Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1764 words - Complete

I woke up to my mum shaking me. How long had I slept?

"Come on sweetie, we're here. We need to get our bags."

Oh so we were now in New Jersey. I must of slept the whole plane journey here. I was so tired. Mainly because I bid an emotional farewell to my friends yesterday. I looked in my mirror in my pocket and my eyes were red. I must of cried myself to sleep. I couldn't remember. I was too upset to take anything in.

After what seemed like forever, but in reality was thirty minutes, we went to get the car my mum had bought and were on our way to my new home.

I wasn't that far away from the airport. Which was a good thing. I really didn't want to travel that far after being on a plane for eight hours!

When we got to the house, I was amazed at the size of it. It was huge and clean and everything was great. I heard New Jersey was a rough place, but I guess not.

I immediately went upstairs and to my room. I know mum had some people sent over here to decorate the house and my room was exactly how I wanted it. The walls were all black, the curtains were black and blood red, the carpet was blood red, everything was perfect. Well it would be once I put my amazing posters up. I had loads, from PATD to Fall Out Boy, The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I even had a huge Ruby Gloom one.

I had unpacked everything after about two hours. I was feeling awkward, but I guess it's normal, I was living in a different country after all.

Tomorrow, mum was going to drop me off at school for me to look round and meet my teachers. I didn't know why I had to go after school hours. I would be meeting them on my first day anyway.

I was bored so I went on my computer, which I had set up myself, and smiled at the fact that everything was working. There were people online, which made me happier.

{Pretty In Punk}

Katie = New Jersey gal!
ROXY! I'm fine thank you! is everyone there?

{Pretty In Punk}
yeah we miss you already :'(

Katie = New Jersey gal!
I miss you too, all of you! please make sure we talk all the time!

{Pretty In Punk}
we wont never! we gotta go though, its later here, we love you so much Katie! xx

{Pretty In Punk} is now offline.

Well at least I got to speak to them for a minute. I was now bored again, so I thought, while mum was sorting stuff out, that I would go explore the wonderful place that is Belleville.

"Mum! I'm going for a snoop! Be back later!" And with that I was out the door.

I didn't know where I was walking, but I could see a coffee place, so I thought I would get some, as I was thirsty.

I didn't realise, but I was at the front of the line. I had drifted off, and was thinking. I was staring right a head. The person was talking, but I couldn't hear anything.

"Excuse me miss, you're holding up everyone else. Miss, are you going to order your coffee?" He said, and I snapped out.

"Oh erm..."

"If you don't mind, I would like to get home today!" A guy said behind me.

How rude!

"Well I'm sorry if I need time to --"

Oh my god!

"Katie?" The familiar guy that was standing behind me asked.


"What are you doing here?"

"Well -"

"Get out of the line if your not gonna order!" The guy working here ordered.

"Sorry, I'll get mine, go sit over there." Gerard said, as I went to sit down.

Gerard came back with two coffees, I tried mine, and smiled. He remembered what I liked.

"Katie. I can't believe you're here! I never thought I would see you again."

"Me neither, but me and my mum moved here, today actually."

"And you never told me?"

I looked at his saddened face. Wow, I didn't think that would hurt him! Did I mean more to him than I thought?

"I'm sorry, I didn't think it mattered."

"Why didn't you think it mattered?" He asked.

"Well, I'm a lot younger than you. And most of the time we were together, we were having..." I looked round to make sure no one was listening. "" Gerard laughed at this.

"Oh, I'm sorry if I'm uncomfortable talking about it in public. Anyway, we had sex, and if I told you that I was moving to the states, then you might want to see me again, just for sex. I didn't want that. I don't want to be used."

"Sweetie, I would never use you. I do like you, honestly. I haven't stopped thinking about you since I left. And I'm sorry I never talked to you. I guess it would have made it harder."

I nodded understanding, then I remembered the text I got from Mikey, and let Gerard read it. "What the fuck!? I have no idea what he's on about, seriously."

I believed him. When we finished our coffee, we were then going our separate ways when Gerard called after me.

"Katie! Do you want me to show you around?"

"I'd love you to, but I need to get back home, help my mum with stuff, like unpacking." I laughed.

"Okay then, what about - ooh I can't tomorrow, I'm busy. What about the day after, Saturday?"

"Yeah, I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

"Cool, now let me drive you home. Please?" I let him drive me home, because I didn't really want to say goodbye after just meeting him again.

We were back to my house in fifteen minutes, but I didn't get out. I wanted to stay for a while longer with the guy that makes me happy.

"Katie? You're not having a long distance relationship, with anyone back in England, are you?" He asked, stroking the back of my hand.

I smiled. Yay! He did care about me! "No."

"Well, do you want to maybe be ..." He mumbled the last part, so I couldn't hear him.

"Gerard, I can't hear you."

He was looking away from me, but still stroking me hand. He must be nervous to ask whatever he was going to ask. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

I couldn't hold in my excitement, and squealed and wrapped my arms around his neck and pecked him on the lips. Gerard was quite confused as to what I was doing. "Is that a yes, or a really not so gentle way of saying no?"

"Of course it's a yes Gee!"

"Are you normally this excited when someone has asked you out?"

My excitement faded. "No. Mainly because before you asked me, I had never had a real boyfriend." I was embarrassed and looked at my hands.

"I've never done anything with a boy, before I met you. You were my first kiss as well know." I was really embarrassed now. Even if he did know I was 17, most people get kissed way before that age.

"Really?" He asked.

"Really." I replied.


I undone my seat belt, and opened the car door. "I better go." But couldn't because Gerard grabbed my wrist.

"Gerard, let me go, I'm feeling really awkward right now." But he wouldn't let go.

"I'm not letting you go. I don't care that I'm your first real boyfriend. Hell I don't care if you've had a million boyfriends. I want you Katie."

"I want you too." I got back into the car and Gerard kissed me.

I hope this relationship lasts.

It was the morning after I arrived here in Belleville, New Jersey. I can honestly say that I am really happy to be here, because I know that Gerard is near me.

I checked my watch and it was 11:30. I'm not sure what time I fell asleep, I couldn't because Gerard was on my mind the whole time. I checked my phone and I had five messages on there.

MESSAGE 1: I hope you had a good first night in your new home. we miss you xx Chanel

MESSAGE 2: Were gonna visit you soon, we promise! luv Sam xx

MESSAGE 3: Hey beautiful, not sure if your up at 9:30 today but messaging you anyway love G xx

MESSAGE 4: i take it your not up yet sugar, hope you slept well, you have my heart, G xx

MESSAGE 5: i saw you with G yesterday, i told you to stay away, its for your safety. mikes.

What was up with Mikey. Why was he saying that his own brother was up to no good?

A few hours later, my mum was driving me to school. She would come with me, but she has to go to see her new job.

"Okay, I'll see you later sweetie, good luck. Love you." And she drove off as I walked into the school.

I didn't know where I was going, but I know I had to find the office. I looked for a teacher, and eventually I found one.

"Excuse me, could you tell me where the office is?"

"Katie Richards right?" I nodded. "Okay, hi Katie, I'm Mr Simpson. I'm the head teacher here and I'll be showing you around today, so you don't need the office just yet." He seemed cool. Thank god!

"Okay, this is your time plan, telling you your classes. This is why we have new students come in before their first day, it gives them no reason to be late, that and it gets past the awkwardness when you first meet your teachers. Let's go here first."

It was my math class, my teacher was Miss Baxter. We talked for about ten minutes before moving on. We next went to my English room, where I had Mrs Wright, History with Ms Summers, and all that stuff.

The last room we went to was the art room. My favourite class. I was no good at it, but it was fun and easy.

"Ah ha, here you are, this is our new student. She will be starting her on Monday." The teacher hadn't turned around yet as he was picking up pieces of paper.

He finally turned around and I didn't know whether to turn around and run or break down in tears.
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