Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > You're Crashing, but You're No Wave

chapter 4

by petewentzlover69 0 reviews

Evie tells all... what will they think?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2009-10-21 - Updated: 2009-10-22 - 380 words

"JOE!!!!!" I screamed from the stairs as I walked down them carefully. Hello!!! I didn't wanna fall and hurt the baby that would be mortifying. I walked in the kitchen and found all 4 boys sitting around the table eating pizza. "I have to talk to you..." I paused for a second, "all of you." I pulled up a chair and sat down. "It's a good thing you're all sitting, because I'm going to tell you why I've been so distant lately. I'm going to tell you, why Ryan broke up with me."

"Quit stalling and tell." And was extremely curious at the moment.

"Guys..." I paused again. I'm just gonna come right out and say it. "I'm pregnant. I have been for 2 months. When I told Ryan a month ago he didn't think it was his because we were safe and I'm on birth control; but even Joe knows birth control doesn't mean anything sometimes. We were birth control twins and that's saying something." Pete was wide-eyed and Patrick was completely speechless. I had feeling Joe already knew because he wasn't as shocked as the others. "I never cheated on him, it really is his child, but he refuses to believe me. I'm sorry to say but after this month I'm canceling my tour because I need to relax."

"You're pr... preg... WHAT!? And that douche-bag won't claim it? Oh me and him are gonna go rounds!" Pete was absolutely pissed.

"Pete don't hurt him!"

"He deserves it for how much he hurt you!" He had a point. Pete walked up to me and gently wrapped his arms around me. "You know that we'll all help you take care of the baby. There's no question about it. It's about time you came out and told us." I smiled as much as I could and hugged him back. Sad to say it, but Pete would make a great father for my child. Oh who am I kidding that will NEVER happen. A girl can only wish though.


sorry its short I have lots of make-up homework to do. reviews are much appreciated. and yes i'm trying my hardest to update all of my sories... well the ones that are actually going somewhere. the others are just a lost hope.

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