Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Reset


by Elektroshock 3 reviews

There's always a second chance, right?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2009-12-15 - Updated: 2009-12-16 - 510 words

It was autumn. Although still afternoon the journey had been spent peering at slowly moving red lights through clouds of condensing exhaust and the intermittent slip-slip of wipers. Now as Emilie turned off the ignition silence gathered around her. She walked head down, hood up. The pavement was thick with the slippery brown mulch of fallen leaves. A thin mist clung around the streetlights producing a shifting yellow gas. Sounds were muffled and movements lethargic. Cars slowly moved by on a film of dirty water.

Bending around the edges of her vision she caught her neighbor's curtains being swished closed. Her eyes narrowed as she rattled the key into her front door. The new neighbors, or neighbor, that had moved in at the beginning of the month were very strange. No one ever came out of the large, weary house. It had been abandoned for many years; why would anyone want to live there? The only time Emilie catched a good glimpse at her neighbor was when he was moving in. He had casually took a drag from his cigarette, eyes hidden underneath the dark sunglasses he wore, as workers carried furniture into the newly sold house. Emilie had watched him through her kitchen window as she stirred cream into her daily cup of coffee.
There was something peculiar about him, something oddly intriguing. He wore a black suit and had black, messy hair just below his ears. He looked young, but had a mature sense about him.

Emilie walked through the front door and into the kitchen. She tossed her keys onto the counter and flipped on the light switch. She then made her way to the living room. Nothing good was on TV; however, Emilie proceeded to watch as if she really was amused. It had been a long and stressful day. She and her ex-husband were at court, finalizing their divorce. In the beginning, their relationship had been everything Emilie had ever wanted. Always telling eachother sweet nothings, dining out in the city, cuddling up on the cough while watching a movie--it was perfect and simple.
A little after a year of their marriage, the love had become bitter and distant. He had gotten a new job, well paying too. They needed the money to start out their lives, but the downside was he was hardly ever home. And when he did come home, he was exhausted. He had no time for her. Emilie had enough of the quiet dinners and lonely nights. As time went on they both realized the love for eachother wasn't there anymore. They just wanted the comfort of knowing that they could say they were married to someone and hope people didn't suspect it was falling apart.

Emilie was getting upset...and then pissed because she allowed herself to get upset. She was jolted out of her self-pity when there was two loud thumps at the door.

Author's Note: How was that? It's only the first chapter, I promise (or I hope) it will get better. Positive ratings & reviews are lovely ;)
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