Categories > Books > Pendragon > The Untold Truth: A Sequel to the Quillan Games

Chapter 4: Suspicions Arise

by Pendragonlover 0 reviews

Bobby keeps a close watch over Layra, along with LaBerge and sees them sneaking about and becomes suspecious. What are they up to?

Category: Pendragon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2009-12-31 - Updated: 2009-12-31 - 2637 words

Bobby slept like a rock. When he awoke, he looked up at the orange, swirled shaped clock on the wall and saw it was five to nine. His first thought was "Where's Layra?" Was she still snoozing away or was she the same sort of sleeper he was, the sort who prefers sleeping in and at that moment, Bobby was in no mood of leaving bed. The sheets were warm, the pillows soft, it was all so perfect. If not for the horrid games and deadly results, he’d say this were his dream home. But then again, it wasn’t exactly his home. This splendid, luxurious castle belonged to Veego and LaBerge. They were the game masters. They were in charge of the Quillan Games and as long as they were running this show, the castle was under their names.

He sighed and sunk his back on the pillow and stared up at the ceiling. He couldn’t help wondering when these upcoming games were going to take place, and where? He expected another classic Tato match at that towering, high off the ground arena. That may have been among the more frightening games, when you’re high up off the ground on a tilting, unsteady arena. Not overly fun.

He rolled over, ready for another snooze when he heard a voice close to his ear.


He sat up, took a look around and saw…no one. What the heck? He was sure he’d heard someone, but the room was empty, except for him of course and those animal plush toys perched up on the shelves. Were they talking animals! Bobby shook that thought quickly out of his head to avoid his going crazy. He always believed LaBerge’s clown dolls to be the talking sort, but not these dolls. It was impossible.

“Hello?” came the voice. Then he recognized it for who it was. It was Layra.

“Uhh,” was all he could say.

“Sorry for waking you,” she said softly. “Just thought I’d let you know I’m going to take a morning stroll, you know, get used to the place. I’ve already gotten lost three times.”

“Wait, hold up,” said Bobby, rubbing his eyes. “How the heck is this possible? How are you even talking to me? This is just bizarre.”

“Don’t worry,” she chuckled lightly. “I’ll explain all that later. I’d love to tell you now but, I dunno, it just doesn’t feel like the right time. Anyway, just thought I’d let you know I’ll be around.”

“Where?” asked Bobby.

“Around,” Layra repeated. “What are your plans for the day?”

“Not much,” said Bobby tiredly. “I think I’m gonna head down for breakfast. How about you?”

“I’ve eaten already.”

“Oh,” said Bobby. “Early riser, huh?”

“Something like that,” said Layra. “Well, I better be off. I’ll see ya later, alright?”

“Wait, how bout we meet somewhere. I’m not gonna go search the castle for hours. Odds are we’ll both get lost.”

“Good idea,” said Layra. “Hmm, how ‘bout near the pool outside. I heard it’s huge. Maybe we can even go for a swim?”

“Okay,” said Bobby. “What time?”

“Eight thirty sound good?” asked Layra.

“Yeah, that’s good,” said Bobby. “See ya then.”

“And don’t worry!” she added. “I’ll explain everything later, I promise”

And with that, her voice vanished.

“What the-” thought Bobby. He was now officially lost. What did Layra mean when she said she was going to take a stroll around the castle. She was now a Challenger and instead of preparing and training for these upcoming games, she was going to walk about the castle like it was no big deal! What was up with that? Right then and there, he made up his mind that the only way he was going to get to the bottom of this and find out who this gal was would be to go after her. He knew spying was wrong, but he couldn’t stand knowing she was free strolling down the halls while his head was throbbing with numerous questions. He was tired of sitting around dazed.

He crawled outta bed, opened the door and walked out. He stretched yawned, and saw Fourteen coming his way. He waived to the little robot. He didn’t waive back. Bobby had the idea robots weren’t sure what waives meant.

“Hey,” said Bobby.

“Good morning, Pendragon,” said Fourteen formally. “How was your sleep?”

“Pretty good,” said Bobby. “Have you seen or heard anything weird about Layra at all, yesterday or today or anything?”

“Not that I am aware of,” Fourteen answered. “Why?”

“She said she was going to take a stroll around the castle!” Bobby blurt out. “I bet all the other Challengers are getting ready, and here she is acting as thought it’s nothing. Geez, I should be getting ready!”

“Hmm,” said Fourteen, in that deep robotic voice. “I must agree, that’s strange. Perhaps miss Layra is starting her training later on?”

“Yeah, I don’t think so,” said Bobby after a careful thought. “I’m goin after her.”

“What do you expect to find?” asked Fourteen.

“I dunno,” said Bobby. “But I need some answers. Now.”

“Would you like me to make the bed?” asked Fourteen. “It is our job to look after the rooms of the Challengers.”

“Thanks,” said Bobby, starting down the hall. “And keep an eye on Layra. If you see her, let me now, or come and find me.”

“I will,” said Fourteen. “Goodbye, Challenger Red.”

Bobby had no idea where he outta search first. The castle was massive, huge, monstrous! He’d gotten lost enough times before and he was bound to get lost that many times more. He decided he would start on the first floor and work his way up. At least that way, he’d be going floor to floor and not be running all over the place, looking desperate.

He took the elevator down, walked on out and stared around. He caught sight of two Challengers, who looked slightly older than himself, strolling down the hall. He watched them and saw they were heading for the front door, which meant they were on their way outside. Were they on their way for a game, a Tato match possibly? If that were the case, the event would soon be up and all across the city of Rune on those huge TV screens. He wasn’t so sure he wanted to witness another one of those deadly games but if he himself was going to have to play, again, he’d need all the experience he could get.

“Good morning, Challenger,” came a voice from behind. Bobby turned round and saw a dado servant standing next to him with a platter of toast. “Have you eaten?”

“Uh, yes, thanks,” said Bobby.

“Very good,” said the dado, who walked away.

“Wait!” called Bobby quickly. The dado turned round, no expression of surprise and asked plainly, “Yes?”

“Have you seen Layra anyway?”

“If you mean Challenger Black,” said the dado. “Then, no.”

“Veego?” asked Bobby quickly.

“She’ll be out of the castle for the day,” said the dado. “She’ll be in charge of hosting the recent Tato match.”

So there was going to be a Tato match. That answered that question.

“Okay,” said Bobby, thinking fast. “How 'bout LaBerge?”

“Oh, him,” said the servant. “Yes, I just saw him pass by. He’ll be looking over the castle for today.”

“Where?” demanded Bobby.

“He’s on his way to the third floor. You just missed him.”

Bobby raced off, yelling a "thanks!" over his shoulder.

Perfect! He may not have known where Layra was but finding LaBerge was certainly a start. Hopefully if he found the clown first, he’d find Layra and then he’d finally get some answers without having to run about the entire castle till his legs cramped. He hurried over to the elevator, jumped inside and pressed the large round button that read three. He was all out of breath.

Bobby saw another guy about his own age standing next to him, staring at him blankly.

“In a hurry?” he chuckled.

“Yeah,” said Bobby casually. “Stuff to do. Ya know...stuff."

“Same,” said the guy. “Got training to do, you know, for the games and all."

“Good luck,” said Bobby. He sure felt dumb for saying that, but that was the only decent thing he could think of saying. It wasn't like he was gonna say, "Come back alive!" or "Don't die out there!" That wouldn't have been cool.

The guy smiled and said, “Thanks. You too. Well, see ya.”

The elevator had now come to a stop. The boy walked out, turned to the right while Bobby hurried out, looked left, right and saw no one. For a second, he panicked, wondering if he’d landed on the wrong floor but he was soon mistaken. He was in fact on the right floor. Far off to the right, strolling freely with his hands behind his back, was none other than LaBerge. Bobby hid behind the corner and peeked out to get a closer look. He was wearing his famous red and black bathrobe over a pair of purple and yellow striped pajamas and when Bobby stared even harder, he almost burst out laughing. The guy was wearing slippers! But what soon got to Bobby’s head was the slippers were shaped like clown faces. He shivered. Their little faces had big smiles and bright, beady eyes.

“Oh, crap!” thought Bobby, backing away quickly. He was so busy staring at the clown slippers he hadn’t seen LaBerge approaching him. He was doomed. If that goof caught onto him sneaking around the castle, he'd be onto something, especially cuz he was going around spying!

LaBerge turned the corner, looked down and spotted Bobby, standing there looking as dumb as possible. Bobby forced a smile and chuckled lightly.

“Good morning!” said LaBerge cheerfully with a smile. “Good sleep, I hope?”

“Yeah, er, real good,” said Bobby, playing along. “So, what’s up with today’s plan?”

“Oh, not much,” said LaBerge casually. “I’ll be in charge of the castle today while Veego’s off hosting the games and-”

“Where’s Layra?” asked Bobby, growing impatient. He wanted to cut right to the chase. He had no time for chit chat.

LaBerge stared at him wide eyed and asked quietly, as if were in shock, “Excuse me?”

“You heard me!” said Bobby angrily. “I saw you two last night, all giggly and he he he! Don’t play all innocent with me. You’re up to something. I’ll bet that’s why Veego left, so you could play her over, again! Well, you're not fooling me! I always knew you and her were up to no good. Leave Layra alone."

LaBerge frowned and shook his head sorrowfully. “Challenger Red,” he said softly. “If you mean to say I’m up to something, I can assure you you’re mistaken, no joke. I treat my guests properly and kindly. What would lead you to think I’m up to something? The needs of my guests are most important to me. If they’re unhappy, I’m unhappy. I always do what I can to assure my guest's stay here at the castle is nothing less than perfect!"

Bobby groaned. “Whatever, just stay away from Layra. She doesn’t like you, ya know. It was all just a joke. Yeah, I even heard she likes somebody else."

LaBerge said nothing for a second, as if he were in deep thought. He then smiled and said thoughtfully and somewhat dreamily, “Layra's the only guest who’s treated me, well, like a friend. I’m terribly sorry if you’re suspicious of me. Please, let’s forget everything and shake hands, alright? How bout we start off fresh? Sound good?"

LaBerge smiled brightly and held his hand out to Bobby.

“Yeah right,” laughed Bobby. “No way I'd ever shake hands with you. Gimme a break. Being friends with you's just...I dunno...weird. Sorry."

LaBerge sighed and said, dissapointed, “Very well. Good day Challenger Red.”

Bobby pretended to head the other way and then, snuck back and quietly and sneakily, crept a good distance behind the tall clown loving goof. With each step, he felt sure LaBerge would hear him and turn around and suspect something, but he never did. Bobby watched him carefully, observing his every move till he found himself entering a large, round shaped room. He stopped at the entryway and kept his eyes right on LaBerge, who was casually strolling toward a line of high arched chairs seated around what looked like some sort of bar. If they had bars on Quillan, that is. But he soon realized it wasn’t a bar. The place sold all sorts of foods and drinks like tribbun, pop, snacks, and desserts. He stared harder and saw all the seats were empty except for one in the very middle. It was Layra and she was quietly and contently eating away at what looked like her breakfast or what was left of it. There was a little bit of pancake left with a yummy goo of warm syrup. Suddenly, Bobby was dying for a big plate pancakes. He watched closely as LaBerge strolled on over, took a seat next to her and reached into his robe pocket. Bobby crept a tad bit closer, keeping his eyes glued. What was the guy doing! Bobby soon saw him pulling out a fresh, beautiful, deep red colored flower. A rose. A freakin rose, he thought to himself. It couldn't be true. LaBerge...with flowers!

“What the hell!” he thought, his mouth dropping with shock. “What’s that freak’s deal!”

LaBerge handed her the rose with a big, friendly smile. Layra took it, fondling it gingerly, blushed, and looked to the ground. Her cheeks were covered in red.

Bobby quietly moved his way behind a tall arched couch, peeked out and listened, not wanting to miss a word. He had to hear it all.

“Thank you,” she said, her cheeks, still glowing with red.

“You’re most welcome,” said LaBerge, shuffling his feet. “I hope your stay at the castle’s going well.”

“Oh, it’s been amazing,” she said with a sigh. “Everything’s just lovely. And I’m,” she paused for a moment, her cheeks lightening for a moment, but then darkening with blush and told him, “And I’m glad you’re my host. You've been wonderful, LaBerge. Really, I-I couldn't have asked for a better host."

LaBerge giggled lightly and said, “And I’m glad to have you as my guest. You’re the only one who’s treated me so kindly, Layra. Everyone else just, leaves. But you’re a sweet gal, you are. You''re really something."

Layra smiled back and said, “I think this is going to work out fine. How bout we take a walk outside?”

“Lovely!” said LaBerge, jumping excitedly out of his seat. “Wait till you see the pools and the gardens! They're fantastic!"

He helped Layra up, clapped his hands giddily and rushed for the side doors, with Layra following right behind.

Bobby watched till both were out of sight and whispered to himself, “What the heck did she mean when she said this will work out just fine? Man, that guy's a creep! I always knew he was a creep, but, playing with someone like that's just...wrong! What's he up to? What's he got to hide?"

There was only one way of finding out. He was going to have to follow them. Again.
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