Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You're My Best Nightmare


by Lauren-xo 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-10-24 - Updated: 2009-10-24 - 1805 words - Complete

Me and Cassie were back at my house. It seems weird that I make a new friend and she is already at my house. I don't make friends easily. It took me four years to make friends with Ruby.

We were talking about music, and she likes pretty much the same stuff as me! We have loads in common. At least she isn't popular. Thank you god! I'm not religious by the way.

After Cassie had gone, I decided to catch up with my old friends. I knew they were still at school, but you never know.

Hey Katie.

Mikey was online, and he was talking to me in a friendly way. Weird.

hi Mikey, whats up?

not much, how are things with you and gee?


okay i guess. you told me to stay away from him, but now its okay that i see him? what changed your mind?

well you can't really stay away from him when he's your art teacher. do you like him, still?

Mikey has changed over night. Something isn't right.

i like him, just not in that way anymore. it would be too weird if we were going out. and he could go to jail as I'm only 17.

hm, its a shame, we could of had something great. sweet dreams Katie Baby.

(Mikey) is now offline.

Shit! That was Gerard the whole time. No wonder we was being weird.

Why was Gerard being like that. He was different. He seemed kind and caring at school when he hugged me. Maybe he thought that joke I made in the corridor was serious. No that can't be it.

Today was Wednesday, and I didn't have art. But I have a feeling that I will still see Gerard today.

I went to my locker, and Cassie, Jess and Molly were there waiting for me.

"Hey Katie, Cass told us what happened yesterday when Mr Way walked past. That must of been embarrassing." Molly said.

"Yeah it was. It was so bad, but Cassie here could NOT stop laughing, even on the way to mine, she was still laughing. It wasn't funny. How was I suppose to know he was going to walk past me as I made a joke?"

"You couldn't know that. But maybe he never heard. You don't have to blush Katie. If he didn't hear then you're okay." I'd never thought of that. Maybe Jess was right, maybe he didn't hear. I knew I was being really serious about this, but I made a sex joke about me and Gerard. Cassie and the others don't know that he's my ex, so they don't know how bad it would be if he heard.

As we were laughing about it, someone tapped my shoulder.

"You should be in class girls, come on." Mrs Fox said. We went to class, and sat in the back as usual, and talked until our teacher came in to register us.

"Okay everyone, I'm sorry to say that most of your lessons have been cancelled and you will spend your cancelled lessons in here, your original teacher, Mr Jones, is elsewhere for reasons I do not know of, so I will be here today, most likely tomorrow also." The familiar voice told us. God! I knew I would be seeing him today, but I didn't think it was going to be most of the day.

"Ohmigod! Katie. It's Mr Way, I wonder if he heard you." Molly laughed.

"Not funny!" I snapped back. Then Cassie did something, I really REALLY wasn't expecting, and didn't want to happen.

"Hey, Mr Way, can you come here a sec? Please!"

Gerard came over, not too quickly, but he did seem curious as to what was going to be said.

"Anything I can do ladies?"

"Yeah, I was just wondering, what you think of Katie?"

"What?" I asked. What the hell was she doing?

Gerard looked at me and Cassie, confused, before replying. "How do you mean, Cassie?"

"I mean like, do you think she's funny? 'Cos she makes the funniest jokes." Cassie and Molly tried to hold in their laughter. I, on the other hand, found none of this funny, at all!

"Well, only knowing her for a short amount of time, I guess she seems funny. Why do you ask?"

"Curious. Oh Katie, tell him that really funny joke you said yesterday by the lockers. I bet he'd love to hear it."

I hate you Cassie, I'm going to murder you one day!

"I don't actually remember it..."

I swear I was as red as a tomato. How cruel could Cassie be!? She knew this wasn't funny to me! Well, that's friends for you!

"If you're talking about the joke after school, then yeah I guess it was funny." He smiled at me and walked away to help someone else out.

My friends were in fits of laughter. I just wanted to die.

The bell went for our first class, but because of something that is happening, our lesson has been cancelled. I don't know why we can't just go home.

After the embarrassing moment passed, me and my friends chatted for most of the 'lesson'. We weren't doing anything, but we needed a teacher to supervise us.

It was about fifteen minutes until we did have our second class, when there was a knock on the door, and Mrs Fox walked in.

"Mr Way, could I please speak with Katie Richards?" I heard her ask. Gerard looked in my direction.

"Katie. Mrs Fox wants to talk to you." I nodded and made my way over to her.

"If it's okay, I want to talk outside." Okay what was going on!? Have I done something? I don't know.

I followed her outside, and closed the door behind me, before Mrs Fox spoke.

Gerard P.O.V
What was going on? Why did she have to talk to her? She had been out there for ten minutes and still hadn't come back in.

I suppose you're wondering why I care about Katie. Well, I guess I still like her.

The other day when she was all funny and zoned out in Art, I was gonna tell her that we should still see each other, but keep it secret. But she's over me now, and I hate it! I want her so much. She's different to all the other girls I've dated, well she's definitely the youngest. I thought she was 18, but no, she's 17.

As I was thinking about her, I didn't realise that she slowly walked back in the room, shaking, make-up running down her face. She was crying.

Katie P.O.V
I can't believe it. How could this have happened?

After Mrs Fox left, I slowly stepped into the classroom, but stayed put once I got inside.

Tears were running down my face, bringing my eyeliner with it. I was shaking, but I didn't know if it was because it was cold, or because I was upset.

I never looked up from the ground, until someone spoke.

"Whoa! Who died!?" A boy, named Zack asked, jokingly.

"John." I said in monotone.

"Who the fucks John?" Zack asked back.

I looked up and stared around the room before replying. "John Richards. My big brother. He's dead!" I shouted, and I started to cry all over again.

The bell went, and everyone left to go to their next lesson, me still standing there.

"Katie? Are you coming, or do you wanna be left alone?" Molly asked. I said nothing, hoping she would take the hint and leave, which she did along with Cassie and Jess.

Once the room was empty, I felt the all too familiar arms wrap around me and pulled me into a hug. I let him, and I cried into his chest.

"Ssh. It's okay. Every thing's going to be okay. Ssh." He whispered in my ear. Slowly, but surely, I stopped crying. Gerard sat me down in a chair and he sat with me.

"Do you wanna go home?" He asked.

"I can't. Mum wanted me to stay here, and she said she didn't want me to be at home tonight. She said I could go back tomorrow." I sniffed.

"Why doesn't your mom want you home?"

I shrugged. "That's just how my mum deals with death. Doesn't want anyone around her for at least 24 hours."

"Where are you gonna stay the night?" I shrugged again.

"You could always stay with me, if you want to that is."

"No. Sorry. I know you're just being a friend, but it would be weird. Sorry, again." I did feel bad, but it would be weird.

"It's okay, I understand, don't worry about it."

It was silent for a while. It was awkward or anything. It was good. I needed quiet, I needed to take my mind off my brother's death, it was working, then I remembered something from last night.

"Gerard. Why were you pretending to be Mikey last night, when you were talking to me?"

He laughed. "I knew you were gonna bring that up. I guess I just wanted to see what you thought of me, really, and now I know." He was being strange. He could of just asked me!

"Do you still like me?" I asked curiously.

He nodded. But he didn't look at me. "Gerard, it's wrong for you to like me. You know it is." He nodded again, closing his eyes.

"I know. But I can't get you outta my head!"

I looked away from him. "You're the one who dumped me Gerard."

"I know, but - I regret doing that! I shouldn't have. Maybe we could've been together in secret or something. I don't know." It was silent for a while, and then the bell went, and everyone came back to the original room.

The rest of the day went really slow. My friends stayed away from me, to give me space. The words Mrs Fox had said were replaying over and over again in my head.

"I'm so so sorry, Katie, to say this, but...your brother John, has been murdered. Shot in the chest. He died instantly, so he never felt the pain. Your mom doesn't want you home until tomorrow night. She said you knew where to stay, she also said to spend the rest of the day here..."

The police from England told my mum the killer had been caught, and would be sentenced next week. I hope he gets life.

I was walking back to my classroom, because I had left a book behind. I was thinking, I don't know where I'm going to stay the night. I got my book, I slowly turned around, and saw a fist rushing towards my face.

And then everything went black.
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