Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets


by lyrical_lies 1 review

just a note...really important tho read!!!

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-16 - Updated: 2009-10-17 - 225 words

Ok so heres the deal, either way your going to have to wait a while for me to update this story. somethings just not right with it and its driffting farter away from my original plan for it more and more. so here are your options.

1) i could go back and re-write this story, edit it, draw it out more. now this would be my preferance but it would also take the longest to update as i would be going back to the begining and basically writing a new story. this would be the best option for people who like the story but think it needs some fine tuning.

2) i could continue the story as is and see were it leads without planning anything. this is basically what has happened with my other story and i didnt like the way it turned out at all so i took it of this site. this is for you readers who like the story now and would like it to be continued asap

also in option one i would present gray in a moredefencing and hostile way, not opening up as much or as soon and reletivly stand-off-ish.

please tell me what you think! all you have to say is 1 or 2 in your review!! its really important to the future of this fic....thanks!

lots of love
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