Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets

Just go Back

by lyrical_lies 3 reviews

Wouldnt it be great if the past c

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-09-12 - Updated: 2009-09-13 - 810 words

The whirring of a fan and a few pieces of whispered voices coming from the tv were all Gray heard when she woke up. The bed she was currently occupying was littered with pieces of scribbled on paper and shoved aside clothes. She looked up and rolled out of the bed into a strange room, all alone. Gray stumbled a little as she tiptoed her way toward the hotel room door. She tried her best to avoid all the books, shirts, and shoes that littered the floor but ended up tripping over a few anyway. Turning the handle slowly as to not make any sound Gray slipped out of the room. She looked up and down the hall but as she set out for the elevators their own doors opened and out came Brendon, Ryan, Zack, and Jon.

“Hey your awake!” Ryan said cheerfully but his voice faded as Gray turned quickly to the staircase, walking fast to avoid a confrontation with the boys. But just as before Brendon ran after her. She made her way down the stairs and out of the lobby to the street. She noticed immediately that they were still in Chicago. Brendon was still following her but Gray was sure she would be able to loose him. Her knowledge of the city and its back alleys and side streets were impressive to say the least.

“Gray wait up!” He would never understand. What happened last night could have been a lot worse and she didn’t need a repeat of past events. Gray knew why Brendon was so intent on her staying she also knew that it wouldn’t work and just end up hurting both of them, again.


“Look Brendon,” Gray said as she whipped around still several feet in front of him. “I know what you want from me but its not going to happen.”

“Why.” Brendon could only see the good that would come with her staying. He would be truly happy for the first time she’d left. They wouldn’t be torn apart again because she had already said she had nowhere to go. Ryan Spencer and Jon had always wanted to meet her since they had heard Brendon’s stories. He knew she would get along great with everyone on tour, except maybe Pete.

“We can’t just pick up where we left off! A lot has happened since then, things have changed, I’ve changed.” Grays head dropped to her chest. Did everything really have to change between them? How much more could it hurt Gray to try and fix things with B then to keep living like she was now?

“That doesn’t matter! I just want you back and I don’t care how. The last couple years have been agony. I mean, I knew you had to leave but we could have had more time! You could have said goodbye!” Tears were once again cascading down Gray’s face and Brendon looked close to tears as well.

“I didn’t want to hurt you anymore than I already was…” She half whispered and Brendon knew that was only half the truth. He would have gone with her, would have left the band just to be with her. Gray knew that. Brendon stepped closer to her, closing the gap between them. He took his time staring into her eyes, getting lost in their beauty and softly kissed her. First on the cheek then the lips. Gray pulled back long enough to whisper “sorry” and then crashed her lips against his. They stood like this, in the cold morning air of Chicago for a minute or two then broke apart.

“So does this mean you’ll come with me?” Gray smiled up into his perfect face and only then realized that there was no question weather she would or wouldn’t. There had never been, inevitably she would have given everything up and gone with him.

“Yes.” The hopeful smile on Brendon’s face now turned into one of pure joy. He grabbed her and lifted her up in the air and spun her around.

“You mean it? You will?!” He set her down and starred into her eyes, cupping her face in his hand. She nodded and he laughed.

“So how long will it take you to get all your stuff?” Grays face dropped at this. She guessed that Brendon had not taken her completely seriously last night because she had nothing. Truly, nothing but the clothes on her back. Ever since she had left Vegas, left her foster home. Gray had had nothing. No money, no hope and no help from anyone. She had needed to toughen up and quick. Nothing was easy and everything had a cost, weather it be money or pain.

“I have everything I own right now.” Gray said darkly.
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