Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess


by CyanideChild_ 1 review

Georgia goes home, to some, confusing consquences

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-06 - Updated: 2010-01-07 - 608 words - Complete

‘Im sorry!! Ouch Sam! Let me up!’ Frankie whined from the floor. Sam was sitting on him from behind, twisting his arm up his back
‘Not until you say sorry!’ Sam grinned viciously, making me feel for Frank.
‘Im SORRY I jumped off a tower, just like I was sorry the last twenty times-OUCH SAM!!!’ Sam released him with a grin, and Frank laid on the ground and cradled his arm. She knelt down, and with a glint in his eye, he pounced.
‘FRANKIE!’ she giggled loudly. I smiled slightly and walked away. It had been two weeks since we came back. Since then, I’d heard not a word from Bert, or Brendon, or any other vampire I’d left behind. The others were content, and happy, but me? I was restless. Let me guess, you’re thinking, jesus this girl is never happy! First she wants out, then she wants in, first she loves him, then she loves him.
It’s like, whoever im away from, im drawn to most. Its like gravity pulled me, and my whole body is centred on Castle Black Rose. Gerard looked up from a bench he was drawing at. All he does now is smile, and draw pictures of us being happy, and weddings and tells me he loves me.
But I cant say it back.
I cant say it to Bert easily enough, because I love him, and I cant hurt him as much as I can Gerard.
But Gerard is breakable. He hurts me. He hurts himself. I cant tell him I love him, because one day he will die. And I wont.
I growled, and hugged my legs, throwing myself down on the floor like I used to do when I was little. Gerard noticed me and came over.
‘I’ve got something to show you in the morning,’ he whispered into my ear.
‘What is it?’ I replied, narrowing my eyes. Goddammit, I hate surprises.
‘I’m not telling you, till this morning.’ He grinned kissing my ear, before standing up and heading to Starbucks . I wanted to follow him.. But I really couldn’t be bothered. I rested my head on my knees and pondered.
‘Can I open my eyes yet?’
‘Make up your mind you sill-’
It was my flat. It had been torn apart. But it was my home. I rushed over to the mantel. The picture of my Nanna and Grandad was still there. The glass was cracked, but it was still there. I blew lightly the dust, covering the picture fell away, and I stared lovingly into the eyes of my grandparents. Setting the photo quietly down, I turn to Gerard. I opened my mouth to speak, but my mobile rang.
‘Hello?’ I answered it, thinking it to be Frank, or Mikey…
‘The lights are on, but nobodies home…. Or rather they shouldn’t be home, look out side sweetums, night is falling. And soon, you’ll be calling my name….’ The line crackled and I looked at it in alarm. What – who was that? Suddenly the home phone rang, and Gerard and I both jumped. We both dived for the phone, but I elbowed him out the way and hope to God, or whoever was up there that I hadnt broken his ribs.
‘Georgia? Is that you?!’ Brendon’s panicked voice came from down the phone line. ‘He’s found you. You and Gerard get the the woods now. The clearing. I’ll meet you there…’ Brendon hung up. I looked at Gerard with wide eyes, and we both shared the same thought out loud.
What the fuck!?’
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