Categories > Original > Drama > And Still The Fire Burns

And Still The Fire Burns

by ElaLovesYou 0 reviews

The character information for the story.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2009-12-29 - Updated: 2009-12-29 - 198 words

And Still The Fire Burns. By Jordan Waine, 19

Character Information:
You are Alexandra Bell.
You hate your name, 'Alex' you call yourself.
You hate life. You are suicidal in the beginning.
You are 14 years old.
Your father beats and rapes you.
You have thigh length black hair with hauntingly light grey eyes. They are almost white.
You're teased at school, beaten up and raped by most of the boy's.
Your reason for life is Three Days Grace. You worship the band and draw strength from their songs.

A day before your story begins, your father storms your room and absolutely destroys everything you possess with a Three Days Grace mark on it including the red 'x' design you had tattooed on the back of your neck.
He then rips chunks of your hair out and violently rapes you. He then beats you to the brink of death and leaves you, broken and bleeding, among the shattered remains of your cd's.
Later that day he comes back and grabs the biggest shard of broken cd. He procceeds to stab you with it and yet again leaves you to bleed out.
The next day your story begins.

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