Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

Heaven is hell without you

by CyanideChild_ 1 review

They escape... But is it all as it seems?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2009-12-26 - Updated: 2009-12-26 - 1451 words - Complete

I’ve done it again. I’ve alienated her. But I can’t get over it, the way she was, her sparkle – it was still there – but it was there in a different way. I know that if I hold her close, I wont feel the warmth of her skin, and I wont feel the rushing heartbeat in her breast. Because I know that when I hold her, they’ll be no warmth in her skin, her breath wont catch when I kiss her, because she doesn’t breath, she has no heartbeat. She’s a walking corpse, an undead, a living dead…. A vampire.
Gerard shock himself awake, and out of his depressing reverie. He stared out of the window, picturing himself and Georgia, laughing, and running along a path. He pictured, Bert broken and beaten behind them his hand stretched out, almost as if to catch her… but she was just out of his reach.
Dream Georgia turned around and winked at Bert before planting a solid kiss on Gerard’s smirking lips.
‘Gerard dude. Gerard.’ Bob gently shook him awake. ‘Mikes calling for you.’ He held out Gerard’s phone, and Gerard smirked to himself, remembering that he was a high tech motherfucker.
‘Gerard man! Good news!’
‘Good? Never heard of the word.’ Gerard scoffed.
‘We’re coming back! We’re escaping…’ Mikey snorted, hearing Gerard’s muffled choke.

‘I love you,’ Bert smiled, and I felt my nose itch, as though I was going to cry. Im not going to cry. That will give it away. I will not cry…
‘Baby, why are you crying?’ Bert said quickly, at my side in and instant. He brushed the tears that I would not cry, away from my face. I looked at him, intently.
‘Bert, I love you. You know that right? I just wanna do the right thing. Nothings going to change that.’ Bert smiled. I don’t know why he’s smiling. Perhaps he’s gone mad. That’ll be a lot easier…
‘Baby. I know. Whatever you do, I know you love me. That’s why im so happy. Because I know despite your best efforts you’re in love with me. And despite the fact you annoy the hell out of me, you’re stubborn, you’re just downright terrible.’ I looked at my feet. They do seem interesting at this point in the discussion. Nice shoes…. I look up again. I see Bert’s eyes. They look terribly sad. Glittering, and blue, like light sapphires. His lips curved themselves into a wry smile, and he clicked his fingers in front of my eyes a few times.
‘Earth the Georgia?’ Brendon grinned by the door. I jumped.
‘I was listening!’ I lied. Bert laughed and ruffled my hair as he passed me to join Brendon in the door.
‘I, love, you’ I he mouthed to me, making the motions to me. And Brendon pushed him out the door. I laughed, and ran a hand through my short hair. Out of the corner of the eye, I saw a pair of very dark enticing eyes. An evil smirk. I turned around fully.
It was gone.

Sam and I held hands, and huddled together, not cold, as we couldn’t feel coldness, only extreme heat – but huddling at the idea of the cold. If that makes sense. Frank’s nose was pink and his breath was showing in the cold night. Mikey’s hands were red, and looked numb though he assured us they were fine. We were gathered in one of the many rose mazes. Frank and Mikey were arguing in hushed voices, over which direction we were to take once we left.
‘Look. We have to go before Bert realises im gone.’ I said impatiently, at the arguing Frank and Mikey.
‘How is he going to know?’ Frank asked turning to face me. I kicked a rather interesting leaf.
‘I… kinda… left him a note…’
‘A NOTE?’ Frank shrieked. ‘Well that’s just great isn’t it. We’re just gonna’ have to leave now aren’t we? Before-’
A high, harsh and piercing scream resounded through the grounds.
Mikey rolled his eyes, and Frank grabbed Sam and Georgia and legged it.
‘Always the theatrics,’ He said shouldering his over large back pack and following them.

‘Bob! Why is there a tree in the middle of the courtyard?’ Gerard yelled, agitated, picking up random objects of litter, strewn across the floor from Frank and Mikey’s last stay. Bob huffed up behind Gerard, red faced, a hand on his knee.
‘That… was your fault.’ He panted. ‘You got annoyed… with Mikey. You told him to. Something. With a tree.’ Gerard examined the mess critically.
‘Well. Clean it up. Georgia will be here in less than a day. Less than a day!’
‘And we have to keep things tidy for Bert’s princess.’ Ray said, his armful of rubbish higher than his hair. Gerard laughed at them, and then ran back into the maid part of the mall, to clear it.
‘My princess,’ he smiled, and attempted to cartwheel.

‘Im co-o-old!’ Frank complained, walking fast keeping on the look out, for any hostile vampires. Mikey was exhausted, panting along behind. Sam was dirt streaked, raggedy, and pissed off. Me? I was in a tree. I was sitting on top of the highest tree, in some random woods, looking at the mall that was our destination and the black looming castle that was – is my home. Gazing intently at the mall, I could see, with my HD eyesight Gerard, doing cartwheels in the frontcourt. Well. Trying to do cartwheels. I chuckled to myself. And then leapt to the next tree.
‘Hey spider monkey! Do me a favour and get down her will you?’ Mikey called. I smiled to myself, and ignored him. He looked pained, but jumped the twenty feet into the air, to land on my back.
‘Tarzan. Get down here will you?’ He growled into my ear. I laughed, and keeled forward, both of us free falling through the air.
The difference was that I landed felinely on my feet in front of Frankie.
‘Nine point eight.’ He smiled impressed.
Mikey landed in a crumpled heap, on his back.
‘Could use some improvement, Mikey’ Sam said grinning, swinging her and Frank’s intertwined hands. I rolled my eyes, and Mikey slowly and delicately scrambled up. Striding onwards I turned back and winked.
‘C’mon guys. Im sure you don’t wanna catch that nice winter sun.’
Catching their horrified and disgusted looks, I laughed a very Bert like laugh, and skipped ahead again.

‘Is it all set up?’ Bert asked the dark room, the single candle casting his features into deep relief. Brendon leaned forward and the both observed each other in the candlelight.
‘It is,’ Brendon replied, lighting a cigarette, Bert smiled, satisfied.
‘Good. When? Tomorrow?’ He said eagerly, leaning into the flame.
‘No.’ Brendon leaned back, taking a long and satisfying drag of the sweet nicotine. ‘Why take it away from her before she’s had a chance to taste it? No. Give her a week with him. Remember, it’s not you she’ll hate. It’s me, the back stabber. The betrayer.’ Brendon blew out smoke, and smiled. ‘I can hear his screams now. We’ll kill him. Forever. You’ll be her one and only. And that’s how it’ll stay for all eternity, your majesty.’
Bert’s smile in front of the candle grew and grew and then he blew the candle out.

‘Georgie!’ Gerard squealed. I trudged up the hill and gave him a quizzical look. He pulled me into a tight hug and carried me fireman like over his shoulder into the mall.
‘Thought ya’ hated me, Mr. Way?’ I said sceptically at his puppy like adoring expression. He shook his head, and took me hand.
‘I could never hate you,’ He said sadly, and honestly as we strolled away from Mikey and Frank who were showing a wondering Sam around.
‘I tried, you know. It just didn’t work’ Gerard sighed and led me into Costa. I tried to smile, but my perfect reflection caught me eye, and I turned my back.
‘I love you.’ He turned me to face him. ‘You’re reflection means nothing to me. Its whats in here’ he gestured to my heart, ‘That counts.’ I looked at him sceptically. He must be talking metaphorically. My hearts not beating.
He smiled, and my lips formed that fragile lie, that pretended it was all okay. He cupped my face.
'Because even heaven, is hell without you.'
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