Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets


by lyrical_lies 0 reviews

as far as you can as fast as you can...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2009-09-08 - Updated: 2009-09-08 - 875 words

AAAHHH!!!! first day of school! i made it out alive! celebratory update! haha oh my im sooooo tired tho..its crazy! well whatever...on with the story!


Hey dumb ass pick up you phone before it goes to voicemail! This is important B pick it up!
Ryan’s voice was yelling at him from his jean pocket. Gray gave a slight chuckle and unwrapped herself from him as Brendon reached for his pocket.

“Brendon where are you!? We were supposed to leave a half an hour ago. Everyone is pissed at you, man, you better get down here ASAP!” Jon sounded frantic and Brendon could here voices in the background “Did you get him?” “Where is he?” “I told him to be back here by ten…he never listens!”

“Jesus guys just calm down we’ll be back in like five minutes.” And with out another word, he hung up.

“We?” Gray asked. “I’m not coming with you.”

“Well you just said you have nowhere else to go and I can’t leave you here. So the only solution is for you to come with me.”

“Can’t or won’t?”

“Both” She looked skeptical about the idea and asked,

“And where would we be going?” Brendon was ready for her question and took it as a yes. Dragging her into the deserted street and twirling around he shouted,

“Anywhere and everywhere!” he looked back to Gray with a huge smile across his face. “Where ever the wind may take us!”

“Off to Zanzibar to meet the Zanzibarbarians!” Gray shouted laughing at the ridiculous quote.

“AAHHH! You remembered!” They both danced around in the street spinning and laughing and yelling out more lines from Muppet Treasure Island until Brendon’s cell went off again.

“Oh shit! We gotta go!: He grabbed Gray’s hand and they ran laughing and singing along the way. When they reached the hotel everyone was waiting outside. Both immediately stopped and looked down in embarrassment.

“Damn it Brendon! This is why we are an hour late? Because of some girl you hooked up with!” Pete was angry, more so then Brendon had ever seen. He looked over at Gray who’s face was hidden with her head was so far down it made it almost impossible to see her crying but Brendon did and that was all it took.

“Shut the fuck up Pete! She not just some girl!” everyone looked stunned. Brendon had never yelled like that before in his life and no one had ever yelled at Pete like that, ever.

“Brendon Urie you know better than to make this hole show late because of some fucking skank!” That was it and everyone knew what Brendon would do. Ryan and Zack held Brendon off of Pete but un-noticed by most, Gray stormed up to Wentz and punched him full in the face.

“Don’t fucking talk to about her like that” Brendon yelled before he realized Gray was on top of Pete.

“No! Gray no! Stop!!” He yelled but everyone was still focused on him. That was until Gray scream.

“Don’t ever call me that again! You don’t know me!! You don’t know who I am, or what I’ve done!” Zack let go of Brendon and grab Gray’s waist from behind. As he picked her up she continued to scream.

“You don’t know me! You don’t know me!” She had stopped struggling and just lay in Zack’s arms, still shouting. Brendon took her in his own as more angry tears streamed her face. Pete was bleeding. His lip was split, blood running from his nose and a small cut above his eye.

“Gray, shhhh, your fine hun, your alright I just need you to calm down.” Brendon’s voice echoed in Gray’s head. She could do it. Brendon set her down and she stood. But when Gray saw Pete bloodied and bruised she gave Brendon an apologetic look and ran. What she had done finally sinking in. Ran as fast as she could down the street and around the corner. She ran as hard as she could for as long as she could until her legs gave out and she fell. She lay there, a sobbing pile of pathetic emotions. Anger, rage, and guilt flooded her body. All Gray could think about was Vegas and what, unknown by Brendon, had finally torn the two apart. She heard ragged breathing that did not belong to her and footsteps fast approaching. The shouts of angry men calling someone back.

“Gray! Oh my god! Are you ok? Are you hurt?” Brendon’s warm hand was against her cold cheek. He was hovering over her, waiting for her to move, to show signs of life. Slowly Gray opened her eyes and stared into his deep brown ones. A small smile slide across his face before she closed her eyes again, passing out.

“Brendon what the fuck do you think your doing?!”

ok not to sound like a broken record but please rate and review!! one more chapter and thats it...till i get reviews! even one will do! just so i know that somebody cares enough about this story!

thanks all!
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