Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Locked Away


by LyssaLa 1 review

Gerard Finally wakes up, and some strange things are happening....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2009-11-13 - Updated: 2009-11-14 - 743 words

Flashes, Ch. 2

Small, red, and seemingly harmless; the pill moved closer to Gerard’s mouth, guided by a hand that didn’t belong to him. It was held in fingers decorated by heavy rings and tattoos, thick fingers with rough nails. Surprised and afraid Gerard watched as the owner of the hand, someone he hardly knew, tried to control him. And he could do nothing. Forcefully, the pill made its way into Gerard’s tightly closed mouth, the hand shoving its way through tense lips. Gerard tried to fight it, he tried to stop the hand, tried to spit out the pill; but he couldn’t. He couldn’t move his arms, couldn’t even turn his head! His strength was fading, he was fading; blacking out…….. And everything was gone.

With a sharp gasp Gerard’s eyes opened, then shut slowly. Had that been a dream? …A memory? He couldn’t remember, the flashes had been too quick… too blurry to make much sense of.

The dark film playing in his mind slowed, and his eyes opened gradually. The unexpected whiteness of the room caught him off guard and he squinted, the pain in his head increasing. Confused, he brought a hand up to his throbbing skull, it came away sticky with a dark red substance. Was it blood? Had he fallen off his bed in the night? He thought that might have been it, his hands touching the smooth, hard floor under his body while he tried to sit up.

“Oww….” Gerard rubbed his temples with the palms of his hands, desperately trying to wipe away the pain in his head. He sat up fully, crossing his legs and opening his eyes entirely, glancing around the space. Gerard had expected to see his own room, dark and messy. Instead his eyes widened and he gasped aloud as he took in his surroundings.

“W-W-were am I, what….?” And suddenly it came back. The clean white room, the glassy smooth box, And I-it had talked to him!
Shakily he stood up, glancing around the cell and leaning on the single metal cot for support.

“Anybody there….. Mikey…Ray, Bob? Hello? If this is a joke, I swear….” Gerard let out a frightened and slightly mad giggle, hoping his friends would pop out of the floorboards, laughing at their own prank.

But they didn’t. And Gerard’s fear grew even more as he noticed the room he was in had no windows or doors at all. His thin legs buckled as another wave of pain swept through his head. He almost collapsed, but instead he fell into the pedestal where the white box was resting.

Glancing into the box’s shining surface, Gerard watched it morph slowly from white glass to a faultless mirror, in it he saw his own reflection; pale and sickly. He reached gentle fingers up to his forehead, which was indeed covered in blood... but he had no idea how it had happened, he was not even sure if it was his own! Leaning forward, he placed a hand on both sides of the miroor for more support and looked closely at his reflection. His face was worried. And as Gerard watched his expressions in the mirror, the strange machine changed again.

This time it expanded into a flat surface, almost as large as a child’s school desk, and images began to flash across the white field. Unbelievingly, Gerard stared in wonder as pictures of Mikey flashed up onto the screen. He was in a simple white room, identical to his own, but he was not alone, Frank was with him. The box's screen flashed again, portraying a shot of Ray and Bob huddled onto a metal cot in the corner of another identically white room. The Box showed more pictures... snapshots of his friends and band mates… even himself from mere minutes before– passed out and alone. Why had they all been brought here, to windowless white rooms? What was going to happen now that they had been taken? What could anybody want with the members of My Chemical Romance.

Questions, questions, questions. Rate and Review please :D if you like it anyway. By the way I pictured the white box’s to be made out of the same material as those cool white Mac computers, with the white glassy plastic stuff? So that’s what they would look like (before they morph) if you were wondering…..
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