Categories > Anime/Manga > Pokemon > Stanford


by GalacticFTW 1 review

Category: Pokemon - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2010-01-01 - Updated: 2010-01-02 - 3106 words

Chapter 47

It was getting dark fast. All of the trees in the forest blot out the sunlight. I know my dad had said it was four hours ‘till sunset, but this was different… it was actually dark. It was almost pitch black. We had to rely on my eyes and Dad’s infrared goggles to help us see. We had finally found a spot in the forest with somewhat of a clearing. Dad thought we would be at the Havoc building by tonight, so we didn’t have anything to sleep on or underneath something. In fact, the grass on the forest floor was soft enough lie down on. Dad let Astur, Precious and Cecilia sleep by his side to keep him warm. I thought this wasn’t a bad idea – so I let Fergie, Chloe and Jacob sleep by my side. We had both fallen asleep hungry, tired and thirsty. We hadn’t found a single thing to eat yet. The sounds of the forest were different… I woke up sweating, panting and slightly scared. I heard a strange howling noise… not one but about three or four. It wasn’t Mightyena. I couldn’t smell it either. That scared me. I then heard more, and more and more… They sounded close… very close… I think they were going to attack us… what if I didn’t see them coming and I died in my sleep. I wanted to scream but Dad would hear me… I was chattering (my teeth) by now. My eyes adjusted to the darkness and I could see that Jacob and Cecilia weren’t even nearby. What were they doing? Were they dead? Did something attack them? I turned around to see that they were behind me. I sighed in relief but my heart was still pounding. I looked in the trees and saw a huge shadow… this thing was huge. It also had three heads. It smelled like shit and it drooled copious of saliva.

“Dad…,” I crawled over to him and shook him hard. “DAD WAKE UP!” I shook him harder. He snorted slightly and sat up.

“What is it…,” he groaned.

“D-dad… there’s a creature out there with three heads…,” I shuddered. He quickly fumbled with his goggles and gasped.

“Stan… whatever you do, don’t move… it’s called a Cerberuss…,” he quickly returned everyone. I did the same thing. “I know you don’t like me doing this, but I have no other choice,” he got his gun out and cocked it. He aimed at one of its legs and shot it. The creature whimpered and ran off. “I bet we’ll see it again…”

“I-I hope not… let’s get back to sleep…” We both let them out again and they lied near us again. We had fallen asleep and slept for the rest of the night. I woke up because the sunlight was shining through my eyelids. I sat up and stretched while yawning widely.

“’Morning, Stan,” Dad smiled. “Did you sleep OK after what happened last night?”

“Yeah, I slept fine,” I yawned again. My stomach roared and I collapsed on my belly. “Ow…”

“S-Stan, are you okay?!” He immediately ran over to me.

“I’m-I’m starving Dad…,” I collapsed in his arms.

“Stan… stay here, I’ll look for something to eat.” I could just barely hear his voice.


Émile’s POV

I set one of my old hunting knives next to Stan. I un-holstered my gun and walked past some leaves, only to see some blood on them. I knew it was from that Cerberuss. They are gigantic, brown, dog-like beasts with three heads that drool constantly. They tend to get rabies very easily, because they eat just about anything. Cerberuss without rabies usually don’t attack people, in fact; they respect them. They are similar to the mythical Cerberus; a scientist (whose name slips my mind) was so keen on the mythical creature that he decided to create some himself. Sadly, the beasts nearly killed him and they escaped.

I continued to follow the blood drips. I came to a clearing with some apple trees. I grinned brightly and ran up to them. I was about to collapse too… but I couldn’t. Stan needed me. He was weak and sick. Bang! I looked around and then at my side… only to see that I was bleeding from my side. “Sh-shit…,” I gathered myself together and saw the shooter: it was another fucking Havoc bastard. I found him and shot the bastard four times in the head. “Fucking bastard… ugh!” I got some bandages from my pocket. I took off my shirt and wrapped it around my body (as tight as possible but not too tight). I shook off the pain and climbed up the tree. I wasn’t sure what happened next, except the fact that I looked down to see Stan… and someone else… I wasn’t paying attention to where I was reaching to and I slipped. I landed flat on my stomach, right in front of the people… The force of the fall had almost knocked me out but I regained consciousness. I sat up to see… Ash and Dawn?!

“Hey… that’s-that’s… Looker!”

“No, his name is Émile, remember?” Dawn corrected him.

“Ash… Dawn…,” I said weakly before fainting.

“What should we do? I mean, they’re out cold,” she said worryingly. “Émile doesn’t look too good, neither does…” I could just barely hear her. I somewhat knew she was talking about Stan, maybe even Astur too.

“Poor Staraptor…,” Ash sighed. I felt something soft brush up against me. I weakly opened my eyes to see that it was Precious, Cecilia and Astur.

“Hey guys…,” I said weakly. “Ash… Dawn… I’m starving, please…” My stomach made the loudest noise I had ever heard. I had never been this hungry since I had been bulimic. I usually ate anytime I was hungry, never letting myself starve like this. Dawn happily handed me an apple. I wolfed it down. “Thank you…”

“You’re welcome, Mr…”

“Don’t call me mister, please, call me Émile…,” I looked at my side. It had stopped bleeding, for now anyway. I started to feel a lot better. An apple landed in my lap. I wolfed that one down, too. Cecilia growled slightly and ran up the tree. She shook the tree with her long claws and several apples fell. I had to put my arms over my head so they wouldn’t hit my head. Several apples fell near everyone. I grabbed another and wolfed it down. Ash and Dawn gasped. Stan woke up and gagged because one fell on his stomach.


Stan’s POV

“Oh… w-where am I…?” I looked at my stomach to see an apple had fallen on it. I looked over to see Fergie, Chloe and Jacob by my side… I looked around again and saw Ash… and Dawn? (I saw Dad, too). I saw an apple on my stomach and I devoured it.

“Hey… he’s awake!” Dawn smiled. She down next to me and touched my forehead. “Are you all right?”

“Y-yeah,” I slightly smiled and nodded. “Hey… I-I know you guys.”

“I’m Dawn, what’s your name?”

“I’m Ash,” he walked up and smiled.

“I’m Stanford, but you can call me Stan,” I held out my hand. They both shook it. “Should I really tell them who I am?” I thought. “I guess so…,” I mentally gulped. “I have a confession… my-my code name is Saturn…,” I cowered behind Dad. I pulled out my wallet and showed them my outdated driver’s licence. “This was taken eight years ago. It’s outdated and I need to get it renewed,” I handed it to them.

“Stanford Cass Caldecutt,” the two read in unison. “Expires 12-08-07…”

“I say, you do need to get it renewed,” Ash nodded.

“Don’t you have a Pikachu, Ash?” I asked.

“Oh! Here,” he opened his backpack and opened it. “We heard some gunshots and I decided to hide Pikachu in my backpack. Pikachu jumped out and yawned.

“Hi!” Pikachu said happily. “I recognise you guys.”

“Hi Pikachu, you may call me Stan.”

“You can call me Émile,” Dad replied.

Ash and Dawn gasped. “You guys can ‘talk’ to Pokémon?!” They said in unison.

“Yeah,” we replied in unison and nodded.

“Y-you guys aren’t scared of me?” I came out from behind Dad.

“Umm… why would we be?” Ash blinked.

“Yeah, that was so long ago. I don’t even remember much about it,” she blinked, too. I sighed in relief and looked at Dad’s side.

“D-dad… w-what happened?”


Émile’s POV

“I got shot by a Team Havoc bastard…,” I groaned. “Ash, Dawn… you heard his gun and mine…,” I rolled up my pants sleeves. I took the two guns from my ankle holsters. “These are my boss’s SIG P220s… please don’t lose them,” I handed them to Ash and Dawn. “There are Team Havoc bastards all around. Be on your guard… if you see one shooting at you, you shoot back – I don’t care if he dies, they kill all living things. Do you know how to fire a gun?” I took out my Glock and cocked it. They rolled, struggling to find the right words. “According to my boss, I have the best aim out of the whole team, other than Stan here.”

“May I?” He asked. I nodded. He un-holstered his gun and cocked it. He aimed it straight at an apple in the tree. He smirked and fired. He held out his hand and caught the apple.

“Wow…,” the teens said in unison.

“Not bad,” I grinned.

“Thank you,” he grinned.

“You’re welcome,” I patted him on the back. “Let me show you what I can do,” I grinned. I aimed my Glock straight at a tree trunk about 150 yards. I fired and the bullet went straight through the small sapling. “Whoa.”

“Wow…,” they blinked.

“Nice job, Dad,” Stan grinned. “Anyway, you said someone shot at you, did you kill him?”

“Right…,” I got up. I felt a lot better. “He’s over here.” I made sure Stan could get up. He was able to get up, too. Ash and Dawn just gasped. We all over to the person’s body. “Here he is…,” I picked up his gun. “It’s a Beretta Cougar. Nice gun, keep it Stan, you might need it,” I handed it to him. He nodded and took it.

“Thank you.”

“No problem – shall we move on?” I asked. Everyone nodded. Stan picked up Astur. Jacob jumped onto his shoulder while Fergie and Chloe flew up high (they both have good eyesight, so they should be able to find us, besides, Chloe has echolocation). Cecilia jumped into my arms and Precious walked by my side.

“As soon as we get out of here, would you like to battle me?” Stan asked Ash. “It’s been awhile.”

“Yeah it has,” he replied.

“If you don’t mind if I join in,” I grinned. “Tag battle, anyone?”

“Yeah!” Dawn grinned. “We haven’t had one of those in awhile Ash,” she nudged him. He nodded. “So what are you doing here?”

“Well, our boss, Jake, told us to look for Team Havoc’s base out here. I don’t see how we can though…,” I replied, slightly sighing. “People have known to get lost in here for days, weeks, months even years…”

“Yeah, we’ve been lost for about five days,” Ash replied. “We just happened to hear gunshots and found you guys.”

“That’s when we found you,” she nodded. Stan and I nodded. We were silent for quite awhile. Precious broke the silence by hissing.

“Is there something wrong, sweetie?” I spoke too soon – someone shot at us. I had already had my gun in my hands and I shot at him. He fell down with a loud thud. I made sure he really was dead before reaching down to get his weapon. I touched his neck and noticed that he was dead. I saw that he had unpinned a grenade. “Everyone… RUN!” I ran as fast as I could, everyone trailing behind me, though Precious was even faster. Boom! The grenade exploded, causing a sonic boom that knocked all of us down. Luckily, we weren’t anywhere near it. My ears were ringing and I could barely hear… “I-I think I’m deaf…”

“I-I think I am too!” Stan replied. Ash and Dawn were silent. I think they were scared at what just happened. We walked back only to see parts everywhere. My ears stopped ringing.

“I must get past my fear…”

“Fear…?” Dawn asked.

“My-my fear is large amounts of blood and guts, especially the stomach. However, I was able to watch an autopsy for about twenty minutes… a uterus I could handle… but when our autopsy technician, Tory, started to cut through a stomach… I had enough…,” I felt sick. “E-excuse me…”

“Dad… don’t vomit, no!” Stan tugged on me.

“Stan… I-I’ll t-try…”

“Think of something else.” I nodded and tried to do what Stan said. We finally passed all of the strung out organs. I sighed in relief.

“Stan… you’re right. I have a flashback I should tell all of you. M-my partner, Rico almost died if I hadn’t saved him…” We all found a spot and sat down. Even Chloe and Fergie landed.


Flashback, about 2½ years ago…

A recent perpetrator escaped. He was a nasty fellow; he was very nasty, actually. He was wanted for raping teenagers that were all under seventeen. One of the women actually escaped his grasp but he ended up killing her. (I was the first person on that scene, it happened about five months before). His name was Robert Hook and he was 45.

“Émile, Rico, quickly, other police have spotted Robert driving a stolen vehicle,” Jake interrupted our tennis match on Rico’s Wii. “Sorry for interrupting, please you need to get a move on ASAP.” We both nodded and quickly rushed out the door, trying not to trip or run into anyone else. We finally made it to our cop car. I hopped into the driver’s seat and he hopped into the passenger’s seat. I wasted no time getting out of that parking lot.

“Heh, we haven’t been on a high-speed chase in a long time!” Rico grinned. “This is exciting!”

“I know!” I grinned. “I love the thrill of the chase and going fast!” I picked up radio in the car. “This is Looker to base, where exactly has Robert been spotted, over?”

“This is Jake. He has been spotted at Fifth Street and Third Street, do you read?”

“Loud and clear, over,” I put it back down and turned on the sirens. “Oh how I love pushing that button!”

“You should let me do it next time!”

“I will, I’ll let you drive back,” I grinned again. I overheard some other cops on the radio.

“We’re in pursuit of a stolen black Honda Accord, do you read?”

“I read loud and clear, Tom,” Rico grabbed the radio. “What’s the plate number?”

“It’s 456-FGI,” he replied.

“Nice, over,” Rico put the radio down. “Hey, let’s see how fast that bastard is goin’!” He opened up the glove compartment and took out the radar gun. “I think I see him.”

“I think I do too,” I nodded. He slightly leaned out the window and aimed the radar gun at the perp’s car. I briefly looked over to see that it was flashing 116 mph. I stepped on the gas hard.

“Émile… Émile… y-you’re scaring me…”

“S-Sorry, you want to catch him or not? I have to drive past him so you could put the spike strip down,” I briefly looked at him. I should not have done that; I looked for too long.

“ÉMILE! Look out!” It was too late: there was nothing I could do – we had slammed in the back of the perp’s car, which in turn hit a gasoline truck. I was fine except Rico… he had fainted. I weakly got out of the car and heaved the door open, causing it to come off its hinges and fall onto the ground. Epinephrine (known as ‘adrenaline’ to Americans) was pulsing through me. I felt like a monster. I was scared.

“I-I know I’m not supposed to do this but…” I could see gasoline leaking from the truck, which could an explosion. I quickly grabbed Rico from underneath and just flat out ran… I ran like hell. I could see that he wasn’t breathing… everything behind me exploded, except the perp. I recon he got away. Shrapnel just barely missed me as I continued to run. I was finally far away from everything; I immediately set him down on the ground. “R-Rico… I just wanted you to k-know…” Tears just poured down. “I love you… you are my best friend…,” I had to do mouth-to-mouth. Rico woke up and started to moan.

“D-damn Émile… you’re the best kisser ever…,” he mumbled.

“What the fuck?!” I stopped and gagged. “Rico, I was trying to save…” Before I could say anything else, he had fainted again and stopped breathing. “R-Rico…,” I was so scared I started to cry again. “Rico…,” I did the same thing again. I quickly stopped because he began to vomit. He slowly sat up.


“Rico… I-I was so scared…,” I hugged him. He weakly hugged me back.

“Émile… I love you too,” he hugged tighter and kissed me on the cheek.

“How about you spend the night at my house?” He nodded but he was too weak to stand. I had to carry him again.



I tried not to cry, so I just held it in. “Come on, let’s move on. We need to find a way out of here, especially for Ash and Dawn’s sake,” I got up. Everyone nodded and we slowly moved on.


A/N: Sorry this is late and merry belated Christmas and happy New Year’s!

Oh yeah... I don't care what the writers of Pokémon say. Unnatural ageing is just fucking retarded. Ash is 18 while Dawn is 16 in this chapter. I got flamed just because on youtube just because I thought he was at least 14... :'(

Oh well, you can say whatever you want. I don't care, really. It's just an opinion.
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