Categories > TV > WWE > Because he's The Miz....

So Stay Awake And Make Tomorrow Mine

by MizardofV1 0 reviews

With all due respect, Mr. McMahon, I'm not a good guy kind of girl.

Category: WWE - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2010-01-16 - Updated: 2010-01-16 - 403 words

Hey guys, I got locked out of my other account, WaYcEsTisLoVe, so if any of the stories here look familiar, that's why. This one is new though, and it focuses on my favourite WWE Superstar, The Miz. I hope you enjoy!

The two of us made our way up the ramp, me buzzing with adrenaline, and Mike finally realizing that I was supposed to be there.

As soon as we got backstage, Vince was there waiting for us.

“I must say that was an interesting match to make your appearance in. I thought you’d distract Orton for Cena to get the win.”

“With all due respect, Mr. McMahon, I’m not a good guy kind of girl.”

That got a laugh out of both Vince and Mike.

“A heel diva, then. I always said we never had enough of them,” Vince smiled.

I smiled back, nodding.

“So….what does this mean for me? The fans will be expecting a team out of us,” Mike pointed out.

“You’re right, Mike.” Vince turned to me. “Do you have any problem working with him?”

I laughed softly, shaking my head.

“Again, with all due respect, if I did, I probably wouldn’t have interfered with his match.”

Vince nodded, a small smile on his face.

“I have a feeling we’re going to see great things out of you, Miss Ellis.”

“Thank you, Mr. McMahon,” I said, watching him walk away.

“You used my catch-phrase.”

I turned to Mike, going a bit red.

“It’s an awesome catch-phrase. I like this new Miz. But I miss the hat.”

He laughed, holding out his hand.

“Mike Mizanin,” he announced.

As if I didn’t know.

“Rebecca Ellis,” I supplied, taking his hand.

“Do you know what your ring name is going to be?”

“I’m pretty sure that if you had any say in the matter, it’d be something like Madison Mooncream,” I answered, rolling my eyes.

He shook his head, smiling.

“Maybe if you were like the other divas. But you aren’t. I’m sure whatever you’ve picked is perfect.”

I could barely hear him.

My eyes were glued to someone who’d just walked into the hallway.

“Rebecca?” Mike questioned.


He seemed to realize I was staring looking at him, so he made his way over to us.

“Hi,” he smiled. “I’m Cody Runnels.”
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