Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets

Crushed like a Cigarette

by lyrical_lies 0 reviews

False hopes and crushed dreams

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2009-09-27 - Updated: 2009-09-27 - 1283 words

Brendon was ecstatic. She was coming, she had said yes and this was going to be the best tour he had ever been on. There was even an extra bunk on panic’s bus! He could only imagine how great it would be to see her smile again, her smile that lit up a room. To be able to joke and play around like he used to. To be able to hold her again. That’s what Brendon missed most about Gray. To be able to have someone to hold when he was scared or exhausted or just needed comfort. Just thinking about it made Brendon want to scream.

“Ry, She’s coming! She’s actually coming with us!” Brendon shouted as he ran on to the bus. Ryan smirked a little, knowing how much Brendon missed Gray. Ryan laughed as Brendon jumped around the bus. Throwing things around in an effort, Ryan thought, to clean up the bus. Brendon ran back to the bunks and threw Spencer’s stuff out of his bunk.

“Brendon you know he will kill you for doing that!” Brendon looked over muttered “right” to no one in particular and threw all his stuff back in, then proceeded to move Jon’s stuff out of his bunk. As Ryan watched Brendon shuffle everyone’s stuff around, Spencer came in.

“What’s he doing?” Ryan just shrugged as Spencer picked up his laptop and left again.

“B, have you cleared it with Pete?” Brendon’s heart fell and he stopped moving. How quickly things change, to one second be overwhelmed with happiness and the next so weighed down with hopelessness. Stupid fucking Pete always had to ruin everything. Just when Brendon had gotten her back, when his life was finally going the way he wanted Peter Wentz was going to take it all away from him. How ironic: The man who gave him everything was about to take it all away.

Pete sat on fob’s bus. No one would come looking for him there, the place he was supposed to be. He thought about the other night, trying to understand what had really happened. That girl, Gray, Brendon had called her, went mental and attacked him. What had he done to deserve that? She… Someone knocked on the bus door. Pete got out of his bunk and went to the window.

It was her.

Pete quickly drew back from the window but slowly trudged to the door when Gray yelled,

“Pete I know you’re in there! I need to talk to you.” He didn’t need this or another black eye. The one he had hurt him plenty.

“What.” Pete said, abruptly opening the door. Before he knew it Gray was pushing past him and into the little lounge area, continuing to the kitchenette. Pete watched as she pulled up a bag of stuff onto the counter and began pulling random items out. First a glass dish, then a gallon bag of powder, sprinkles, chocolate bars, and a movie. Aladdin.

“Um, what are you doing?” He could not understand what she was concocting let alone the reason for it.

“When I’m done.” Was all she said. So for the next ten minutes Pete sat on the couch and watched her mix the various ingredients and put them in the microwave.

“So that’s done.” She stated. Pete still did not understand what she was doing. Her violent mood swings were giving him whiplash and he was sure that if he were not so shocked by her actions that he would be furious right now.

“Um what’s done.” Pete asked bitterly

“The cookies, well cookie. I made a giant one to share.” Gray saw the confused look on his face when he opened his mouth again but she cut him off.

“Look I’m no good at apologies. Really I suck and the best I can do is…” Gray got up as she said this and retrieved the glassware from the microwave, sitting on the table between them.

“this. I’m sorry for what happened and I know this doesn’t fix everything and I have no right to ask for you friendship but… I was hoping at least to clear the air.” Gray looked down at the table knowing how much rested upon his answer. There was no way he would forget what happened. Gray knew his type, never forgive and never forget. She just hoped she was wrong.

A wave of anger washed over Pete. How dare she! She beat him up then asked for forgiveness without offering any explanation as to why she did it?! No it was too much. He would never forgive her let alone be her friend. But as he was about to open his mouth, a voice in the back of Pete’s head spoke.

Pete, really man?


Why the fuck aren’t you going to forgive her.

Have you seen my face??

Yes and it’s a mess but you did start it.

What do you mean?

You don’t remember?

“Brendon Urie you know better than to make this hole show late because of some fucking skank!” Remember now?

I didn’t mean it! And what was I supposed to think! We’ve already had to cancel the show in Madison because of her! Next it’s going to be Chicago!

Pete I’m not going to argue with you because that’s just petty. All I’m going to say is you kind of disserved it. For once in your life stop being an ass and forgive her.

Gray was close to tears. He hadn’t said anything in over a minute and she was pretty sure that if he ever did speak she wouldn’t want to here what he had to say. All her hope, her dreams were crumbling in the silence and she couldn’t take it anymore. She was just about to stand up when Pete looked up at her then and the cookie and took a bite. His eyes grew wide and through the food still in his mouth, said

“Oh my god! You aren’t getting any of this!” He smiled and nodded, assuring Gray everything was fine. She laughed with happiness and excitement as she reached for some of the cookie. Pete slapped her hand and both froze for a second. Gray laughed again and tackled him to the floor. After several minutes of play fighting over the cookie they stopped, there being no more of the cookie to fight over. Half had been eaten and the rest lay strewn over the floor. Through heavy breathing and giggles here and there, Gray managed to speak.

“I have more mix.” They turned to face each other on the floor and both broke into a smile.

“What are you waiting for then?” Pete laughed.

As Gray made another giant cookie, Pete began the movie. The both sat there picking at the food, eyes transfixed to the TV screen. They sat glued like this for about an hour. Just as Jasmine starting singing ‘A Whole New World’ Gray turned to Pete.

“I killed Bret.” Pete froze.

So sorry ive kinda made Pete out to be the bad offence ment! i really like him as a person but someone needed to be an ass and he was the easiest so... but all fixed now...sortta...

oooo and you like my killer cliff hagger?

dont worry i felt so bat for not posting in the past like 2 weeks i wrote another chapter so ill go post the right now...

as always rate and review please!!

Lots of Love
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