Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Taken


by LyssaLa 5 reviews

Insane. He had to be insane, I was sure he was insane... and that scared me. It scared me a lot.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2009-12-14 - Updated: 2009-12-15 - 1188 words

The man grabbed my chin and squeezed roughly. Smiling.

I was to shocked to move, to scream…
I watched as he raised the small silver thiing to my eyes so I could see it.

He laughed at the look on my face.

I had already guessed what the object was. I had guessed hours ago, when Gee mentioned it in the bar.
But I still couldn’t hold back a shiver as he brought the silver gun to the side of my head, pressing it into a temple. I closed my eyes. Sure he would pull the trigger, afraid to die.
Beside me, Gerard stiffened and whimpered, squeezing my hand tightly.
I could tell he was absolutely terrified, but afraid to do anything except stand still.
With the cool steel gun of the pressed into my head, I was scared to breathe.

The man leered at us both, never taking his piercing blue eyes off our faces. They were beautiful… his eyes. I remember that, the shock of blue was gorgeuos in a way that took your breath away. It felt like they was burning a hole in my head, I couldn’t look away.
"AH!" David screamed out.

Gerard jumped in surprise and yelled my name.
I winced, ready for the shot, the bullet, the pain, but he hadn’t pulled the trigger.

The man laughed loudly at our fear, his eyes sparkling and his lips stretching thin across his yellow teeth.

“I’m David.” He spoke, pressing the smooth metal of the gun deeper into my skin.
Insane. He had to be insane. I was sure he was insane, and that scared me. It scared me a lot.
Who knew what some crazy guy wanted to do to us? What he would do?
I felt Gerard shaking, and suddenly I got that tingling feeling again.
Gee was going to do something stupid…
David was still laughing at his own cruel joke when Gerard asked him,

“W-what what do you want with us, exactly?”

Why did you try to start a conversation Gee? Couldn’t you have stayed quiet?

“Don’t ask me questions.”
David was had stopped laughing. He was yelling now, his face shadowed with anger. Gerard’s eyes got wide.
“I- I didn’t, I’m sorry….”

“Don’t talk to me like you’re an equal!” He spat in Gerard’s face and I growled. He ignored me and started talking to no one, ignoring both our stunned looks.

“My friends said I could never do it! They said I wouldn’t be able to get you guys, but I did, I DID! You’re mine from now on… mine and only mine… Well my friends and I will share you. Do you understand?”

Oh god. I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t understand… why us?

Neither me or Gee answered his question and David’s face twisted in anger.

He grabbed my throat and shook me hard, Growling,
“Do. You. Under. Stand. Me?”
We stayed silent. I began gasping for air as his fists tightened over my throat...
Then he hit me.

David smiled insanely and lifted the metal gun high above his head, then brought it crashing back down into my skull. He did it again, and again. I could hear Gerard yelling and crying my name as David kept bashing me with gun that was now covered with my own blood. I was thinking the entire time,
"As long as it’s me…"


I could feel the hot blood running down the side of my head and into my mouth when my knees collapsed. As soon as they did, David caught me and held me up. Leaning over my face and kissing my lips, my forehead, my hair crooning words of comfort over my bleeding skull.

What was fucking wrong with this guy?
“My friends are coming, they're coming. Don’t worry Frankie… Gerard don’t worry. Gerard? Come – come over here and give old David a kiss huh? My friends and I, we’ll be good owners, good guys right? Don’t be scared.”

David was still supporting me, I would’ve fallen over if he wasn’t.
Squinting in pain, I looked over to Gerard, who was standing with a horrified expression on his face his arms reaching out to me.

“Frank? Frankie… Why the hell did you hurt him so badly? Leave us alone, we don’t know you!”

David dropped me on the pavement, and I fell onto my hands and knees, gasping in pain and yelling at Gerard to 'run!’
David kicked me in the stomach before running after my boyfriend.

Gerard hadn't moved much. He’d only managed to stumble back a few steps and David caught him easily. The insane man wrapped his thick arms around Gee’s waist, pulling him close like they were dancing. I watched as David whispered something into Gee's ear, and I watched Gee start crying silently.

And then he kissed him, shoving his dirty mouth onto my boyfriend’s.

David shoved his tongue through Gerard’s tight lips, and I could see Gee struggling to get away, his eyes wide. But David was holding him to tightly, his arms, his body, his head, keeping them close together.
It hurt to watch my Gee choking on some strangers tongue. I started yelling his name, begging David to stop, but a car horn drowned out everything I was trying to say.
David broke the kiss to see where the bright lights and noise were coming from. He saw the car and smiled widely, waving so the speeding van would see us.
I sat up weakly, spitting the salty blood that was running from my temple to my mouth onto the pavement.

Gerard had pulled away from David as soon as the large man had broken the kiss, so he was by my side again. He was horrified, crying and scared rubbing my shoulder and asking me if I was okay.

I was, I was okay.
David hadn’t hit me hard enough to cause damage, I was… just dizzy. Gee was fussing over the bruises and cuts on my face, waving his hands frantically, trying to do something to help when the white van skidded to our side. David whopped and started yelling to the people inside, something about success? My head was too fuzzy. I don’t remember… the last thing I can remember is being dragged across the ground by two pairs of strong arms.

I also remember my last glimpse of Gerard’s terrified face... hearing his scream of pain as someone roughly grabbed his hair and pulled him away from me.

Yeahhh! The End.

Of The Chapter.

Ohhhhh did I scare ya for a sec?
Probably not but hey, that made me feel cool :D
God I'm A Loser....
Thanks to the people who reviewed, you guys made me feel so warm and fuzzy, I love ya!
Oh and David... I'm Not entirely happy with that name.. do you guys have suggestions for better ones that I could use for his friends?

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