Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves

Under the Earth

by Gamer191 0 reviews

Fred was a normal boy...well...not quite. Strange things were happening to him. Letters n the mail, People showing up unexpectedly and he keeps having strange dreams. What is happening to Fred? And...

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] [?] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 438 words

Many, many, many miles down under the earth there stood a man in a stone room. But he was not a man – not quite. This man was – strange. He had the bottom half of one of the ancient wolfs and the top half of a strong a swarthy man. Grey hair flowed freely down his back accenting his eyes which were made of the coldest ice blue.

“Caeth.” He barked out, his deep voice resonating in the stone room.

“Yes athro.” His servant simpered scuttling into the chamber. He had the same attributes as his master but he was not as well built. His hair was grey but his eyes were not as “icy” as his masters.

“Have you found it?” Adwyth asked.

“N-no athro.” Caeth stuttered.

“Berwa chrau!” Adwyth barked out and Caeth fell to the ground with a gasp as he started convulsing on the cold stone ground. Adwyth watched impassively examining a piece of his fingernail.

“Drugaredd! Drugaredd! Drugaredd!” Caeth sobbed.

“Nirymu.” Adwyth said waving his hand in a slow circle. “Have you learnt you lesson?” He asked Caeth who was sobbing on the ground.

“Yes.” Caeth gasped struggling to get air into his lungs.

“Get up.” Adwyth ordered him looking at him with disgust.

“Yes athro.” Caeth complied getting weakly up to his feet.

“Gooooood.” Adwyth purred sidling up to Caeth. “You won’t fail me again will you?”

“N-no.” Caeth stuttered.

“Excellent.” Adwyth replied running a long yellow fingernail along the side of Caeth face. Caeth shivered and Adwyth smirked. He loved inspiring this kind of reaction. He inhaled taking in the stench of fear and death on the air. He grinned showing sharp yellow teeth. “Now tell me what we have found out about r agoriad at allu.”

“Well athro,” Caeth began, “r agoriad at allu is told via legend as a great power that could rival even Ledrith. It or he, the legend was not specific – could have the power to overthrow the god of magic. The r agoriad at allu is usually a person who…”

“WHAT!” Thundered Adwyth. “It could have been a person and yet you didn’t tell me.”

“I d-didn’t…” Caeth began.

“Arteithia i mewn i gorffwylltra 'na ladd!” Adwyth barked out. The chambers echoed with Caeth’s screams. Finally, when Caeth’s heart stopped Adwyth sauntered over to him. “Tct, tct, tct.” He said, clicking his tongue. “And you were such a good servant too. Oh well.” And with that Adwyth – darkest of the elves that roamed the earth – bend his head to take the first bite of flesh out of the now death Caeth.
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