Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Little Game Called Life

Kiss The Ring

by XxLovexMCRxMusicxX 3 reviews

"He's broken... and I wanna fix him"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2009-10-12 - Updated: 2009-10-12 - 528 words

~The Next Day~

Yesss.... Finally Saturday has come. Because I did miss the Second day of school, wasted on my ass getting beat or visiting devil spawns. Bob and a guy with a big bushy Fro are coming over. I think Bob Calls him "Toro"? I think thats his last name, I dunno. So me, bob, Mikey and Toro are gonna have a Halo 3 match of the week. I'm so gonna suck ass. Good thing my mom's working late, she hasn't said anything to me since yesterday. I don't mind it much, but what I do mind is that Frank is watching me smoke from his bedroom window. Fucking weirdo. I gave him the finger and threw my cigarette onto the floor and step on it as I see Frank have this uncomfortable blushing face and closes the curtain. I sat on the side walk a got a little piece of chalk that was lying in the grass and started to draw a little stick figure comic thats starts dancing and singing then another stick figure walks up and pulls out a paddle and chases him around and at the end instead of beating him with it, the figure kisses him. I squeeze the chalk in my hand until in turns into powder and get up and mess up the drawing and walk back inside.

Been abused my whole fucking teenage life no one will love me with all the amount of scars and stitches I've had! I went over to the couch and just collapsed and put a blanket over my self and fell asleep.


My fingers move up and down the neck of the guitar without my control, playing a soft melody that was interrupted by my mother and father having an argument down stairs. Again. I try to ignore it but I lost track of my train of thought. I get up and put my guitar down n my bed and put my sweater on and walk out my room down the stairs and try to sneek past my parents. I look around and see their bedroom door closed and I hear the muffled voices from behind it. I get outside and try to look for something to do. I walk to the side walk and I see a little chalk drawing that looks like someone had tried to ruin it. "Looks like Gerard drew it..." I said to my self as I looked at the signature.

"He's Broken... I wanna fix him."


"Ha! Gerard you suck ass man!" Ray Toro said as he sniped me and won the game. " I already knew this..." I said yawning and rubbing my eyes. "You're still tired?! Dude you've had 4 cups of coffee in less than an hour!" Bob said grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me, and when he let go I fell backward. We heard the doorbell ring and we all told Mikey to go get the door. "Why do I have to do it?!" Mikey said crossing his arms. "Because we're older than you. Now go." I told him and he got up and went downstairs and answers the door. "Gerard its for you~!"
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