Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > As Snow Falls On Desert Sky


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-20 - Updated: 2009-10-20 - 529 words - Complete

Gerard P.O.V One week later
The rest of the week went pretty much the same as Monday.
Mikey won't stop making fun of me though. Turns out he heard what my mom was saying when Lauren went to get dressed, he couldn't stop laughing on the way to school, but he promised not to tell anyone, but he did say that the rest of the guys knew how I felt about Lauren. Which I was thankful for. But now it is saturday and us six have the whole weekend together. We decided to go New York and left as soon as we got home from school yesterday.
Me, Mikey, Ray, Frank and Bob had been to New York before, but Lauren hadn't so we thought it would be cool to come here. I say we, but I mean me, but Lauren doesn't know that.
We're spending the weekend in a hotel, it's not expenisve but it's not cheap. It's just right. But only two could go to a room. Bob and Ray are sharing, and Mikey and Frank are sharing. Which means, I'm sharing with the love of my life.

Frank P.O.V
I'm shocked to say this to myself, but, I'm not jealous that Gerard and Lauren are sharing a room. I don't have a crush on her anymore. I only liked her for two days. I guess I liked her because she was new to the group and I felt sorry for her. Gerard can have her. I'm happy with that.

Lauren P.O.V
"So what do ya wanna do guys?"
They stared at me blankly. Maybe they thought 'cos I'm a girl, I should think of what to do.
"Fine, I'll decide, useless boys...ooh I know, lets go to the movies!"
"We can do that at home, Lauren." Mikey complained.
"I know, but this is New York, the movies will be different. Pleeeeeease." I was giving them my-should-be-award-winning puppy dog eyes and in a instant they all agreed to go.

Gerard P.O.V
We, not including Lauren because she was in the bathroom, decided to go see a horror.
The guys said that we should see the scariest one showing, so that if Lauren got scared then I could hold her. Oh how much I wanted to do that.
They also said that I should tell her how I feel tonight. Beacause we're sharing a room, means we can have some 'alone time'. I decided that I was going to tell her tonight.

Lauren P.O.V
While I was in the bathroom putting on my make-up, Mikey and Frank came in. They said we're going to see a horror which I was cool with. They also said that I should tell Gerard how I feel tonight. With alot of persuading I am going to do.
When Mikey left, Frank told be that he no longer had feelings for me, I was happy about that because I didn't want to hurt him. He said that he does love me, but as a sister.
I'm glad that I can tell Gerard my feelings for him, without having to worry about Frank.
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