Categories > Original > Fantasy > The Dark Past of Elves


by Gamer191 0 reviews

Category: Fantasy - Rating: R - Genres: Fantasy,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2009-11-18 - Updated: 2009-11-18 - 541 words

Fred was dreaming. It was one of those dreams. The ones that slip by the way side of fantasy and enter the disturbing world of reality. This was what Fred dreamt. This was what Fred saw.

There was a ravine that went down farther that Fred’s eye could see. But as he strained, he could just see small pillows of fluff. He had to stare at the white “fluffy” things for about a minute before it clicked. The fluffy things were clouds! How high am I? He wondered.

As he tried to get a better view of the ravine he noticed something odd. This abnormality took the form of a man – but not a man – not quite. He had a blonde Mohawk and a ripped, black raincoat was splayed around him. The wing that protruded from his back looked oddly ruffled to – as if there had been some conflict before that had mussed it.

Wonder what happened to him. There might have been a fight. Fred though forgetting that this was a dream. He watched as the man wad his way to his feet and picked up his sword. He examined the blade with fervor. Maybe he’ll kiss it. Fred thought snorting mentally at his sardonic humor. “I failed.” The man said hanging his head. “I failed.” And his throat was strangled as if he had a lump in it. Wonder what’s wrong with him?

“Cheer up Saeth.” Said a new and distinctly feminine voice from right behind Fred. Both Fred and the man whirled.

“Hello Briddor.” The man said standing up and sheathing his sword.

Fred glanced at women, and saw that she had blue hair that flowed down her back. Purple eyes were sparking with lazy amusement. What he also noticed – was that she was very, very beautiful. Saeth jumped up onto the platform that Briddor was standing on. “Let’s Go.” He said.

“Back to headquarters. Gabrielle has a mission for us.” She said and laughed and dashed into the tunnel.


The sound of his alarm woke Fred up. What was that? He wondered as he stretched out like a cat. He glanced at the clock and it read 6:30 a.m. Another day, another headache. Fred thought dully as he pulled on pants and a shirt.

Once he made it out of his room he went into the bathroom. He hummed as he picked up his toothbrush and put toothpaste on it. He ran water onto his toothbrush and looked up to put it in his mouth. What he saw froze his blood. His face was pale – not sickly pale – but pale. His face was darker than white but lighter that grey. That was the best way to describe it. In contrast to his red eyes, his skin stood out horribly. What the hell is happening to me? He wondered as he stared at him self.

“This is…” He began to say but stopped. Then he opened his mouth wide and examined his teeth. They were not the usual whitish-yellow that they usually were. His teeth were perfectly straight and white. Real white. Pearl white. This is bad. Really bad. He thought. He sighed. Today was going to be a long day.
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