Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Blood Princess

The End

by CyanideChild_ 2 reviews

Everything happens

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2010-01-14 - Updated: 2010-01-14 - 1490 words - Complete

‘Im sorry!! Ouch Sam! Let me up!’ Frankie whined from the floor. Sam was sitting on him from behind, twisting his arm up his back

I don’t understand what’s going on. I’m running hand in hand to the clearing like Brendan told me to. The others are going to meet us there. I think that totally creepy phone call was Bert… Ew, did he turn into some, like pervert while im gone? And then there was Brendan telling me he knew where we were… Gerard and I shot each other panicked glances as we ran through the thickening bushes. He suddenly stopped, yanking on my arm and pulling back.
‘Ouch! Mr.Way you better have a good reason for dislocating my-’
His lips collided forcefully with mine, and my sharp comment was cut off. I was almost swept backwards as he kissed me, his lips grazing mine, his tongue, lightly tentatively exploring my mouth…
When I could breathe, I looked at him strangly.
‘And that came from where?’ I asked smiling.
‘I know what you think. About me and you. And I know you’re scared to tell me you love me. I know, shhh shh, I know,’ He pressed his fingers to my lips when I tried to reply. ‘One day, maybe it’ll be too late, maybe it’ll be just in time – you’ll figure out that you love me too. Then things’ll be good. I will be whole. Remember that sugar, I will be. I love you.’ I looked into his soft hazel eyes, and my whole body screamed at me –Tell him!- but I couldn’t bring myself to do it. I brought his knuckles to my lips and kissed them. And he, never taking his eyes off mine, took his hand back, pulled his ring off his finger and put it on mine.
My fingers closed around the ring, and my eyes grew blurry from tears. He kissed my hair.
‘Not so big and tough now are ya?’ He laughed at me. I took his hand and ran with his again, coming to an abrupt stop when I realised the clearing only about six feet away from where we were originally standing. Ray, Bob, Sam, Frank, Anika (where the HELL had she come from?!) and Mikey stood in a semi circle, facing eight vampires. No one had moved. Gerard kissed my ear, before instantly joining his brother. The were holding croquet mallets and baseball bats. Croquet mallets. Honestly.
Slowly, and eerily all eight of the vampires neck swivelled, looking at me, while I stood between them all stunned. The one in the middle grinned.
‘Name’s Nikolai, your majesty.’ He smiled, inclining his head.
‘Oh tell it to someone who cares,’ I sneered.
‘I care,’ a familiar voice laughed

I watched in fascinated horror, as three of the vampires I’d thought dead, William, Bert and Connor, leapt for Gerard’s throat. Mikey, seeing the danger ran forward and held me against my will as I struggled to get to Gerard’s side.
“Gerard!” I screamed, struggling from Mikey’s grip. Gerard turned, but it was too late, Bert had hit his mark, his gleaming white fangs shining in the dusk. I whipped out my pistol, that I always kept hidden underneath my skirt and fired three shots, knowing that the bullets would be futile, against the vampires. They all hit their mark. With grins aimed at me they all retreated, with Bert even doffing an imaginary hat. What a prick.
“We’ll be back, princess.” He laughed at her, vanishing with William and Connor.
I rushed to Gerard’s side, trying to staunch the blood pouring from his injured thorax.
“Are you hurt? Wait, that’s a stupid question… Uh, Gerard you were right, I love you! Don’t die…” I was pulled back by Mikey, but kept my eyes fixed on Gerard, who’d gone a deathly pale, and his black shirt was stained with his blood. He locked eyes with me hazily and half smiled, before, motioning to Anika, who smugly smiled at me before sweeping forward and putting her lips to his throat. What the fuck. I screamed, my throat sore and hoarse and rushed forward again, to hurt Anika, to save Gerard, but Mikey’s fingers found me and held me just in time.
“It’s his choice Gee, he’ll die otherwise,” He murmured in my hair. I sobbed, violent shivers racking my body, watching the man I loved, being turned into a monster, the most gentle, and kind man being changed into something he was not…into someone like… me.
“I… will… be,” he whispered through his ravenged lips, and I fell on his body, which was filled with tremors, even after Anika had finished.
“He’ll wake up soon,” she told everyone “He’ll be as good as new.” Shooting a contemptuous glance at me, she glided into back the way we came, heading for the mall. Sam looked at me with teary eyes, and left a sobbing and broken Frank away. Mikey stayed with me, arm around my shoulder crying quietly into my hair. And until he woke, I just sobbed into his chest, my fingers died red with blood. His blood.
There was a blinding flash of light and and I screamed again, as I felt Gerard’s body slip away from me, and a piece of paper being forced into my grip instead.
And when everyone’s vision had cleared, I lay on the floor, clutching at a piece of milky white paper, now bloodstained and filthy. Gerard was gone. Looking up with dead, cold eyes I frankly told Mikey.
“This is War.”

‘So, Jepha.’ Quinn said cheerfully, ‘Its out last day on guard duty. You gonna miss it?’
‘No,’ Jeph replied sullenly. Quinn laughed and clapped Jeph around the shoulders.
‘Oh sure you will.’
‘Yeah. Sure I will. With all the people who come to see us, all the new friends we’ve made, all the blood we’ve had, all the beautiful females we’ve seen…’
‘Speaking of beautiful females,’ Quinn said suddenly, Jeph looked up and saw a small lone figure walking confidently towards the gate.
‘Name, and postion, ma’am!’ Quinn said, trying to look impressive, puffing his chest out. The female looked at him coldly, not saying a word.
‘Um, Miss?’ Jeph said next to him. ‘You cant come in until we know we you are.’
‘How shameful! Not knowing who I am, when even someone such as I, know who you are, Quinn, and Jepha of the Black Rose gate.’ came the girls high mocking voice. Quinn frowned, staring at her face, not knowing in the slightest who she was. The girl looked coldly forward, no emotion in her eyes.
‘My name is Georgia. And I am the Blood Queen.’

‘She’s not here Brendan!’ Berts angry voice reverbrated on the walls. He grabbed Brendon by the neck and hurled him at the wall with such force it cracked.
‘You promised me!’ Bert said, infuriated that he had gone to so much bloody trouble, and she still wasn’t here. ‘I love her, and I’m not gambling. I want her here. Now!’ He growled hefting Brendon up by his throat, and holding him to the now cracked wall.
‘Your wish is my command,’ Brendon croaked, looking over Bert’s shoulder.
‘The wall is cracked.’ I said, quietly. ‘Fix it.’ Berts eyes widened when he saw me. He made to move to my side.
‘Don’t you dare touch me.’ I said to him, looking angrily into his eyes. He narrowed his own, and moved closer.
‘I hope you haven’t forgotten, my love.’ He said, grabbing my chin and pulling my face close to his. ‘But im still your king.’
‘And you smell foul. Of raw meat. And blo-’
I cut of then falling to the ground and clutching my stomach. My fangs elongated of their own accord and I found my self very hungry indeed. Bert picked me up, in his arms and cradled my like a baby.
‘Brendon, find her some food. Now’ Brendon stood shakily, and then nodded. He turned his mocking, dark and evil eyes on me.
‘Sure thing, your highness. I will be… as quick as I can.’
I gasped, the pain I had at those words twisted in my gut like a knife. I saw Gerard’s and my eyes welled up. Brendon smiled,
‘Such pretty little thoughts, sugar. They have a real, ring to em,’
I glanced down and remembered Gerard’s ring he had given me so long ago. I looked up and Brendon and sprang forward to attack him. Berts string arms held me fast, and I snapped at him angry and feral.
Brendon winked.
Feisty girl!’ he grinned, and I charged forward, tripping over my feet, and promptly blacking out.
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