Categories > Movies > Labyrinth > Vacation

Helpers on Strike

by Chaimera 2 reviews

Sarah and Jareth run into some old friends that could give them a helping hand, but unfortunately for them, their on strike.

Category: Labyrinth - Rating: R - Genres: Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-04-17 - Updated: 2006-04-17 - 881 words

Disclaimer: Still don't own any of these guys

Well, here's another chapter for you lovely people. Thanks for everyone who reviewed.

Chapter 4: Helpers on Strike

Jareth reached the gates first and stopped waiting for Sarah to catch up. "If you keep going at this rate we might as well give up now."

Sarah rolled her eyes at him and approached the gate. If she hadn't know where it was previously, she would have missed it completely.

"Well maybe if you would stop complaining we could get started."

She pushed the gate, which swung open easily, and they both stepped inside. It was nearly identical to what Sarah had experienced 6 years ago but with subtle differences. The place was darker and gave off an entirely more menacing feel. The lichen on the walls were all dead along with the crawlers and moss whish had previously covered the walls.

"Hmm, yup you are definitely winning on the tourist attraction points."

"Would you please stop with the incessant commentary and concentrate!!"

She frowned at him "Well excuse me for trying to lighten the mood just a bit, maybe I should be more realistic huh? If were really lucky he'll throw us in an oubliette right now, so we don't have to go through the bloody Labyrinth cause we're going to loose anyway!! That make you more happy?"

By the end of the sentence she was shouting, and probably would have continued had an hole not just opened up beneath the two of them and sent them plummeting into the dark depths of an oubliette.

Sarah hit the ground for what felt like the millionth time that day.

/Who needs bungee jumping when you can just fall all the time? / She heard someone or something move close by in the darkness.

"Jareth, I hope to god that's you."

"Well your wish has been granted, and it seems your other one to. We appear to be in an oubliette." He sounded angry and she made a face at him in the dark.

"Do you think he was listening?" she replied sarcastically as she searched around with her hands for..... something, anything.

She wasn't really listing to Jareth who seemed to be grumbling about his disbelief that she ever beat his Labyrinth. Her hands fell upon what appeared to be a candle. Her hand flew to her pants pocket and she thanked the gods that Pete smoked. She pulled out the silver Zippo lighter flicking it open and lighting the candle. Jareth's eyes widened in surprise at the sudden light which revealed Sarah holding the candle with a triumphant smirk on her face.

"What exactly were you grumbling about?" The pair looked around the oubliette. It was the same as the one Jareth had thrown her into except no wood, no door, no Hoggle. She looked up to see a trap door above them. She hopped up onto a rock and pushed it open.

"Um Jareth, I thought we were at the start of the Labyrinth?"

"We are, but individual pieces of the Labyrinth move independently of the order they were made. Why?"

Sarah smiled down at him. "I think I might have found something that will help us."

"Did someone say they needed help?"

"Well you've come to the right place."

"We're helping hands."

Sarah grinned, "I know you are. Could you help us out of here?"

"Why of cou...."

"Wait!!" One of the faces looked down on Sarah disgruntled.

"Why should we help you? Ever since this place has come under new management we've had nothing but bad treatment. We're on official strike!"

One of the other faces reformed. "Cant we help her just this once. We've been on strike so long."




Sarah was growing weary of the constant dispute so cut in. "Listen guys, we want to beat that new management and if your lucky we'll kick his ass in the process, 'cause there is no way I'm gonna marry that sonofabitch, so will you please help?!?!"

The hands looked down on her. "Well if you put it like that..."

"Come on, lets help the lass get out of that nasty black hole."

"And my friend." Added Sarah quickly, knowing how unspecific these hands could be.

"And her friend, come on boss, she seems like such a nice girl."

"If we need to help someone it might as well be her."

"Oh alright, reach up here young missy."

"Thank you." Said Sarah with an air of relief as the hands hoisted her up into the shaft.

"Come on Jareth, going up."

They pulled Jareth up also and started to bring them upwards.

"Hey watch were you guys are grabbing!" she said quickly, noting some of them were getting a little too friendly.

"Sorry, come on guys. Behave."

Soon they were both on the path again. Sarah looked down the shaft.

"Thank you. You were a great help."

"That's what we're here for."

"When you come back, could you bring some hand cream, a moisturising balm, something along those lines."

She laughed lightly and closed the cover and turned to Jareth.


"Well what?"

"Well, who got us out?"

"I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?"


"Come on lets get moving."

End Chap.

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