Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Cardinal Regrets

Frozen in Time

by lyrical_lies 0 reviews

Flash back...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2009-09-03 - Updated: 2009-09-04 - 620 words

ok so i felt really bad about how short the last on was i give you this equilly short flash back. it explains a lot that you might have guessed but whatever.... so everyfew chapters r so im going to post a flash back chapter. it may be may not. buttheir backround is very important and i want to fill you in on all the dirty and terrible details! so i hope you enjoy!

“Gray come back!! I swear you’ll regret it!” Brendon was chasing Gray as she screamed and laughed. They both slid on the wet grass and fell. Brendon army crawling toward the still laughing girl.

“Grayson Lynne Kendel you will pay!” Brendon now propped up on top of the girl. He stared into her eyes as he brushed away a loose strand of her vibrant red hair. Gray starred back into his endless brown ones filled with love and joy and laughter.

“I love you Brendon Urie and nothing will ever change that.” Smiles spread across both of their faces. The glow from the afternoon sun lit her face beautifully and the pure bliss of the moment caught both in a passionate embrace. They broke apart when both ran out of air.

“And I love you, Grayson Kendel, until the end of time.” The smile on her face grew even wider as she pressed her lips against his. In one quick and fluid movement Gray reached to her left, picked up a water balloon and broke it on Brendon’s head. And the cycle went on well into the night until they were both soaked and shivering.

“Bren what are we going to do?”

“What do you mean babe?” They both lay in bed, face to face just staring into each other’s eyes, trying to memorize every detail of the others features.

“After high school, I mean. We can’t expect to just follow each other around. I’ve got art school in New York and you’ve got the band… I don’t know but how will we still have time for us?” With those simple words Brendon’s heart broke. He knew that he couldn’t ask gray to give up the only thing shed ever wanted, but he also knew that he couldn’t give up the band. Tears slid down Gray’s face as though she had read his mind. They both knew there was no future for them, a long distance relationship would never work.

“I know, hun, I know.” Tears now streamed both of their faces and for the rest of that night they just lay there crying, holding the other and wishing that the day when they would finally part would never come.

tragic right?

well it doesnt really matter but this does...ok so normally its not a big deal but this story is my brain child...its sooooo amazingly great if you can get past my god awful writing lol. but i still havent gotten any as of now i have up to chapter 6 written ill post five and if i dont get any reviews i wont post six and i wont write amymore. a lot of stuff has happened in the last week and im not going to have as much time on my hands. if this story is well liked ill find time to write, if it isnt ill shelve it which i really dont want to do. please at least review. even if its just you tellimg me you dont like it or that i didnt use proper grammer somewhere. Please review and/or rate! it means the world to me...and the future of this story!

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