Categories > TV > Beauty and the Beast > A New Bond


by hobbeth 0 reviews

A woman comes into Vincent's life with a mystery of her own and possible answers to his. What is her relationship to him? WIP; please r&r

Category: Beauty and the Beast - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2006-04-17 - Updated: 2006-04-17 - 438 words

About the time the jet carrying Elena landed, Vincent looked up from the book he was reading. Anyone who might have seen him at that moment would assume he was listening to something no one else could hear. A questioning look appeared in his eyes and he closed the book and put it aside. Rising, he left his alcove and began prowling the catacombs deep under New York City.

From time to time he would pause, trying to reach out empathically, but whatever it was that alerted him seemed unreachable. He headed back to his quarters, trying to define what he felt. As he thought about it, he realized he'd been feeling this - something - for about a year. It had been faint, almost unnoticeable, and distant at first, but was growing stronger. Now it was here, and soon maybe, he'd find out what it was.

About an hour later, he encountered the man he knew as Father, who was playing with Jacob, Vincent's baby son, while Mary got the child's dinner ready. Father looked up and noticed the expression on his face. "What's the matter, Vincent?"

"I'm not sure. I'm feeling a pull of some sort."

"Like the one you had with Catherine?"

Vincent hesitated at the mention of her name. Finally he replied, "Similar, but not the same. It's too nebulous to describe, or even to locate. I've begun to realize that I've been feeling it since shortly after Jacob's birth, but it was almost unnoticeable until recently."

"Be patient, Vincent. If it is getting stronger, you will learn what is causing it in due time. In the meantime," the older man suggested as Jacob noticed the new arrival and reached out to him, "I think your son wants his father."

Vincent reached down and picked up the child, a healthy fourteen month old. "He's getting bigger every day," he said as the boy gurgled and laughed and patted his father's face. Vincent's expression softened with the love he felt for the boy, and the wonderful memories he had of Jacob's mother. "I see more of her in him each time I look at him."

The two men played with the boy for a while longer, then it was time for his dinner. Mary entered and Vincent handed Jacob over to her. She left, cooing to him, and Father smiled. "She really enjoys mothering the boy. He's been a blessing to all of us, but especially to you.."

Vincent smiled, then suddenly became alert. The expression on his face was hard for Father to read.

"What is it?"

"Whomever I am sensing has just entered Catherine's apartment."
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