Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angel Claw

Bury Your Head

by MyFamousLastWords 5 reviews

“Ha, what are you going to do now? The Black Mass?” I giggle.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-11-26 - Updated: 2009-11-26 - 988 words

I think you should be proud! I updated fast. I didn't expect this chapter to come out the way it did, there isn't much "humour" in it (well if you called it that in the first place, I doubt it.) But it'll give everyone a peek into some things. (; Please, review!

Gerard’s P.O.V
Sticking out my lips, I began to make a tooting sound. Look anywhere but his eyes, come on, maybe he’ll leave. I started to sway and put my hands in my back pockets. I took a serious interest at staring at my shoes and coughed.
“You can do every trick in the book young boy but I’ll never leave. Please sit down” Aariz said, sounding quite friendly.
I took a seat on my cabin bed and looked at him. His eyes seemed to shine with understanding.
“You know, when I was younger I was slightly like you, believe it or not, I am not aware what religion means to you at all but I wasn’t quite into mine, my parents started to shun me, the more outrageous I got. I drank, I smoked, I had sex. I even kissed a man more than once. I was rebellious to say the least. You know, it’s quoted in the Quran that it’s basically not okay to be gay, lesbian or otherwise. But I didn’t listen to all of that, I didn’t care about my religion, I just wanted to live. But one day, after bingeing and the sort, I woke up and to put it bluntly, wanted to die. I took a whole load of pills and waiting for my body to shut down, it didn’t happen. I believe I heard the voice of Allah calling down on me, to put it short, from then on I cleaned up and came back to Islam. I was nineteen.” He sighed.
“I see…well that’s all nice and all, but, what was the actual point? I don’t mean to sound rude but…” I twiddled with my fingers.
“Yes, well” Aariz chuckled, “I heard what went on between Waqaar and you, I understand where he’s coming from, I understand where you’re coming from, I understand this is not your religion and so on and so fourth. But this is important to young Waqaar, it seems anyway, and if you could…”
“Gerard” I tell him.
“Gerard, if you could just respect that, respect him, like he said, he’s willing to respect your religion, I think you should be willing to respect his, and if you don’t mind me asking, what is your religion?”
I shake my head and smile, “I was brought up Christian, now I don’t really have one. It’s just something I’m not really interested in, and if you don’t mind me asking you something. So say someone had like two religions, and they’re completely opposite, different morals etc, and they were being forced into one religion, in which they didn’t agree on, how would you cope with it?” I ponder over Ray’s situation.
“I would simply decide what’s best for me, what I wanted, are you referring to anyone in particular Gerard?” He smirks at me.
“No…not really” I stuttered.
“Well, in the mean time, if you have anymore questions just come to me, and remember what I said will you? Oh and, I would greatly appreciate it if you would participate in Ramadan so others wouldn’t be quite tempted if you went around eating like there’s no tomorrow.” Aariz smiles and disappears out the door.

I watched from the rock furthest away from the kids praying. I agreed to do Ramadan, the fasting part, just not the praying. I couldn’t do that anyway. As they got off their knees from the little carpets and back on their knees again, I watched Ray, laughing at his fed-up expression on his face. It looks like he’s about to die. I throw pebbles at his back which causes him to turn around and give me the finger. I laugh and wait for them to finish.

“Dude that was so uncool!” Ray slaps me on the back of my head.
“Ha, what are you going to do now? The Black Mass?” I giggle.
“If some seriously retarded people still believe that Satanists do the Black Mass, is really unbelievable.” Ray puffs, attempting to do something with his hair.
“What’s wrong with you?” I narrow my eyes.
“One, I do not feel comfortable praying to Allah, and two, I need a fag” He tugs on his hair.
“Didn’t you bring any with you? Take mine,” I take them out of my trouser leg and throw the pack at him, “just don’t get caught. I’m going for a walk.” I say and leave.
It was getting dark and I was getting cold. Damn, if only I brought a warmer jacket. I ran my hand up the bark of a tree, the trees were very tall and thick, giving the forest a ancient feeling. I kept on walking, my hands deep into my pockets, humming along to Disarm by The Smashing Pumpkins. It makes me wonder what my little brother Mikey is doing. Probably at some party, getting drunk off his ass.
At once I stop, I edge closer, hearing voices. Well, a voice.
“Please, stop, leave me alone!” I hear the rough scream. “Just leave me alone” the voice begins to sob. I look across the grass patch and see a body curled up, with both hands pressed against the side of their head. From the back, I could see long dark hair. Putting one foot in front of the other, I silently walk towards the shaking body. Peering over them, I see the face, wet from tears. Waqaar.
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