Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Angel Claw

Tag, You're It

by MyFamousLastWords 1 review

"Oh my fucking God. Quick, we need to get back."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way - Published: 2010-02-23 - Updated: 2010-02-23 - 821 words

Hello chaps!
I looked at the date the last chapter was posted and near went into cardiac arrest. I know, I know that Ray's POV is so short and what not, but it needs to be.

I think I've maybe went abit far with this story, anyone else think so? That I've really killed it? Seriously, I want you to tell me. I'm going to start a new story too! (Yes. I always start new stories and then kill them and never finish them.) But it's not gunna be a fanfic. Oh yes. I might post it here. You see I'm abit glued to Mibba, I've had one for ageesss but never really use it. Anywho! Read on! And review if it tickles your fancy.

Ray’s P.O.V
A pain shoots threw my body, my eyes flash open, my back arches. I open my mouth to scream but nothing comes out. Several people are watching me, I can feel their eyes burning into me. I’m too frightened to panic. I see the Naked Man who is now clothed push through the crowd to where I’m laying. He looks down at me, lifting his foot and stomping on my chest, without lifting his foot he pushes harder. I can hardly breathe, I feel the oxygen escape my lungs, raising his foot, the people around me start to clap. What is this?
Please, someone save me. The little voice in my head rings out, save me. Again I black out and I feel my body being dragged across the ground, then, nothing.

Gerard’s P.O.V
I miss Emily, more than anything. She was the best thing that ever came into my life, I just can’t accept that she’ll never be apart of it again, and frankly, I don’t want to. She means more to me than anyone else in this world.
Waqaar is already up, with the rest of them, doing all that praying stuff. I’m getting used to getting up at these very early hours. Waqaar needs to get home. I almost feel sorry for him.
I need to go see Ray, he’s the only person I’ve got in this damn camp. If only Bob was here, damn it. He reminds me of a lumberjack.
I slip on my shoes and clean jeans. I squint my eyes up at the sun, it’s hot out, the type of hot when everything feels sticky and horrible. I skip past Aariz, he eyes me suspiciously. Where’s Ray?
Aariz waves me over with his hand, I got a uneasy feeling in my stomach. Aariz still staring at me weirdly.
“Gerard, where is Ray this morning?”
“Shouldn’t he be here? Maybe he’s still in bed or-”
“He isn’t. Syed woke up and Ray was nowhere to be seen. Where is he Gerard?”

My stomach was in knots. Ray tends to take “midnight walks” sometimes. It’s like when he was nine and nearly drowned. He’s a smart guy though, he wouldn’t get lost.

“Look Aariz, I really don’t know. Maybe he took a walk earlier and just hasn’t came back? Do you want me to go look for him?” I ask him.

“You can’t go alone and everyone is busy. How about your roommate? I’m sure he wouldn’t mind taking time out. Waqaar! Come over here!” Aariz shouted. Oh dear God, why God, why do you hate me so much? I watch in horror as Waqaar slowly walks over, there goes my plan to avoid him. “Will you go with Gerard to find Ray? It’s a friend of Gerard’s that didn’t turn up for morning prayer.”
Waqaar shakes his head, “Okay.”

We take the route past Ray’s cabin, there’s a small clearing of trees. He could be up there. A word hasn’t been spoken between Waqaar and me. It’s so fucking awkward. My legs were staring to get sore and not a single being was to be seen. It was weird, almost eerie. An uneasy feeling crept into my stomach again. I’m so fucking paranoid., I keep looking behind me. It feels like we’re being watched.
“Why do you keep looking behind you? There’s nothing there.” Waqaar looked behind him.
“I know, it’s just, it feels weird” I said, almost above a whisper. Waqaar shook his head at me, agreeing. “Do you think he’s back yet? Maybe he came back already.” I told Waqaar.
“Yeah, let’s go back.” Waqaar said. I looked behind me one last time, I felt sick. I grabbed Waqaar’s hand. “What’s wron-” I puked right in front of him.
“Oh my fucking God. Quick, we need to get back.” I wiped my mouth with my shirt, letting Waqaar drag me back to our camp.
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