Categories > Original > Drama > Scissors

Chapter 4

by SongWriter 0 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2010-01-22 - Updated: 2010-01-23 - 561 words

What went on today. I don't understand anything at all. My life has changed in the past week. I'm sorry I didn't write to you. My computer was down since there was a thunderstorm and lighteningn hit the power lines so my whole neighbor hoods internet and telephone wires crashed. You know dad, the past week has been really odd. Did you ever have that feeling where you felt like someone was following you? Well I've been feeling like that. I don't know why, I just am. I'm probably going crazy, 2 weeks of school and I already feel hated. Yesterday, I bumped into this girl, "Stephanie Graff", the most popular in our school, and then she told my fat ass to watch where I was going. I just wanted to strangle her and her stupid bleached hair. It looks like she's already aging, I don't understand the whole concept of bleaching your hair. It just makes you look like those old women who like, hook and do prostitution as a living. I don't feel like going to school tomorrow, I have to hand in my script for drama class. I haven't even started. I keep thinking about why I think I'm being followed. I haven't really met anyone who doesn't like me. I wonder if someone is out to get me. That would be pretty weird seeing as no one even knows me well enough yet. Listen to me dad, do not get mad at me, don't be dissapointed. I've done something that goes against all your beleifs but... 3 days ago... I saw Joe. We were making out in his car and then he decided to drive me to the beach, it was around 11:30pm.

We started kissing, and he started kissing my neck...and then we got out of controll...well... we had sex. For the first time ever dad. I'm really sorry. But I felt as if our relationship was getting weak. And plus Joe kept talking about how all his friends have gotten laid and how he is one of the only virgins at West Gill... So I just gave it up. You know? I know your probably yelling at me from above but forgive me. And don't be upset because we used a condom. We will always use a condom. I just wanted to make sure him and I are still as close as ever. Having a long distance relationship isn't so easy. Especially when your not that beautiful. By now you'd probably be saying , "Sweetie, you are the most beautiful girl in my world, You and your mother, and my mother. The most important and most 3 beautiful women." I remember when you told me that in the 4th grade when my first boyfriend ever, Eric Creeve broke up with me. And I was really upset. Thats the day you bought me a guitar. That was one of the most worst and best days ever. I miss you so much dad, I'm geting tear drops on my keybored. You, not being here makes me feel empty. Like opening a present on Christmas and just realising it was a box, and had nothing in it. Well dad, I have to go. My new friend Meagan is coming over. \Were gonna work on our script for drama. Wish me luck! I love you so much.

written by : Ali Hammoud
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