Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Can you feel your heart beat racing?

Can you feel your heart beat racing?

by NorthernDownpour 0 reviews

Jodie is a quiet girl and when her brother and best friend become friends with Brendon, she falls for him, but does he fall for her. No good with summaries, just read...I promise you won't be disap...

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Published: 2010-01-26 - Updated: 2010-01-26 - 998 words

Here I was, standing outside of the school gates, waiting for my brother to pick me up. He was late, which is odd because my brother Ryan, he’s never late for anything...and I mean anything. I was worrying to be honest but I shook it off.
There he is.
I could see his car in the distance.
It pulled up in front of me and I quickly got in the car.
“Where the hell have you been Ryan?” I demanded to know. He wouldn’t look at me and just bowed his head. “I’m sorry sis, I was held up at work” he said uncertain. I just nodded and threw my backpack into the back.
The drive home was pretty silent apart from my brother mumbling at other drivers. When we finally arrived at home I got out of the car and ran to the front door as it was raining pretty heavily, I slotted my key into the door and twisted it.
The house was dark and silent.
“Ryan? Where’s dad?” I asked casually, secretly worrying.
“He ... urm ... he went to the shops?” said Ryan, but it sounded more like a question. After a few seconds of awkward silence Ryan quickly ran upstairs, still avoiding eye contact with me. I just shrugged it off.
My brother and his mood swings I thought to myself.
Heading to the kitchen to make myself a brew I noticed a slight movement in the living room. Ha. Must be the dog, I thought.
Then there was a loud crash and the next thing I knew I was sitting in the emergency room at Dillerknots hospital in Nevada.
The loud crash was my dad, apparently he suffered some sort of heart failure and was currently being operated on.
I was stuck deep inside my own thoughts when my brother Ryan nudged me and asked me if I wanted a drink.
I declined his offer.
After what seemed like hours a nurse came to talk to us.
“It doesn’t look good” she said and my heart sank.
I heard Ryan gulp and saw him drop his head to the floor.
“He may pull through but he may not, chances aren‘t in his favour, he suffered a severe heart attack and knocked his head pretty badly” she continued.
“Wait? What? Head injuries?” I questioned, feeling numb, I was just told my dad was nearing death and I was worried about how he fucking got there.
“Urm he fell … probably?” Ryan butted in and the nurse swiftly looked from me to Ryan.
She nodded her head slowly and left the room.

Ryan insisted on taking my home, so I got into his car. I really didn’t know what to say.
Arriving at home once more, the house felt as empty as ever. I walked up to my room and collapsed onto my bed.

I groaned and turned over in my bed.
My phone was ringing, but I really didn’t feel like talking to anybody so I ignored it. But it didn’t stop, it just kept ringing and ring and … well you get it right?
“ Hello? “ I answered
“Jodie? Hey it’s me Demi” my best friend.
“Hey what’s up?” I asked, not really caring to be honest but putting on a strong front.
“Shut up, I heard about your dad babe” she said in a worried voice
“I’m coming round” she said quickly and ended the call.
I really didn’t feel like facing anybody today.
Getting up off my bed I grabbed whatever clothes I could find out of my closet and shoved them on, I scraped my hair into a ponytail and headed downstairs.
Upon entering the kitchen I noticed Ryan sitting in the dark.
“Hey” I said casually
No answer
I walked over to him and put my arm around him
“Everything’s going to be okay” I said
He pulled me into a tight hug.

3 Months Later
“So technically black isn’t really a colour its just what’s left behind” my friend Callum carried on ignoring the fact nobody was really listening to him.
I just stared down at my lunch and groaned
“They expect us to eat this shit?”
School dinners suck.
“Too right they do” Spencer said shoving the sandwich he seemed to be enjoying down
He always agreed with me. Good o’l Spencer.

The rest of the day dragged on and on and on. Until music, which I had last. As always I sat next to Spencer and we chatted about everything, then there was a knock at the door and a boy walked in. My draw dropped. He was absolutely gorgeous. With dark brown hair sweeping over his eyes, pale skin, he was tall but not like … TALL!
He was wearing a dark grey hoodie and the tightest pair of skinny jeans I have EVER seen. I was practically molesting him with my eyes, when Spencer nudged me and shook his head.

“Hi. I’m Brendon” the mysterious … well Brendon said to Mr. Dykes.
“Oh okay class, we have a new student today, this is Brendon Urie” Sir said and pointed at the boy. Suddenly Spencer shot out of his seat and man-hugged Brendon.
“How you doin’ man?” Spencer asked the boy who was laughing
“Not bad Spence, not bad” Brendon said looking at me
“SIT DOWN, SMITH” Sir said

OH MY GOD. He’s heading this way. He walked over and took the seat on the other side of me, I almost melted right onto him.

Spencer was laughing hysterically at me as I almost spazzed right off my chair to the floor.
By the time the lesson had finished I had learnt that Brendon was trying out singing for Spencer and Ryan’s band tonight, so I had to endure more time spent with this AMAZINGLY HOT boy. Was it a good or bad thing?
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