Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Locked Away

Locked Away

by LyssaLa 1 review

Separated and confused, the band wakes up in a strange place; with a horrible agenda. Is it all just a plot for money, revenge? Can they get out.....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Horror - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-10 - Updated: 2009-11-11 - 821 words

Locked Away...

"We would appreciate your complete cooperation in this Gerard, it will make things easier."

Gerard lifted his head a few inches from the sticky floor, licking his lips and squinting through the sudden bright light of the room he had just woken in with surprise.
"W-where am I? What happened... Frank, Ray.... Mikey? Hello... Anybody?" He flipped his hair out of his eyes as they adjusted to the light and glanced around the sterile room. From what he could see, it was little different from the room of a hospital. White, clean and smelling horribly of sickness. Confused, he tried to lift himself onto his elbows, grimacing at the pain that simple action of lifting his upper body brought to him. From a small white box in the corner, the same clear, echoing voice as before rang across the tiny cell.
"Ah- Ah, don't try to get up, just wait Gerard."

"How do you know my name??"

His head had whipped towards the box as the deep voice rang out, but it remained silent after its warning.
"Why won't you say anything, can't you answer?" The simple box stayed quiet, and Gerard groaned, his vision fading as he let his forhead drop back to the floor.

What happened to me.......?


"Mikey, Mikey get up! Wake up!"
A soft tap on his cheek brought Mikey back to reality from a happy dream. Reaching up to rub his eyes, Mikey could feel a heavy wait on his chest, but he forgot about it as soon as he saw Frank's frightened face, hovering only inches above his own.

Frank started, then smiled nervously when Mikey opened his eyes suddenly.
"Good, you're awake... look around Mikey, do you know where we are?"

Yawning and still tired, Mikey opened his eyes fully and looked past Frank to the rest of the room. With increased confusion he took in the whitewashed walls, the metal bed and the small white box in the corner. Frank was right, this wasn't where they had fallen asleep, in fact Mikey didn't remember ever being in a place like this, except maybe a hospital....

"Good evening Boys"
Both guys stood and stared as the white box started to hum, and Speak!
"What - How......? Frank where the HELL are we?"
"I Don't know... did that box just TALK?


Bob groaned and looked around, when had he fallen asleep....? Racking his brains he sat up, and jumped in surprise when he saw Ray's afro staring at him from the corner. Or, rather Ray was sleeping in the corner, and the afro was just sitting on his head, plotting world dominance.
"What the hell are you doing here Ray!?"
"W-wwhat? Where, what?" Ray sat up and wiped some drool from his chin, staring at Bob then around the room.

"What are you doing here Bob? When did I go to sleep? Who's house are we at, was their a party or something....?" He looked around the room a little more, pausing only on the white box, and a small television.
"I don't think we've ever been here Ray....... this place is scary. It's so empty and... white. Let's get out."

He stood and walked over to where Ray was sitting, holding out a hand to help his friend up. Scanning the room for a door, Bob cried out when he realized that there wasn't one.
"What?" Asked a still groggy Ray, "What's the matter?"
"There's no door! No door, no windows... where the fuck are we?"

"Calm down Mr. Bryar, Mr. Toro, turn on your television."

Ray looked confusedly at the white box in the corner of the room. Had it just given them orders....?

Shaking, Bob moved towards the T.V. himself, and flipped on the only switch there was. Immediately an image of Gerard flashed onto the screen. Unconscious and pale, he was lying on the floor of a room as white and empty as their own. His head was lying in something colored and sticky..... blood?
The image flashed quickly to another room, again similar to their own, and Mikey and Frank could be seen staring in horror at something beyond their vision. The T.V. flashed once more to Gerard, who was moving feebly now, then back to Ray and Mikey.

"This is messed up Bob..... where are we? Why aren't we with the rest of the guys, where ARE the rest of the guys? Is that Blood On Gereard's head?"
"I-I don't know Ray...... I have no idea where we are, who took us, why they want us..." Bob shook his head and sat heavily on the small metal bed. "All we can do is wait for something to happen.....


So what do you guys think? Good, Bad? This is the first thing I've written for a while, I had some MAJOR writer's block. More later if you like it :D



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