Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1886 words - Complete

There was a minute of silence before Mr Simpson broke it. "This is our new British student."

I held out my hand or him to shake. "I'm Katie Richards."

He shook my hand. "I'm Mr Way, and I guess I'm going to be your art teacher."

"Oh I'm sorry Katie, but I have to go to a meeting. I'll just leave you with Mr Way. I'll see you on Monday, don't be late." He said with a smile and left.

Great! This is going to be so weird.

"I'm just going to...sit down and...think of something to you." I nervously sat down, Gerard still standing. I couldn't tell if he was in shock or he too was also thinking.

I must have been thinking for a while because the next thing I knew, was clicking fingers in front of my face. "Hello, earth to Katie." The voice was coming from, of course, Gerard.

"Hi Gerard."

"Are you going to explain?"

Huh? "Explain what exactly?"

Gerard sighed, looked at the floor and back at me. "Why on Monday, you're going to be starting your final year at school. You're 18, you shouldn't be at school."

I really hoped that I wouldn't have to explain this. Part of this was his fault though. He never told me what he did for a living. "I'm really sorry."

"Oh. I see. You're not 18 are you? You're 17. And you had the nerve to lecture me about using you for sex!"

"I'm not using you for sex!"

"Then why did you lie about your age?" I could tell he was getting angry. Our relationship was over now after less than a day, so I might as well stick to the truth. "Because I didn't think you would like me if you knew I was only a year younger. Here in America, I'm classed as a minor. You could've gone to jail! So I lied. If I hadn't you might have another girlfriend now, and I would of regretted telling you that I was 17. And anyway, I had to lie. I was in a club." That was the total truth. Whether he believed it or not was up to him.

"Okay. I believe you. Only because you're different from other girls. But just so you know, we can't see each other any more. So much for a relationship huh?"

I didn't want to listen to him anymore. I just did what I thought was best. I ran. I got up off the chair and ran out the room as Gerard called after me. I ran downstairs, past what I thought was the office, and was nearly out the door when someone stopped me.

"Katie? Before you leave you need this. It's the rules and stuff you should look at over the weekend." Mr Simpson said. I thanked him and ran home, running upstairs, slamming my door and cried into my pillow until I fell asleep.

The weekend went by pretty quick. Mainly because I never left my room, I just cried and slept. How did someone like him have this affect on me? I really didn't want to go to school now. Not only would I not make friends, but I had to avoid my art teacher as much as I possibly could, and if that meant skipping classes, then so be it.

I woke up Monday morning at 6:30, when my alarm went off. I quickly went in the shower and dried and straightened my hair. My outfit was black skinny jeans, fitted white top with a big black skull on the front. I wore my green converses and a few bracelet things. They weren't really bracelets - that sounds really girly and reminds me of the colour pink! I hate pink.

By the time I was ready, it was 8:15, school started at 8:30. Mum was giving me a lift. I quickly pulled on my PATD hoodie and grabbed my Ruby Gloom messenger bag and I was ready to face the day.

I got to school, and looked at the little booklet I was given the other day, to find where my locker was. I found it easily, and put in my hoodie. I checked my time plan and saw I had maths first. Great.

I wasn't late. I thought I would be, but I wasn't. I found a seat in the back. I wasn't paying any attention to what was going on. I just drew on my notebook until next lesson.

I slowly, not too slow but slowly enough made my way to the final lesson of the day. The one I was dreading most. I could easily go to the bathroom now and avoid it, so what if it was my first day. I'm sure he would understand.

And that's what I did, I went to the bathroom and avoided art. I stayed in there until the bell went, telling me school had finished.

I opened the door and looked out, making sure there were no teachers about to see me. There wasn't, so I left. I was half way down the corridor, when someone grabbed my arm. They grabbed it hard, and it hurt.

"Ow! Let go you're hurting me! Let go, or I swear I will scream!" I shouted, but he wasn't listening.

"Fine then I'll scream!" I breathed in ready to scream, I was going to do it. I didn't know who had grabbed me!

"Ah -!" The person who grabbed me, pulled me in and put their hand over my mouth. I still didn't know who it was and I was starting to get scared. I was shaking.

"Shut the fuck up!" They harshly whispered. He still had his hand over my mouth, and he pulled me into a room, which I knew was the art room. I now knew who I walking with.

He sat me down in front of him and tried to look into my eyes. I say try, because I looked away.

"Why weren't you in my class today Katie?"

"Oh please, don't pretend that you actually give a crap!" I said.

"Believe it or not Katie, I care. I care a lot more than you think. And a lot more than I should."

"What do you want Gerard?"

"To talk. I'm sorry for hurting you the other day. But you got to know that we can't be together, one because of your age, two because I'm your teacher."

"I understand that Gerard, believe me I do. It's just...I don't know." The truth was I didn't.

"Look, I've thought about everything, over the weekend, and we can't be together, but --"

"Gerard, it's fine. I understand you don't like me anymore. It is best to stay as friends or just have a student-teacher relationship. It's okay Gerard really." I stood up and left the room to go home.

In all honesty, I was fine with it. I guess it was a little crush. Except I got to sleep with this one, a lot. It was going to be a bit weird, but we'll get past it. I can now move on. Everything was going to be fine. Wasn't it?

I feel good. I feel like I've just released this huge thing that was ruining my life. I know it wasn't, but that is how it felt.

It was the next day, and I was in Science, when someone started talking to me.

"Hey, Katie, isn't it?" She asked.

"Yeah. And you are?" She told me her name was Jessica. We talked all lesson, and I sat with her at lunch where I made friends with her friends; Cassie and Molly. They were into the same things as me, and there wasn't one class that I didn't have at least one of them with me.

After lunch was Art. I hadn't told my new friends my situation, but they didn't need to know. Obviously I wasn't going to skip Art this time, because everything was sorted out.

Because I missed my first lesson, I didn't know where to sit, so I sat with Cassie at the back, where I hoped no one would pay attention to me.

But of course someone did.

"Katie. It's good to see that you decided to show up today. Cassie, could you get your stuff from yesterday, and show Katie where to get hers?" Cassie nodded to Gerard Mr Way's question.

Cassie came back with a piece of A3 paper for me to draw. She said that we had to draw what I was feeling. Right now. I was feeling nothing. Some people might think that it's impossible to feel nothing, but I can. I'm empty inside at this moment in time. I wasn't happy, confused, sad or anything. Just empty.

"Don't worry, just go wait outside her locker, I'll send her to you once I've spoken to her." A voice said. I was still deep in thought, so I didn't know who was talking or what was happening.

Next thing I knew, someone was clicking their fingers in front of me. I instantly snapped out of whatever I was thinking, which now I can't remember.

"What?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Do you know what time it is?"

I checked my watch. 3:30. "Time I was home." I looked around the room, trying to remember where I was. "How long have I been here?"

"Since the class started. Katie, are you feeling okay?" Gerard asked.

"I don't know. I'm confused. I don't know why."

"You've been sitting there staring into space for the past hour. Cassie tried talking to you, but, it was like you were asleep with your eyes open or something."

Yeah! It's really hard for people to get me back in the real world. "Hm. I guess I should be going home then." I looked at the piece of paper in front of me. It was still blank. "Oh, er, I didn't even start my work. Sorry." I went to leave but Gerard stopped me. Why can't he just say what he needs to say before I want to leave?

He pulled me in, and at first I thought he was going to kiss me, but instead he hugged me.

"What this for?" I asked, hugging him back.

"You look like you need a hug, is that okay?"

I nodded. "That's fine. Thank you Gerard."

"Your welcome, Katie." Normally he would call me 'Sugar', or 'Sweetie', but now we're just friends, he couldn't.

He finally let me go, and I went to my locker, and Cassie was patiently waiting there. "Hey Kay Kay! Did he fuck you?" She joked.

"Yeah, totally. It was everything I ever wanted." I joked back. I couldn't take her seriously, because I didn't want to tell her just yet, if ever.

"Come on girl, I'm coming over to yours."

"Cassie, I'm really flattered, but I'm having the art teacher again. But I can always fit you in some other time." We laughed, but the second I started laughing, Gerard walked past me.

Oh god.

This made Cassie laugh even harder. She was literally on the floor laughing, holding her stomach because it hurt from the laughing.

"Katie...that are..." She said in between laughs.

"Shut up! Come are we going or not?"
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