Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Chicago, the fang-like thorn in my side

Lie back and suffer now, we've both earned our reward.

by Xnataliex 5 reviews

Will Gabe and Brooke live? A secret comes out. "Covered head to toe in blood fear and spite"

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2010-01-02 - Updated: 2010-01-03 - 2850 words

Harper’s P.O.V

There was too much going on.
Too many dandies.
Too much fear and hysteria that was spreading around the place like a plague. It was slowly infecting me. I was trying to be strong but every scream of fear,
Every cry of pain and every roar of frustration knocked it up another notch. They were at every angle, a whole army of smug smiles zooming in and out taking out anyone in their path. They had been the winners since before it all began. I haven't even been with these people that long but I could still see the necessity that we continue fighting. It was borderline desperation to keep fighting at a losing battle. It was pure courage to continue to fight against an obvious fail. All the pain that they had suffered was reflected on to me. Their utter determination gave me the strength to stand and fight with them, even if my mind was running for the hills. Caleb skirted around me, he was dodging ten different kinds of magic, Kyle was knocked out and I could see some of the other transformers had morphed and were fighting furiously but gracefully with skill that was enough to keep them alive this far. I didn’t want to think about the thwarted, not yet.
“Goddamn it!” I shouted in frustration as the exploding plaster bounced away from Gerard for the fifth time. “Give it up sweetie.” He called grinning all over his stupid face. He smirked down at me through his invisible shield, beckoning me to try again. “Stop playing games!” Victoria called to him. Her dark hair was messy, her suit was ruined. She was also holding Chelsea down. “Go take a time out to brush yourself down babe” He retorted.
Chelsea used this distraction to kick Victoria off of her. Victoria jumped up and growled probably at both Gerard and Chelsea. She tried to lunge at Chelsea but she had teleported long before Victoria’s feet left the ground. I took a chance while Gerard was watching it all play out and I caused the concrete underneath him to explode. For the sixth time I failed. “I have eyes at the back of my head babe” He called, his eyes still on Victoria he was mouthing something to her and she replied with a short nod. “It’s time” Victoria muttered as Chelsea dodged her again. “You sure, wasn’t there supposed to be a signal?” Gerard asked “Just get out of here” Victoria instructed. Gerard ran through the trees. “It’s time for what exactly?” I shot at Victoria. I didn’t like this at all, how could things possibly get worse? “It’s Time for the finale; see it as a special kind of pity. As entertaining as it is to watch you all struggle…” She smirked and a mist filled the air. It was dark and getting thicker and thicker until I couldn’t see a thing. Victoria’s footsteps were light as she disappeared. “Harper, where are you?” Chelsea called. I could only see darkness.“Keep talking” I instructed. I followed her voice until I eventually bumped into her. I kept a hold of her arm as I strained to hear for the others.“What the hell is going on Chelsea?” “I have no idea, I’ve never seen a vampire power like this” She replied. I could faintly hear a crackling sound, kind of like electricity. “What the fuck was that? Move back, move back!” I could barely hear Caleb but I managed to move away from the cackling energy. I couldn’t see where I was stumbling too. There was dust in the air and a mist so thick you could surely cut it with a knife. An arm wrapped itself around me and pulled me closer to its mysterious body. I panicked and struggled against it.
“It’s me” Caleb whispered. I relaxed and breathed out. He didn’t let go and I honestly didn’t mind. Another wave of energy caused my hair to stand on end. “ Where the heck is it coming from?” I questioned. It was hard enough to see my own hand in front of my face. “This isn’t right, we need to get out of this mist, follow my voice” Caleb instructed. He kept calling out and eventually we found other others. Kyle was groaning and cussing. “It’s like being human again…” He said. “Yeah, like our vampire senses have been turned off or something. Shouldn’t we be able to see through this?” I asked. I could only just about make out Caleb, Kyle and Chelsea’s faces, even though they were only less than a foot away. Though we couldn’t see anyone, we could hear them. “A warning would have been nice Vicky” Someone spat bitterly. “We need to get out of this…Chels?” Said Kyle, attempting to give a significant look where Chelsea was thought to be. “I’m on it, grab on” She answered. I quickly reached forward and grabbed her elbow. Caleb still had his arm around me. I closed my eyes, bracing myself but nothing happened. “Chelsea?” Caleb questioned. “It’s not working. I can’t do it!” She replied. “Seriously?! Try again” I exclaimed. A few seconds passed and she shook her head. “Hang on…” Said Caleb, I watched his outline kneel down. He touched the floor but the ground didn’t shake. “This is crazy, we need to get out of here” Said Caleb. He sounded spooked. We all were. We moved quickly through the fog, trying to find some light. Eventually I could make out some trees in the distance. Caleb was holding my hand now. We ran towards them, breaking out of the mist. Caleb reached down again and the earth shook slightly. “It was that mist, it seems to stop vampire powers from working” He said, frowning. “The others could be in some real trouble if their senses and powers aren’t working”. I said. “We need to find them; I don’t even know what’s going on any more.” Said Caleb. He ran his fingers through his red hair in frustration. “I’ll go and see if anyone’s around” Said Chelsea. “Wait, don’t go alone” Said Caleb “I’ll go with you” I offered. I grabbed her arm and let go of Caleb’s hand. We were gone before Caleb or Kyle could even open their mouths in protest.

Gabe’s P.O.V

Even if I could close my eyes as I waited for death to fall upon me I wouldn’t of. I would have stared him straight in the face as I was forced to do now, my entire body rigid in the position he had froze me in. There was still an angry flame burning beneath his eyes, I knew that even by killing me it would not be enough to stop his fury at the thought that he had been fooled. Fooled by a woman who he thought he had brain washed into standing by his side forever. Stephanie’s reasons for going against him are much too complex for a man like William Beckett to understand. Why would a man who never wanted and had never been in love understand it? I could practically hear his mind ticking; one of his best servants had gone against him, simply because he had murdered her mate. Then there was me, someone he thought he could trust to help lead his army to achieve the world of darkness that he craved. He raised his fist high and punched me straight in the face. The whole impact knocked my body a few feet away from him onto the floor. I still could not move from the position that my body was trapped in, but I could hear the crack of my nose breaking and feel the searing pain as warm blood spurted from it. I watched his skinny frame slowly walk closer to me and I saw the glimpse of a silhouette that I knew too well. Not again, not another person dead for me.
Not her.
He had already turned to her direction, ready as she leapt out of the shadows in the form of a lioness. She roared and lunged for him, they both fell to the floor. I felt as if my whole body would explode as I was forced to keep all my emotions in. I tried to fight the fog within my mind but it was no use my body didn’t move a single millimeter. I heard a whimper, hers or his? I couldn’t be sure; the majority of my concentration went on trying to break free. That’s when I saw it, the thick mist that slowly came and clouded my vision; the invisible bonds holding me down were broken. I leapt up to my feet and tried to see through the overwhelming fog.

“Stupid woman!” I heard William snarl. A thud as he kicked the earth followed.
“Do not even think that I will not return for you Gabe” He spat and the sound of his sprinting footsteps grew lighter and lighter.
“Regina?” I called.
“I’m okay” she replied. I followed her voice, bumping into her small frame. Her lips were pursed and she opened her mouth to speak but I grabbed her hand and began to run, pulling her foreword with me through the mist looking for any sign of an exit. Eventually we broke through.
“What was that? It changed me back.” She asked.
I pulled her closer to me, taking in her sweet, floral fragrance.
“Victoria’s power; it immobilizes vampire senses and powers, but obviously it wasn’t part of Beckett’s big plan. I’m so sorry” I replied.
She shoved me away from her and I raised my eyebrows, but I had seen it coming.
“Do you know how worried I was about you? You just randomly run off and pretend to join them, what did you expect me to think?” She exploded.
I didn’t even have anything to say to her. She stared up at me, her brown eyes were wide and furious.
“Then it turns out you were pretending to do it. So half of us didn’t believe you and I had countless arguments with them, trying to back you up as most of them were saying you were lying. I was starting to doubt you myself.” She continued. She leant against a tree and closed her eyes.
“You could have told me Gabe, you know that.” She said with certain finality to her tone; it was my turn now.
“I wasn’t thinking straight, after he made me bite Natalie I lost it a little. I had gone through my entire life vowing not to bite a human. I felt so disgusted and it all added to my anger of him destroying our families.” I told her.
I took her hands in mine.
“So I just left, I should’ve explained myself, I know but the only thing on my mind that night was finding a way to defeat him. I’m so tired of this endless war, I don’t think I have the mental or emotional strength to take another loss” I finished. I walked towards her and pulled her into my arms. She molded against me perfectly, resting her head on my chest.
“Just don’t leave again”. She sighed.
“I won’t” I vowed.

Alex’s P.O.V
Brooke dying wasn’t possible, that kind of mental image will never register in my mind. But I could hear her heart falter and splutter and I was trying my best not to panic, to fight the hysteria. Pete was already doing all that for me.
“Fuck” Pete muttered. I could only just about see him through the mist. But I could see he was shaking, clutching at Brooke, desperately holding his sweater to her wound.

“Give her to me Pete” “I got her” He replied. “I’m not asking” I spat. I was kneeling on broken glass, trying to convince a broken man to hand over my broken girlfriend. It all clicked inside my head, what I had been too blind to see. That niggling worry that I denied, that Brooke had denied herself.
I reached forward and gently pulled her out of his arms. I was stretched to the limit emotion wise.
“Patrick?” Pete called. There was a faint sound of footsteps. “Pete?” Patrick called back. “Quickly, come here” Pete told him. Patrick stumbled over blindly. “It’s Brooke…” I said, gently placing her on the floor. Patrick kneeled down. “What?” He muttered to himself. “Patrick?” I questioned. “It’s not healing” He replied. “Keep trying” Pete and I said together anxiously.
“I think it’s this mist” Said Patrick. He stood up, holding Brooke in his arms carefully. We began to run in all directions, searching for an end to the mist. Pete was wild, running erratically like he was trying to run in all directions at the same time. My stomach dropped. Her heart beat became fainter, Patrick ran faster.
“I found it!” Pete shouted. I broke through the mist and Patrick was already working his magic. In seconds, I was in Pete’s face. “Has anything ever happened between you and Brooke?” His look said it all. My fist hit his jaw before he blinked. He spat blood on the ground and glared at me.
“Only once” He answered my question before the words left my lips. He was in my face this time. “We’ve been through everything together Alex. You were only ever going to be a temporary obstacle” He muttered.
“When?” I spoke through gritted teeth.
“That time when we were preparing to attack Beckett at his club” He said quietly. I laughed humorlessly.
“Why is she still with me then, huh? I mean, that was weeks ago” I asked him. He didn’t have an answer.
“This is what happened; you ran off all jealous and but hurt, poor Brooke could see inside your twisted mind so she had to follow” I took another step towards him. “She gave you a little kiss, just a friendly little kiss because she’s a good friend. And, what do you know? You’re both still only friends after that little event” I finished.
“Wow bro, if feeling her tongue slide against mine was friendly then boy am I eager to try out the passionate kind” He whispered, the ghost of a smirk on his lips.
“Bastard!” I growled, I shoved him hard, he was knocked off his feet and on to the ground but he was up again just as quick. I didn’t even see Patrick move in between us until he was there.
“Now is not the time for this!” He shouted. I tried to look for a way through but Patrick had all exits covered.
“The dandies have killed enough of us without us killing eat each other, this can wait. Isn’t she the one you should be talking to?” Patrick shouted over Pete’s refusals. I stopped trying and looked over at Brooke, she was still unconscious but healed leaving nothing but smooth skin showing through the tear in her blood stained shirt. Her heart beat was regular again, taking the paleness of death away..
“She’ll wake up soon. I need to go and find others, you’re coming with me Pete” Patrick said. Pete was stood, wide eyed, dead still. His hair was a mess and most of his torso was covered in Brooke’s blood. All the signs were going through my head. The blatantly obvious signs that I had over looked. I could bet my bottom dollar that all the rest had realized, Patrick had proved that. Her blue eyes slowly opened, unfocused and disorientated.
“Pete” Patrick said quietly. Pete didn’t argue, he glanced at Brooke one last time before following Patrick through the trees. She let out a groan and sat up I kneeled down beside her.
“Thought you were a goner” I said shakily.
“How could you? I haven’t checked off my list of things to do before I die yet” She replied.
“New thing added; kill the stupid bitch that stabbed me. Oh, and give Patrick a medal”. She said, writing in the air with a smile on her face. The smile vanished as my thoughts crossed her mind. “I don’t want to talk about this now, we need to sort everyone else out first. It’s up to you Brooke, whatever you choose to do…you have to be straight with me when you decide, no more games”. I finished. She managed look me in the eye, it was a start.
I offered my hand and helped her up from the ground and we left to try and fix a bigger mess.

Authors note:Sorry I took so long
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