Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves
You are in danger. They are coming for you.
Fred starred at the peace of paper. This is getting annoying. He snarled inside of his head. For three days he had received letters. They were not threatening – just annoying. No – they were freaking him out. Fred knew that there were plenty of people who would love to freak him out. Probably Brain and his gang, he though with a surge of contempt.
For lack of anything better to do, Fred starred at the note again. ‘You are in danger. They are coming for you.’ Coming from me? Who is coming for me? And why? And how? These questions swirled around his head in a confused blur.
It wasn’t as if Fred was surprised. He knew that he was a freak. Standing at 5’10, Fred was of an average height for a fourteen year old. He had light brown hair – almost tan that lay on his shoulders – usually tied back in a ponytail. This was where the normality ended. It was Fred’s eyes. He often tried to describe his eyes – he never could – they were red –darker than pink but lighter than red.
So yes – Fred knew that he was a freak but that wasn’t what bothered him. No – it wasn’t. What bothered him was that they chose to pick on him. He knew all to well that there were plenty of other kids who – might not have red eyes – but were just a “freaky” as him.
The all too familiar feelings of loneliness started to creep over him. Like an insidious plant, it started in his gut and – almost in reflex, Fred’s hand closed around the peace of paper crushing it into a tight ball. Then, as these things do – when the feeling spread to his throat – holding it in a vice like grip, tightening it almost painfully – Fred pulled his arm back and lobbed the peace of paper an unsatisfying short distance where it landed in the road. It was then run over by a SUV that was passing. This, Fred found immensely satisfying.
He stared at the crushed paper that was still lying in the road. Take that you -. He continued to curse the peace of paper in his mind for several minutes until it dawned on him that he was cursing at an inanimate object. A light tinge appeared on his usually pale cheeks. He whirled around, his coat flapping in the light breeze that permeated the night air.
He starred at his house for a moment before striding toward it with one sardonic thought echoing in his head. I need to get a job, get a hobby, get some friends and get a damn life!
Fred starred at the peace of paper. This is getting annoying. He snarled inside of his head. For three days he had received letters. They were not threatening – just annoying. No – they were freaking him out. Fred knew that there were plenty of people who would love to freak him out. Probably Brain and his gang, he though with a surge of contempt.
For lack of anything better to do, Fred starred at the note again. ‘You are in danger. They are coming for you.’ Coming from me? Who is coming for me? And why? And how? These questions swirled around his head in a confused blur.
It wasn’t as if Fred was surprised. He knew that he was a freak. Standing at 5’10, Fred was of an average height for a fourteen year old. He had light brown hair – almost tan that lay on his shoulders – usually tied back in a ponytail. This was where the normality ended. It was Fred’s eyes. He often tried to describe his eyes – he never could – they were red –darker than pink but lighter than red.
So yes – Fred knew that he was a freak but that wasn’t what bothered him. No – it wasn’t. What bothered him was that they chose to pick on him. He knew all to well that there were plenty of other kids who – might not have red eyes – but were just a “freaky” as him.
The all too familiar feelings of loneliness started to creep over him. Like an insidious plant, it started in his gut and – almost in reflex, Fred’s hand closed around the peace of paper crushing it into a tight ball. Then, as these things do – when the feeling spread to his throat – holding it in a vice like grip, tightening it almost painfully – Fred pulled his arm back and lobbed the peace of paper an unsatisfying short distance where it landed in the road. It was then run over by a SUV that was passing. This, Fred found immensely satisfying.
He stared at the crushed paper that was still lying in the road. Take that you -. He continued to curse the peace of paper in his mind for several minutes until it dawned on him that he was cursing at an inanimate object. A light tinge appeared on his usually pale cheeks. He whirled around, his coat flapping in the light breeze that permeated the night air.
He starred at his house for a moment before striding toward it with one sardonic thought echoing in his head. I need to get a job, get a hobby, get some friends and get a damn life!
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