Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Belle Of The Boulevard

Belle Of The Boulevard

by PancikingTonight 0 reviews

- Paramore story - falling in and out of love -

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2010-01-01 - Updated: 2010-01-02 - 756 words

[x] Anya Davis - Jeremy's little sister - comes to tour with Paramore for a while - eighteen years old
[x] Jeremy Davis - Anya's older brother - twenty-four yrs old
[x] Taylor York - Anya's current boyfriend - twenty yrs old
[x] Josh Farro - Anya's best friend - Anya's secret admirer - twenty-two yrs old
[x] Hayley Williams - Anya's best friend - twenty-one yrs old
[x] Zac Farro - Anya's best friend - nineteen yrs old

>> Josh Farro >>

It would be a lie to say i fell in love with Anya when she came on tour with us, it would be a lie to also say i want to be with her, it'll be a lie if i told her the truth, because the truth is, i'm utterly in love with Anya Davis and i wanna spend the rest of my life with her, and i have loved her since we were kids.

But Anya has Taylor York, and i have to be a good guy about it.

>> Jeremy Davis >>

"Do, do, do do" i exclaimed. I just got back from a long flight from Tennessee. We were snowed into our bus (five miles away from a hotel) until they plowed the roads in Canada, so i took it as a invitation to be reckless and fly to pick up my sister. "Now presenting my beautiful little sister, Anya Danielle Davis"

"Yeah" Zac exclaimed. "Bring on the porn" Taylor and Hayley immediately hit Zac. "Ouch" he cried. And at the same time my graceful little sister hopped on the bus and ran into her boyfriend, also Paramore's guitarist Taylor.

"I missed you so much" they both told each other. I pulled Anya away from Taylor for a second so she could catch up with everyone else. She gave Hayley and Josh and Zac all hugs.

"Tonight your sleeping in my bunk" i told her. "I don't trust you and Mr. Tay-Horny"

"Tay-Horny? Seriously?"

"Yeah seriously"

>> Josh >>

As soon as she walked through the doors i knew i was gonna have more trouble then i thought. I half to spend until March watching her make out with Taylor, how bad can this get?

>> Anya Davis >>
- one hour later -
"How long are we stuck on the bus?" i asked

"Until the snow stops, and by the looks of it, it's not gonna stop any time soon" Josh replied, he was staring into his laptop, probably looking at porn like Jeremy. I opened up my Mac and went and logged into my twitter.

AnyaDavisADD: snowed out in Canada, i've only been here for an hour and i already wanna go home

a couple seconds later, Taylor replied to that

TaylorYork: you know i'm sitting rigth next to you right?

he turned to me.

"It's warm back home, i prefer to be where it's warm" i told him, and than i kissed him on the lips.

"it's pretty warm right here next to you" i giggled and kissed him again, and suddenly i found myself underneath him.

"Hey, Tay-Horny and Anya-STD, i'm right here" Jeremy said to us. We didn't stop. I let my laptop fall to the floor.

"No, let them make out, i won't half to watch porn" Zac smiled.

"You're all idiots" Hayley got up with her cell phone and called Paramore's manager. "Hey, dude, where are you were getting irrated with each other especially Tay-Horny--we can't do that it's to far, fine we are on our way"

"What?" Zac asked her.

"He said we could take the van and drive down there"

"The roads look pretty bad, are you sure it's a good idea?" Jeremy asked

"I don't know, who wants to drive?" she asked. "Well obviously not Tay and Anya"

"Yeah, were kinda busy" Taylor told them in between sweet short kisses along my neck. "I nominate Josh Farro"

"I nominate Taylor York" Jeremy exclaimed.

"I second nominate Josh Farro" i said, in between kisses.

"I nominate Anya Davis" Zac yelled.

"I can't drive in the snow" i sat up.

"Well it's a good time to start"

"No thank you"

"I'll drive, okay?" Josh said. "Let's just get out of here before we rot on the side of the raod" Josh stood up, the rest of them put on there clothes and grabbed clothes and stuff, and we headed out in twenty minutes.

I sat in the front between Josh and Jeremy. This was gonna be a long ride.

"It's only five miles how bad can it be?" Zac asked.
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