,” she sighed and coughed again. She coughed up some yellow sputum. I immediately thought an sinus infection. I looked at Dawn. “Eww… so gross…,” she mumbled.

“Your turn, Dawn,” I grinned.

“OK then,” she hesitated. I walked up to her and did the same; she didn’t gag at all.

“Wow, you sure are a trooper,” I grinned. “You didn’t even gag at all.”

She grinned. “Yep, I’ve been to the doctor so many times it’s not even funny.” Candice and I chuckled.

“I take it you got a lot of respiratory infections, then?” I asked. She nodded. “Ah, I see now. Anyway, I’m going to run these two samples, all right?” The two nodded happily. I walked off, through the winding hallways and into the lab.

“Hey Lucian, what’s up?” Baum asked.

“Hi, Baum, I have two samples for you,” I grinned.

His eyes widened. “Ooh… let me see please. Oh by the way, you can call me Bartholomäus, how does that sound?” He smiled.

“Yeah, sure, that’s fine – such a strong, nice German name. I like it.”

“Why thank you!” He grinned and I handed him the samples as I nodded a ‘you’re welcome’. “Let’s see…,” he looked under the microscope… “Looks like Moraxellacatarrhalis to me.”

“Hmm…. Interesting… Moraxella catarrhalis is fairly common cause of sinus infections, is it not?” Moraxella catarrhalis is an interesting species of bacteria – because it causes otitus media (inflammation of the middle ear, basically), bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchial tubes in the lungs), sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses, the air pockets in the head), and also laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx, the disease in which people have trouble talking).

“Yeah, it is, it’s also resistant amoxicillin, too. So I’d treat the patients with Trimethoprim.”

“Right, I’ll do that,” I nodded and walked off. “Thank you, Bartholomäus,” I grinned.

“No problem!” He smiled and I walked off to give the two a prescription for Trimethoprim.


Chomp’s POV

We all stared at that poor Mamoswine that we defeated. We felt bad for it, it turns out that it was rampaging because it was really angry because a bunch of humans cut down and burnt the forest it was living in.

“Sorry we attack you,” I lowered my head down and looked at the ground. I felt really stupid, in fact, we all did probably. “And we’re sorry about what happened to your habitat… that’s just terrible,” I roared. “Guys – this is war… come on! We got to find out who did this!”

“Yes…!” They all agreed with me. I grinned.

“Now Mamoswine, tell us where your forest is,” I asked.

“It’s just north of here,” she replied. “But it’s very dangerous there… some of the humans threatened to kill some of the Pokemon if they got in their way.”

I growled deeply. “It’s just best if the strongest of us went. I turned and looked at Boris. “Hey Boris, can’t bullets fly off of you?”

“Yeah, if I use Iron Defence,” he replied to my question.

“Great… let’s so who we can take along with us,” I looked around. “Boris, Gabby, Storic, Missy, Barry, Merick, Riri, Daniel, Emil, Hughes, Fifi, Winoc, Sergius, Paulie, Inferno, Polaris, Bendoit, Rexana, and Marlow; you all come with me, all right?” They all nodded. “Umbra, you go tell Lucian that we’re going somewhere. Francois, Joelle, and Takis; you keep a look out, and if anything goes wrong, you send reinforcements. Also, Mamoswine, I’d like it if you came with us.” Everyone nodded and the four birds went to their respected places. “LET’S GO…!” I roared. Gabby, Fifi, Winoc, Storic, Missy, Boris, Benduit, and I descended into the sky. Emil disappeared into his keystone and Riri picked him up. It was really his only way of travelling, other than possessing someone else (plus he had no idea where we were going anyway). The others stayed behind. “Oh, and one more thing… Xerxes,” I hovered.

“Yes…?” He replied solemnly.

“We may need your help in seeing the future, so could you please keep watch, too?” I asked nicely.

“Yes sir,” he replied while flying up and following the other three birds.


Umbra’s POV

“Almost there,” I flapped hard. I landed on a windowsill of an empty hospital room; it happened to be open so I just flew in nonchalantly. I jumped onto the bed and looked around. “Hmm…,” I mumbled. I flew through one of the winding hallways… “Shit.”

“Hey what are you doing here?!” A doctor yelled at me. I growled and flew higher than anyone could reach, because it just happened to be an atrium with a really tall ceiling. I smirked.

“Can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread bird,” I chuckled. I twisted my body and spun around. “Lucian where are you…?!” I called. “Lucian…!” I continued to look around; I didn’t see him… so I decided just to fly down the halls instead.

“Umbra…?” There he was, right in front of me: Lucian! “What are you doing here?”


Lucian’s POV

“Umbra… is there something wrong…?”

“I hate to tell you this, but some of your guys’ Pokemon have gone to help this Mamoswine’s habit – so they are pretty much going to war on these humans…,” he hesitated.

“Umm… they’re WHAT?!” I blurted. Umbra shirked back a little. “You got to be joking me, right?” It foiled my plans…

“Lucian – we are VERY BORED!!!! THERE IS NOTHING TO DO WHEN YOU AREN’T HERE!!!!” He squawked. “We are actually tired of you working here…”

“Umbra… why don’t you listen to my plan…?”

“What is it…?” He asked; I leant near his ears.

“I was hoping to re-landscape foyer outside, in which all of you guys could play outside and hang out while we are here, got it? Keep it a secret.”

“Right…, I will,” he nodded. “OK, I should go now; I think the others will need me; goodbye,” he flew off.

“Bye, Umbra…. Oh shit, we have a huge deal on our hands…,” I sneered.


Chomp’s POV

“Are we almost there…?” I glided past Mamoswine. She nodded. “Great,” I smiled. I could see a bunch of destroyed/felled trees up ahead. I growled deeply at this. This Mamoswine does not deserve this bullshit… “Come on, let’s sneak in,” I landed along with the others, too. We walked quietly passed a few felled trees and heavy machinery. I spotted a human chasing off a Buneary. I roared and used Dragon Rush on the fucking stupid person.

“Ahhh…!” He screamed and was knocked out before he could so anymore. I didn’t really feel any need to kill humans, so I carried him to the others and they tied him up and gagged him. We all chuckled at the stupid human. The Buneary joined us to help us fight, too.

“All right, let’s see if there are anymore,” I looked at everyone. I spotted some humans running at us; Gabby and I used Dragonrage lightly. The three humans were burnt slightly and screamed bloody murder and ran away (for some odd reason)…

I knew there would be more, though…


A/N: w00t!
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