Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fast Times At Belleville High [completely rewritten.]

L-O-V-E's Just Another Word I Never Learned To Pronounce.

by shehadtheworld12 5 reviews

Roxie observes her new found friends....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2009-12-29 - Updated: 2009-12-30 - 2425 words

Chapter Two! Rate and review! Hey that rhymed.

Roxie’s POV

For the whole week I would say I was well acclimated. I knew my classes, teachers, snobs, douche nozzles, nerds, and of course the ever popular sloppy Joe’s day. You get the picture.

Even though I still hate this place, I thought I would make the best of it, since I don’t have a choice. But when I turn 18 man…

“Roxie!” someone called to me and I turned to see Luma smiling brightly at me and I smiled back. She was still wearing blinding colors and I bet she’s just the teacher’s favorite student in classes. I like her though.

“Hey…what’s up?” I said softly.

“Well it’s the weekend, and usually we all go some place.”

“And do what?” I asked carefully. She shrugged.

“Oh you know, smoke a joint, do some lines, do you not trust us?” She asked sarcastically.

“Sorry just had to check.”

“Better safe then sorry, we’re mostly straight edge anyways.”

“Cool.” I nodded.

“So you in?”

“Sure.” I shrugged. I got nothing else to do and my parents are annoying the crap out of me lately.

“Excellente. Let’s go.” she said adjusting her bag.

“Right now?” I asked confused. She nodded with a laugh.

“Yeah unless you got something to do?” she raised an eyebrow. She was intimidating when she wanted to be. I have no idea how Luma Iero works in this world.

“Why not.” I smiled and she cheered before leading me to the courtyard where everyone except Frank of course, Gerard, and Mikey were there.

“Are we going or what?” Luma asked.

“Yes miss priss relax okay? We are waiting for Mikey, Gee, and your idiotic brother.”

“Where is he anyways?” She squinted her eyes.

“Detention.” Bob said appearing out of nowhere. How does this guy do it? Liker seriously he’ll magically appear out of nowhere and just…be there. I would never know if he was standing behind me.

“Again?!” she shouted and he nodded. “Well what for?” she huffed.

“Apparently he stole Mr. Line’s wig.” Bob laughed but stopped when Luma wasn’t laughing. She just shook her head and sat down.

“He’s going to get expelled.” she said softly and Ray and Vaughnjareya nodded.

“That he is.” Vaughnjareya pointed his finger. Bob sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her and she smiled. I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of relationship everyone seemed to have, I mean her and Bob seemed close, and Vaughnjareya and Ray were definitely close, it was kind of interesting? I guess you could say I’m an observer, a person on the sidelines who studies everyone, no I’m not a creepy stalker. A girl walked by and I raised my eyes in surprise. She had quite a lot of tattoos, a nose ring, lip ring, and her hair was strawberry blonde. She looked fierce and I noticed Shaun was intently staring at her.

“Dude…are you okay?” I smiled as he looked at me with a dazed look.

“I’m fine.” He shrugged and looked back disappointed as the girl was gone.

“Who’s that chick?” I heard someone mutter. Shaun immediately turned around and gasped.

“You don’t know?” he asked. All of us shook our heads. He shook his head as well.

“That’s Kristina Horton, best snow boarder from West Chester. She transferred here just last week.” he smiled softly and Luma grinned.

“Aww Shauny has a crush.”

“Do not!” He retorted.

“Defensive are we?” she asked and he stuttered.

“You know what? Whatever man!” He replied and turned back around while Ray and Vaughnjareya giggled. I sat back and smiled hoping Frank would show up soon….

Luma’s POV

“You are seriously going to spend your senior year in prison, you know that?” I asked Frank as he laughed.

“Sis, calm down already.”

“I will not calm down!” I yelled and he rolled his eyes and I looked up to see everyone staring at me. I sit back down and keep my eyes on the grass. I’m such a stressor. But Frank never takes anything seriously.

“Well are we going or what?” Ray asks impatiently while we all get up.

“Ooh! Do you want to go to that new sports club thing that just opened up? I heard that place has a restaurant, gift shop, a big ass pool and all that jazz.” Vaughnjareya asked and I smiled.

“Sounds good.” I nodded and then a chorus of ‘why not?’ filled the air and we soon began making our way from the courtyard to the parking lot. Gerard, Bob, and Shaun were the only ones who had a car, it wasn’t fair.

“Who’s going in whose?” I asked as Vaughnjareya held up a finger.

“Well you already know we’ll be bugging the backseat.” He smiled at Bob who shook his head.

“Just please don’t make a mess.” Bob cringed as they climbed into the back seat. We had room for one more I looked at Roxie. I had taken a liking to her, she seemed to fit right in with us. But over the past few days I’ve noticed her stares at Frank and it’s a little unnerving. I’m not jealous, I swear, but Frank isn’t all laughs. He’s a player and has broke up with many girls in the past. I don’t know whether to warn Roxie now or just let it go. I bite my tongue going with option B and give a soft smile.

“You wanna come with us?” I asked and she shrugs and nods. I let her awkwardly climb into the backseat while everyone else goes into Gerard and Shaun’s car. I tell Bob directions and he nods as he drives. I couldn’t help but watch him as he does this, he’s so cute when focuses. Call me crazy, but I’m head over heels for this guy. He’s just…everything.

“What?” He smiles as he notices my staring.

“Nothing.” I smile back and look straight ahead.

“Come on guys!” Bob yells as the ‘couple’ does things in the back while Roxie looks away awkwardly. I make a mental note to talk to her later in time…

We get there and I we all gasp at the size (that’s what she said) at the building. It’s very huge with a lot of activities going on. I wonder if this place made for teens like us. We each get out and walked to the front door where Frank tripped while I shook my head. This guy was a piece of work. Roxie giggled slightly and we each entered the big glass doors while people rushed around and the smell of food on a grill made our nostrils flare. Next to that was a large gym with everything in it, literally, I think even saw a basketball court. This was amazing!

Mikey’s POV

I want….some bean dip.

Gerard’s POV

I’ll tell you what I want, what I really really want. So tell me what you want, whatcha really really want….

Bob’s POV

Oh I’m a gummy bear, yes I’m a gummy bear.

Roxie’s POV

I stayed next to Luma as we walked around wherever the hell we were. I rolled my eyes when someone yelled ‘POOL!’ We’re all suddenly by a pool that is like an Olympic pool. The water looks nice and warm, but don’t be fooled, it tastes like sweat from other people, trust me I have been to pools like this before. Everyone took a place by the pool, it was only a matter of time before we we’re going to get kicked out.

I froze when someone sat next to me. It was Frank.

“Hey.” He said casually.

“Hi..” I smiled.

“How are you?” he asked and I shrugged.

“Pretty solid.” I nodded.

“Cool. So you like Belleville now?” he teased.

“It’s alright, though I must say I prefer hot weather over rainy weather.”

“Ahh, I see. You must be from like Nevada or something.” I laughed.

“Close, I’m from California actually.” I replied and this seemed to make him become intrigued and I wonder why he was talking to me. I’ve seen Frank around lately and well…he’s popular to say the least. Everyone is always around him, and me…I’m just a newbie here.

“Cali, eh?” he smiled and sat Indian style.


“So why did you move to a place like this?” Frank asked me while looking at the others, Shaun was currently trying to balance on the rail of the pool while Bob seemed to be amused to by this.

“My father is a construction worker and has a sleazy boss, he made him relocate.”

“Must suck.” He replied and I shrugged.

“It has its up and downs.”

“Well I hope you like Belleville as much as you do Cali.” He smiled his breathtaking smile with pearly teeth and piercing green eyes. His lip ring only adding to the effect.

“Frank!” someone yelled and he rolled his eyes.

“I’ll umm be back.” He laughed took off to the others, while I still blushed from his presence. God damn, he was hot. Why am I acting like this? I never swoon over a guy, never. Well except for Flyleaf, but that has a whole another story. I would seriously turn lez for Lacey Mosley, possibly Hayley Williams. But I’m guessing you really didn’t need to know that…sorry.

Frank’s POV

While I was talking with Bob I couldn’t help but stare at Roxie, I mean she’s pretty cool…and pretty. She’s not like most girls here at the school. She had an attitude about her, I liked that….

Shaun’s POV

Well fuck me. I can’t get that chick Kristina out of my head. She’s in my homeroom for crying out loud. She’s gorgeous, but feared by others. I can’t stop thinking about her. But I knew she would never go for someone like me…

Luma’s POV

We were still by the pool just laughing, a couple came in and walked back out after seeing us sitting here like the goobs we are.

The whole time Gerard was whining about something, I didn’t even catch what he saying but it was annoying me.

“I should’ve left you at home.” I mumbled.

“Agreed!” Vaughnjareya shouted.

“Nah, we could’ve left you guys at home too. All you wanna do is suck each other’s face off.” Bob put in and Vaughnjareya scoffed.

“Well then.” He retorted and crossed his arms over his chest and looked away dramatically.

“Umm excuse me? You can’t be here without a membership, this isn’t a chill zone, so you’ll need to go.” A skinny woman came in with a scowl on her face.

“Hey! Why you got to bust our balls?” Frank asked and she glared.

“Out now.” she growled and we all whined as we got up.

“Sheesh Midol much?” Vaughnjareya retorted as he walked out hand in hand with Ray. The girl gasped and stormed off. I joined the rest of them as we walked out the double doors.

“Well now what?”

“Umm the park?”

“Let’s go!” Frank yelled and luckily we didn’t even have to get back in the car, since the park was across from us. Everyone piled on to the monkey bars and castle like playset, with the swings not too far from it. I sat down on the sing shaking my head at the way Frank was unnecessarily shaking his ass while sitting upside down on the monkey bars. He’s a kid as heart. I think he has Peter Pan syndrome but eh…

I gasped when my swing began to move and my feet went through the air slightly. I turned around and smiled when I saw Bob’s face. His blue eyes like two marbles glossy and shiny.

“Hey.” he smiled and kissed me. My stomach fluttered.

“Hey.” I repeated and he continued to push me on the swing. My heart beating rather quickly.

“Something on your mind?” he asked.

“No…” I replied softly.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” I nodded and he did too as he began to push a little harder, I let my feet hang in the air as I tried to think of a way to talk to Frank and Roxie….

Vaughnjareya’s POV

“Boy you better get down before you split your head open.” I said annoyed at Frank who just dangled in the air.

“No.” he pouted.

“I will not hesitate to slap you.” I said seriously and he scoffed. I raised my hand and he whimpered.

“Okay!” he shouted before jumping down. The damn boy does not know the meaning of punctual… I swear.

Ray’s POV

Oh Jahne how you light up my dark sky…

Roxie’s POV

We’ve been at the park for a while now and I honestly haven’t had this much fun in a while. The parks weren’t cool as this in California, except one that I absolutely loved. The whole time me and Frank shared secret glances at each other and I was bubbling inside, his face burned inside my brain, he was too good looking, you’d think it would be a crime to be so.

He smiled at me and I think my heart just skipped a beat…

“Umm Roxie?” Gerard whispered to me.

“Yeah?” I replied as he shifted uncomfortably.

“Is it just me or is there a girl over there by that tree?” he asked nervously and I looked straight ahead I didn’t see anything.

“Umm…no. Are you okay?” I asked noticing his fidgeting.

“It’s just I think I may have a stalk- never mind.” he trailed off and looked away. What a weirdo….

(A/N: so here you go chappy two. Just to put it out there, chapter three is really when the story begins, hope you enjoy and stick around for more. Lots of surprises, betrayal, secrets, and heartbreak along the way. Also, if you wouldn’t mind checking out my other story ‘I’m just a girl in the world’ it’s posted on the FOB section. Love you! xoxo)
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