Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angel Claw

Red Alert

by MyFamousLastWords 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2010-01-02 - Updated: 2010-01-02 - 723 words

Ahh! I loved writing this chapter. I hope you all like it. (: And please if you spot any spelling mistakes, please tell me. Thank you!

Ray’s P.O.V
I hate this, I haven’t been able to sleep since I got here and Ramadan is killing me. I love sleeping.
I’ve been battling with myself whether to go on a midnight walk or not in the forest, I’ve watched enough horror movies to turn my back around to the cabin but it seems like a nice night. I haven’t had a proper conversation with Syed since the whole hickey thing. It’s just far too embarrassing. He’s a good kid though. My eyes drift off to Syed’s face, good, he’s asleep. Midnight stroll here I come.

They make it look so good in the movies. Right now, I’m freezing, wet and muddy. I don’t know how far I’ve walked, I hope there’s no crazy wild animals. I stuff my hands into my pockets and look up at the moon, it’s so full tonight and so bright. It’s actually the brightest I’ve ever saw it I think to myself. The moon leaves a gentle path enough to see where I’m going. I snap my head around, what was that noise? I hold my breathe and scan my eyes around the trees and pieces of log, I see nothing. Seconds later, I hear heavy breathing. Could it be an animal? I panic, it sounds like a big animal. The noise seems to get louder, I spin around and come face to face with a man, my eyes grow wide and I can’t seem to say anything. The moon light shines on his dark skin, he’s completely naked and has long dreadlocks. Behind him I see three other men, they seem to have items of clothing on them, they enclose themselves around me while the still-naked man stares at me, not breaking his gaze. I back up against the tree behind me when I feel and arm grab my waist. My eyes trail along the arm and up his bare chest unto his face, I look straight into his eyes. They shine a bright white without a pupil.
The naked man comes closer to me, pressing me up against the tree, staring into my eyes like he’s searching my soul. I’m froze with fear and shock.
“You will come with us!” Naked man barks, the three other men nod. I feel nails dig into the back of my neck and I paralyse. One of the four through me over their back, I try to kick them in the face or thump their back but I can’t move. I can’t scream. Tears start to roll down my face, one of the men, young looking wear plain red shorts brought his hand to my face, and to my surprise, wiped away my tears with a grimace.

Gerard’s P.O.V
I haven’t been able to sleep all night because of Waqaar. He seems to be getting worse and it’s starting to rub off on me. He’s extremely paranoid and every time he talks his words are jumbled up.
He asked me to kiss him, I freaked out and pushed him off me and he hit’s the ground with a thud. I regretted it instantly. It’s been two hours since that happened and he’s only said small words to me. I can’t get the feeling of guilt out of my stomach.
“I, Gerard, you know how that…” I push my lips against Waqaar’s and enwrap him in a hug. He starts to kiss back and seconds later I pull away. Waqaar looks at me, his eyes look like saucers. I let out a small whimper and start to cry. There’s been enough crying today and now me. Waqaar’s face drops and he lets go off me and climbs over onto his own bed. I try to say something but I just dumbly sit there, wiping away my tears. I peel away my bed covers and silently lay my head on the pillow, curling up into a ball I begin to cry again.
I miss you Emily.
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