Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Heaven Help Us


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews

Things are on the up

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-21 - Updated: 2009-10-21 - 922 words - Complete

An hour had passed, and Gerard was still holding me in his arms. I had stopped crying now, thankfully. His shirt was damp from my tears. I had no make-up on, so I didn't have to worry about eyeliner on my cheeks.

The only thing we needed to worry about now, was getting out of here and getting me to a hospital.

"Okay, so...what do we do now?" Bob asked. Bob always had a solution to everything, but now, all of this is starting to get to him.

"There's a window right up there, but I don't think it's big enough to get us through. Only Tina could probably fit through there." Mikey suggested.

Before we had a chance to discuss matters further, the door opened. Walked in Matt and the five guys that were in here before.

" did we enjoy the movie? Great huh? I should think about taking up directing." Matt laughed his evil laugh.

Gerard held on to me tighter as I did to him, and the other guys stood by us to.

"No talk. Okay, gentlemen, you know what to do." Matt's men took the guys away from me and like before, held them at gunpoint.

"Leave them alone!" I shouted. But I should've learned from last time, that they wouldn't listen to me.

"Like before, make sure their eyes never leave Tina." Matt pointed to his eyes, then at me. "If you enjoyed the movie, you'll enjoy the live show." He laughed.

Matt walked towards me, and I backed up until I hit the wall.

"LEAVE HER ALONE YOU SICK BASTARD!" I heard Ray yell, which got him a punch in the face.

Matt grabbed my arms and I tried pulling them out of his grip, but he was too strong.

"LET ME GO! LET ME FUCKING GO!" I screamed at him, this only caused him to smirk.

He pulled me over to the mattress I didn't even know was in the room and threw me on it before climbing on top of me.

I threw my arms about and was kicking me legs to stop him from going anywhere near me.

"Calm down princess. It'll only hurt a little." He managed to pin me to the bed although I tried to fight him, I was fighting in vain.

Using one hand to hold me still, he used the other hand to unzip his jeans.

Please god, not again, please! I silently cried.

Once unzipped, he spread my legs apart and slammed into me, making me scream in pain.

Matt was laughing and moaning at the same time as he thrust harder and harder, making me scream louder and cry harder.

"She's a good fuck Gerard! You've gotta try her!" He shouted above my screaming.

Ten minutes later he was done. He pulled out of me and left, motioning his men to follow.

The door slammed shut. And I heard a click, telling us, the door was locked.

I didn't do anything. I couldn't cry. I couldn't move. Nothing. I was numb.

An hour later...

We were out of there now. Mikey broke the window and climbed through, followed by Frank, then Ray, Bob and then Gerard carried me through. I hadn't said a word to anybody.

They must hate be now if they didn't before. They had to watch me being raped by two guys. They would now hate me for putting them in such a disgusting position. If I had just kept my mouth shut when I saw them get shot that day...things would have turned out differently.

I'm not sure if Matt and mom Gwen have realized we are no longer in that house. I don't really care. If they find me again, I hope they kill me. Life just isn't worth living now. I have no parents, I have no friends. Hell, my brother probably wouldn't even want to know me now.

"Don't say that Tina." Gerard whispered to me. I guess I had said that bit out loud. Gerard was still carrying me by the way. Bridal style.

We were now on a normal street. Houses were every where. We needed to find help, but we were waiting until we found someone walking about to ask.

The street was surprisingly quiet. I would've thought little kids would've been playing soccer in their front yard or at the park. But there wasn't anybody about.

From Gerard's arms, I looked about for any sign of life, but stopped when I piece of paper stapled to a pole caught my eye.

"Gerard stop." Were the first words I said in over an hour. He was shocked at first, but soon stopped, as did the rest of My Chem.

"Put me down." I mumbled. I was feeling so many different emotions right now, that I don't think anybody wanted to get on my bad side. So he put me down, carefully.

I stumbled, but I made it to the pole without falling over and read what was on the paper.

Gerard and Mikey Way, Frank Iero, Ray Toro, Bob Bryar of My Chemical Romance, and Tina Simspon
Missing since November 23rd 2004
If you have seen or heard of their whereabouts please call this number; 555-5555

"GERARD!" I screamed. In an instant he ran over and read what I had read.

"Shit." He mumbled with a smile, "We're fucking saved Tina. We can take you to a hospital, and we can go home."

I smiled a little too.
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