Categories > Celebrities > Aerosmith > Tuesday's Gone

New Year

by aerosmith14 3 reviews

"Their lips crashed at the same time the crowd chanted to one and yelled out "Happy New Year!"

Category: Aerosmith - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2009-12-12 - Updated: 2009-12-12 - 2092 words - Complete

December 31, 1977

"Oh I am so excited!" Cyrinda said, cuddled up next to Joe on the couch "At midnight, it's going to be 1978 and in 3 days, we'll be getting married!"
He kissed her forehead "I'm excited too"
"I can remember the first day we met"
"I can barely remember cause I was high all day except for the evening" Joe laughed. 

August 9, 1974
Joe's POV

I walked out of the dressing room and saw Steven talking to some blonde haired girl. She looked cute.  
"Hey Joe." Steven waved. 
"Hey Steven." I waved back. I saw a blonde woman staring at me. She wasn't smiling at me or anything. She looked a little high. 
"Oh yeah I forgot to introduce you guys. Joe this is Cyrinda, Cyrinda this is Joe."
"Hey." We both said at the same time. We looked at each other and laughed.

Cyrinda's POV

God, Is it just me or it's hot in here? Why would Steven introduce me to Joe? I know who he is. I think Joe is so hot, I've seen the band play twice and I've noticed Joe is so focused on playing guitar. He rarely looks up at the crowd and when he sings with Steven, I can barely see how he looks like because he'll look at Steven sometimes. Anyway, We laughed and smiled at each other. Then a group of girls came by. They were all dressed in clothes that made them look... Easy. Yep, they're groupies.  
"Hi Steven, Hi Joe!" One of the girls said and rolled her eyes at me. Whore. 
"Hello ladies!" Steven smirked.
"So we were all just wondering if you guys were... busy?" One of the girls asked.  
"Nope." Steven said and looked at Joe. He shrugged "A little."
"Well we were hoping if you two would like to have some fun with us!" 
"Sure!" Steven said "Hey Joe, Are you down for some... fun?"
He stayed quiet for a while.
"No thanks" He finally answered "I wanna hang out with Cyrinda."
He put his arm around me and brought me closer to him. I could smell his colone. It smells good. My heart began beating faster. Oh god, I think I'm going to have a heart attack!
"Oh okay." Steven sighed and walked up towards the group of sluts "Come on ladies, Lets go!"
I watched them walk away. Joe put his arm away from me and stepped back. 
"Sorry if you didn't like that. It's just that one of those girls in the group is trying to get with me and I don't really like her. I don't date whores." He chuckled.
"It's fine" I said. I was a little upset. I wish his arm was still around me. 
"Hey we should go walking around New York and get to know each other. Lets go walking in Central Park."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! Sorry for telling you this but Steven gets... loud." He said in a low voice. 
"Oh?" At least he said he was sorry for telling me that. Although I really didn't want to hear that.  
"So, do you wanna stay here and listen to them or you'd rather go walking?"
I quickly answered back "Walking."
He laughed "I knew you'd say that!"

Central Park

Joe and Cyrinda were walking in Central Park when they decided to sit down on one of the benches.
"So do you live here or decided to come visit Steven?" Joe asked. 
"I live here." 
"Have you lived here your whole life?"
"No. I lived in California."
"What made you move here?"
"I wanted to get away from a few people." 
"Oh? So, do you like it here?"
"Yeah. I really like the night life, I swear this city never sleeps!" She said and asked him how often he came to New York. 
"I'll come here every once in a while and I agree, seems like this city never sleeps"
She smiled and asked "Where do you live?"
"In Boston"
"Have you lived there your whole life?"
"No. I grew up in Hopedale"
"Where is that at?"
"In Massachusetts" 
"Oh." She stayed quiet. This is awkward. Very awkward. They stayed quiet for a while. 
"So uh do you wanna stay here or keep walking?" Joe asked, breaking the silence. 
"Your choice."
They sat there for a few more minutes until they got up and continued walking. Someone began following them. Joe looked back and rolled his eyes. 
"Great." He said under his breath. 
"What's wrong?" She asked, wanting to look back.  
"It's the paparazzi."
There was a flash and a shutter sound behind them. A guy holding a camera appeared in front of them. He had a black short sleeve shirt on, dark blue jeans, black tennis shoes and had a black hat on. He had a huge smirk on his face. The photographer ran in front of them.   
"Is this your girlfriend?" The guy asked as he took a picture. 
"No." He said ,"She is my friend!"
"Yeah whatever." He scoffed as he took another picture.  
"Can you please go away?" Joe asked "I'm asking you nicely."
"Just let me take a few more." The photographer answered. A fan ran towards Joe and asked for his autograph. He signed it and the fan asked if he could take a picture.
"Yeah sure." He stopped walking "Hey Cyrinda can you take a picture?"
"Yeah sure." She said as she took the camera from Joe. Joe posed with the lucky fan and waited for her to take a picture. Two flashes appeared. One from the camera she had and the other from the guy that was following them. She handed the fan back his camera. 
"Thanks!" The fan smiled and began walking away. Joe and Cyrinda continued walking with the photographer still following them. 
"Joe, you're nice." The photographer complimented.
"Thank you, Can you please leave?"
"Just a few more pictures. You can talk to your girlfriend I don't mind."
"We're not dating!" Cyrinda spoke up.
"I know you want him!" He smiled and took another picture.
"Please leave!" Her voice was getting louder. 
"One more!" A flash appeared "Okay that's it. Thank you for being patient"
"Fuck you!" Joe growled and stuck his middle finger out.
A flash appeared "Oh that's a good one!" The photographer laughed and walked away.
"Fuckin' cunt." Joe said in a low voice. 
"I hate those people." She said "You have to deal with them every single day huh?"
"Yeah and I have to be careful on what I say to them because they'll twist my words around."
She sighed "I feel bad for you."
"I bet those pictures are going to come up on the newspaper tomorrow."
"I bet so. Last week, they took pictures of Mick Jagger with some guy and they made up a rumor saying he's gay!"
Joe angrily sighed "Those people need to get a job and a life" He rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, They do." 
"Wanna go get a drink?"
"I'm not really in the mood to get drunk tonight."
"Neither am I, but we can always go get a coffee or something."
"Oh well I know a place where they serve really good coffee."
"Cool! Where?"
"Right across the street" She said, pointing at a store across the street. 


They walked out of the coffee shop. 
"Wow you are right, the coffee there is good!"
She smiled at him "I told you!"
They continued walking. An ambulance sped by, with the sirens blaring. 
Joe watched the ambulance speed by "Jeez, I don't know how you can sleep in this city since it's always loud and bright."
She shrugged her shoulders "Once you get used to it, it's not that loud."
They sat down on a nearby bus stop.
"Where do you wanna go?" Joe asked. 
"I want to take you to the other side of New York."
"I'm gonna get lost."
"As long as you stay with me, you won't get lost!"
A bus came by and took them to their designated stop. 
"Follow me." She walked into one of the apartment buildings.
He looked at the building and asked out of curiosity "Is this where you live?"
"Yeah" She unlocked one of the doors and walked in "Come in!"
He stepped inside and looked around. "Nice place" 
"Thanks!" She walked to a window "Come over here!"
He walked towards the window.
"Wow... This is... Nice."
"The view is spectacular huh?"
The view showed times square and up ahead you could see the twin towers.
"I'll take photo's every once in a while"
"What do you do?"
"I'm a photographer." The phone rang "Hold on." She answered the phone. He looked outside from the window. There was traffic down below. Ah, typical New York.
"NO! LEAVE ME ALONE! NO I WON'T! FUCK YOU!" She slammed the phone back on the reciever. She looked at him, blushed and apologized "I'm sorry."
"Who was that?!" 
"You don't wanna know. I don't wanna bore you." She sighed. 
"No, that's fine!"
"That was my ex on the phone!" 
"Why did you break up with him?"
"Oh I don't wanna tell you. You're probably the type who'll pretend to listen to me but is just nodding off." 
He shook his head and smiled "You can tell me. I'm not that type!"
She told him about her exboyfriend's lying and cheating.
"Wow, He sounds like a jackass."
She laughed after he said that "So are you single?"
"My last girlfriend didn't understand how busy I was. She always wanted me to be there 24/7 and wanted me to blow off practice with the guys." He rolled his eyes. 
"Selfish!" She scoffed.
"I know!" He shook his head. 
She sighed and said "I hate girls like that."
They both smiled. Joe leaned in and crashed his lips against hers. Their lips were together for a minute before she pulled away. 
"I think we should stop." She stood up.
He looked up and asked"Why?"
"We just met."
"I think we're moving too fast."
"Okay yeah, I know we're moving too fast but I already staring to fall for you." He stood up "If you think I'm going to be like your ex-boyfriend, then you're wrong."
She was beginning to fall heads over heels for Joe. Ever since she first saw him. It's a little weird. They barely know each other! He stepped closer to her and grabbed her hands "So what do you think? Will you be my girl?"
She stayed quiet for a while before nodding her head "Yes!"
Their lips crashed. 
End of Flashback
"We barely even knew each other but I could tell we were already falling for each other" Cyrinda said.
"I had to ask you. Once I saw you, you had to be mine!" He said and slightly blushed. 
"Aw." She kissed him on the lips. He whispered something while he kissed her ear.
She climbed on top of him and winked at him. 

8 minutes until Midnight

Everybody was at Steven's house for the party he was throwing. Since kids were going to be attending the party, drugs were not allowed. 
"This blows." Steven complained.
"What blows? Oh your mom? I know." He laughed. 
"Shut up." Steven said, trying not to laugh. 
"I'm kidding!" Joe laughed again.
'Tuesday's Gone' began playing on the stereo. Joe looked around and found Cyrinda drinking a beer in the kitchen. He walked up to her and asked "Wanna dance?"
She smiled and nodded her head. They joined the other couples that were dancing. Cyrinda put her head on Joe's shoulder as they began dancing
"I love this song" She said.
"I do too!" He replied "Cyrinda, I love you and I am so happy I am spending the rest of my life with you."
"I love you too babe." She kissed him. After she kissed him, they both thought about one thing, Kids. Joe loved kids, but didn't really know if he should be a father or not. He'll be on tour most of the time. He continued to think about it until he heard everybody count down from 10.
"10, 9, 8, 7...." The crowd chanted "4, 3, 2, 1!"
Their lips crashed at the same time the crowd chanted to one and yelled out "Happy New Year!"
"Happy New Year, babe." He said looking into her eyes. 
"Happy New Year!" She held him tighter and kissed him. Another year passed and they were still in love.

Oh my god, am I the only one who thought the last line was super cheesy and gay? Haha
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