Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets

Pillow Talk

by lyrical_lies 1 review

Grays secrets are thrust into the light but should they have stayed hidden?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2009-09-27 - Updated: 2009-09-27 - 721 words

“WHAT?!” Pete’s mouth was wide open, he couldn’t believe what she had said. Was she talking about the same Bret? She killed him?

“I could have stopped it! I was just so scared and then when James pulled the knife I…I ran. I didn’t know what else to do!” Gray was close to hysterics. She didn’t know why she had opened up to Pete but it was too late to turn back now.

“Shhhh Gray you’re alright. Tell me what happened.” She looked into Pete’s eyes, full of genuine concern. Gray straitened up and faced Pete. The story she had fought to hide for so long flowing out like a river breaking through a weak dam.

“Back in high school, when I was like sixteen, my parents were killed in a car crash. The family I had left didn’t want me so I got shoved in the foster care system. The first house I went to was alright. It was an older man, in his fifties. He had a dog and was good to me. Let me do whatever basically and gave me food and a bed when I needed it. I got pulled out of there though when he was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s.”

“Then they shoved me into a family that had like twenty kids. They worked us like we were cattle so I ran away. The police caught up with me and that’s when I got sent to the Wilson’s. Everyone was nice enough but made it clear blood family came before me. We had our arguments but what family didn’t? Me and Brent got along great and when he joined Panic! he brought me along to there practice’s. Eventually Brendon plucked up the courage to ask me out and we dated for about a year. You had signed them and everything was going great.”

“They put out their first album and were a huge hit. Bret had talked to me though and said he didn’t want to be a part of Panic anymore. I was planing on going to art school after high school and Bret was going to come up to New York with me and work on music. A week before we were supposed to leave he told the guys and they were ok with it I guess. Me and Brendon were having trouble though. We had both known that after high school we would probably break up, but faced with the facts we couldn’t take it.”

“One night I got in an argument with James, Bret’s cousin. The whole family came rushing in. Bret came over, trying to defend me when James pulled a knife and accidentally stabbed Bret instead of me. James turned to me then and came after me with the knife. I ran as fast as I could out of the house and away from that place. They would have blamed the whole thing on me and I didn’t want to go to juvi. I left B a note saying that I had gone to school and I loved him. I never knew exactly what happened to Bret after that but a day or two later I saw a news broadcast saying I was wanted for questioning in a manslaughter case. I’ve been running the past couple years.”

omg so i roally fucked up...i started this story with all my main charactersclearly defined....Gray was supossed to be a hard ass but reading through this again she cries more than a fucking baby!! uh its driving me up the wall!! fuck!

haha idk why i said that but still my point stands... whatever though i cant change it now really.... so ive decided that this stor is going to finish around chapter 15 or so...cause i didnt really draw out the plot at all and ill chalk that up to me being lazy...maybe in a couple months when my other story is finished ill go back and re write this one but for now your stuck with this...

oh and sorry about the super long quote from gray...i tried and failed to break it up but whatever deal with it...

as always rate and review!!

Lots of Love
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