Categories > Cartoons > Codename: Kids Next Door > The Big Badolescent And Laura's second strike

Chapter 9 The Big Badolescent Strikes Back

by Gingerflame2005 0 reviews

The Big Badolescent has found bullies anbd she's going to teach them who the bigger bully is

Category: Codename: Kids Next Door - Rating: R - Genres: Horror - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2010-02-01 - Updated: 2010-02-02 - 3304 words

Chris gulped as Laura II still The Big Badolescent led him to the girl's room cackling at how nervous she made him.
The Big Badolescent: You make me fall now you bathe Laura II and me, make sure we are sparkling before we have to be picked up by mommy.
Chris: Uhh are you sure you want me to do this?
The Big Badolescent threw her supersuit at Chris cackling and pointing to a washing machine appearing in the bathroom.
The Big Badolescent: Machine washable and blowdry, that way it won't shrink the same with my undies.
Chris moaned as he threw the suit and underwear in the washing machine and The Big Badolescent cackled knowing how to get even with Chris forever.
The Big Badolescent(Rubbing her hands together evilly) He, he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, Chris has no idea what I have planned.
Chris: All right your stupid supersuits washing, now how may I ask do you expect me to give you a bath?
The Big Badolescent(Stretching her hands up) Do my pits stink?, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeeeeee.
Chris fainted as The Big Badolescent caught him and became Laura Ii again giggling girlishly dragging Chris to a boiler room that appeared in the treehouse bathroom.
Laura II: You're about to find out what happens to boys who are bullies to The Big Badolescent and I.
Laura Ii led Chris to skeletons which used to be boys from her birthday that got her clothes and bad toys.
Laura II: The Big Badolescent and I are going to make sure you get taught a lesson Chris, not only will you bathe us but you have to serve us for a lifetime.
Laura II spasmed as her shadow covered Chris and The Big Badolescent shook Chris awake winking down at him.
The Big Badolescent(Pushing Chris back into the bathroom) Here's tub slave boy now get water hot and clean us, after that we see what else Laura II and I have for you to do.
Chris moaned as The Big Badolescent giggled seeing steam rise from the tub and she stepped in sighing happily as the bubbles rose to her mid section.
The Big Badolescent: See that waters already black with mud, now get washcloth and clean me and Laura II from our heads to our toeses.
Chris saw how big The Big Badolescent really was as she just smiled at him raising her arms so he could wash her armpits first.
The Big Badolescent: They not stink anymore but my super boots do and so do my socks and feet if you decide to run, I can make my whole body a stink bomb.
Chris cleaned The Big Badolescent's feet first as she giggled and spit soapy water in his face cackling as he angrily wiped it off and stared at her.
The Big Badolescent: I thought you needed bath too slave of me and Laura II, I mean you smell icky.
Chris(Shaking himself off) Yea well warn me the next time you decide to spit water at me you big giant.
The Big Badolescent puffed her cheeks out spraying Chris with more water cackling as he fell backwards and the wave of spit water hit him.
The Big Badolescent: Surf's up slave, and by the way I'm spitting water at you again he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Chris angrily stood up and ran for the door and The Big Badolescent's shadow covered him her index finger holding the door closed.
The Big Badolescent(Sniffing herself) Me not even close to clean yet slave, now you get your booty over here and clean me up real nice.
Chris moaned grabbing the washcloth and he saw smoke erupting from The Big Badolescent's boots as she giggled.
The Big Badolescent: I wouldn't sniff those if I were you slave, unless you don't value your life.
Chris(Scrubbing The Big Badolescent) Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww where do you get all these scabs from?
The Big Badolescent(Shrugging) Me don't know maybe from fighting all the time.
Chris(Peeling The Big Badolescent's scabs off) Well maybe you should think about not fighting people.
The Big Badolescent(Cackling) Right that not a bad idea if people like you big bully didn't start fights with me.
Chris: Who'd start a fight with you is beyond me.
The Big Badolescent giggled shrugging and flexed her muscles the veins bulging on her arms.
The Big Badolescent: With muscles like these you'd think bullies be afraid of Laura II and me.
Chris: Learn to speak english you idiot giant girl.
The Big Badolescent grabbed Chris suds all over her body and pressed him against the suds.
The Big Badolescent: No more games slave boy, get bath finished soon and buy me Lego Rock Band, Laura II and I love that game.
Chris(Throwing the washcloth to The Big Badolescent) You aren't the boss of me so clean yourself up, then as your parents to buy you Lego Rock Band you creep.
Chris walked off not noticing the angry growl or the big shadow following him as he went to open the door and a smirk came over The Big Badolescent's face.
The Big Badolescent(Sneering) Me have a trick or two up me sleeves.
Chris walked out of the girl's room as The Big Badolescent followed him her hands raised to grab him at any moment.
The Big Badolescent: Time for him to suffer the consequences for yelling at me, I have big plans for Chris huge even he, he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeee.
Chris reached the exit doors and dashed out as The Big Badolescent smiled drying herself off and putting her now cleaned supersuit on.
The Big Badolescent(Pulling out syringes) Slave Boy needs to sleep sometime doesn't he?
The Big Badolescent lifted her supersuit and we see screaming kid after screaming kid face in her stomach as she giggled poking them.
The Big Badolescent(Cackling) The biggest bullies in the world me butt, I'm the biggest bully in the world and their the piggies running from the big bad wolf.
The Big Badolescent cackled as the screaming voices got louder and she cracked her knuckles knowing there were more bullies for her to feed off of after she got even with Chris.
The Big Badolescent: You little piggies will have a new piggy to meet soon enough, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, haaaaaaaa.
The Big Badolescent replaced her supersuit over her stomach and she spasmed turning into Laura Ii again as she skipped off to daycare having no idea what The Big Badolescent was using her stomach for.
Laura II(Groggy) I- wish- The- Big- Badolescent- gave- me- some- kind- of- warning- before- coming- out- of- me.
The Big Badolescent cackled evilly resting in the pit of her stomach plotting her plans for the night.
Laura II(Holding her stomach) Take it easy Big Badolescent I'm not all that strong since you just left.
The Big Badolescent closed her eyes taking a nap as Laura II's stomach unclenched and she sighed happily skipping up to building blocks and a boy everybody gulped and moved away from approached Laura II.
Boy: Hey shrimp their mine in fact all the toys here are mine and you need to ask permission to use them.
Laura II(Grinning) Sorry I didn't see mean boys blocks written on them my mistake, so here's the deal let me play with the blocks and find someone else to push around.
Boy(Grabbing Laura II) Look twerp I will not be talked to like that, now I'll say one more time these blocks are mine and you need to ask to use them.
Laura II(Squirming) I'd put me down if I were you boy, you're making me angry and I have a girl inside of me that's not very nice when she's angry.
Boy(Chuckling) Yea right just like The Incredible Hulk and Bruce Banner, now stop talking crazy and tell me your name shrimp.
Laura II(Sneering) Laura Maryanne Limpin the 2nd and I think somebody else wants to meet you.
Laura II spasmed in the boys hands as her spine grew bigger, her stomach, legs, and feet became bigger, she grew big pigtails, and the red supersuit with an A on it as the boy gulped up at her.
The Big Badolescent(Smirking) She told you she was two people bully boy.
Boy(Gulping) I get it their your blocks no biggie have fun with them.
The Big Badolescent(Roaring) You fraidy cat bullies can't be fraidy cats.
Boy: I don't mean to be a bully but these kids will push me around if I don't be one.
The Big Badolescent(Squeezing The Boy) Well meet your bully The- Big- Badolescent, next time look at who you bully or next time you not be so lucky.
Boy(Squirming and stuttering) N-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-n-no please don't make me your bully punching bag, I promise I'll be good to the kids for now on.
The Big Badolescent(Pressing the boy to her angry eyes) What's your name anywho boy?
Boy: J-J-J-J-J-J-J-J-Jessie Masters but you can call me Jess everybody e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-else does.
The Big Badolescent: Well Jess everybody else does meet The Big Badolescent but you can call me Scary Bully.
Jessie(Squirming) I'm- going- to- tell- on- you- The- Big- Badolescent- you're- mean.
The Big Badolescent: I know me mean but so are you so if you tell on me then I'll tell on you tattle tale.
Jessie(Screaming) Mrs. Andros, Mrs. Andros, Mrs. Andros help me please this giant won't let go of me and she's ugly.
The Big Badolescent spasmed turning into Laura II again and smirking as a woman ran up to see her being pushed by Jessie.
Woman: Jessie Masters go to the corner young man, that is not the way to make a good first impression.
Jessie: But- but- but- but- she- she- she- turned- turned- turned- turned- into- into- into- a giant Mrs. Andros and she told me to call her Scary Bully.
Mrs. Andros(Angrily pointing) Scoot young man you are in so much trouble right now.
Jessie(Pointing at Laura II) But- she- oh what's the use nobody's going to believe me anyway.
Mrs. Andros: You're darn tootin they won't now get in that corner right now.
Laura II giggled taking the box of building blocks to a table as another little girl followed her to the table with an apple juice box.
Girl: Wow you scared Jessie Masters I've always wanted to do that ever since he finger painted with my pigtails in art class.
Laura II: It wasn't me scaring him it was my friend The Big Badolescent, anyways wanna help me build a fairy tale castle like Cinderella's?
Girl(Sitting down) Sure I'm Ally Kingston and I think being your friend will keep meanie Jessie away from me.
Laura II(Building a foundation) Well I think being friends could be good too, The Big Badolescent has always wanted a friend.
Ally: Cool so maybe I could walk in with you every morning, hang with you at recess, and eat lunch with you, that way Jessie will be super afraid to approach me.
Laura II(Marveling at their creation) Se magnifique now let's crush it and build something else.
Ally pushed the castle down and blocks went flying everywhere as the two new friends laughed.
Laura Ii: Now let's build a contraption, you can build whatever you like and I'll build whatever I like Ally.
Ally: Sounds like a plan friend, I'm going to build a stable to put horsies in.
Laura II: And I'll build a house for The Big Badolescent to live in.
Ally: That had better be pretty big.
The two girls giggled and started to build something else as Jessie was let out of the corner and he mumbled something and stared angrily at Laura II.
That night Chris was afraid to fall asleep as his mom checked on him to find him making a house out of popsicle sticks.
Chris's mom: Lights out Christopher you have school tomorrow and you will not be a crab all day due to lack of sleep.
Chris(Moaning) Mom we've been over this I can't sleep because a giant girl that's also a three year old wants me as a slave.
Chris's mom(Kissing him) Just lay off the sugar Chris that's what makes your imagination run wild over excessive sugar use.
Chris: Fine I'll sleep but you'll be sorry when I don't wake up tomorrow due to death by giant three year old.
Chris's mom: Oh please you're just imagining things.
Chris(Yawning) I- guess- you're- right- mom- but- like- I- said- if- I don't- wake- up- tomorrow- you'll- know- why.
Chris's mom(Turning off his lights) Goodnight, sleep tight, don't let the giants bite.
Chris didn't find his mom's comment funny as he laid in his bed and watched as his door closed and comfort kicked in making his eyelids heavy.
Chris(Closing his eyes) I'm- ready- for- whatever- this- girl- can- dish- out.
Cackling was heard as Chris finally settled into sleep and he found himself landing in the same boiler room The Big Badolescent and Laura II brought him to earlier that day.
Chris: Perfect the same stupid place I was at earlier with the big ape and her little girl alter ego.
The Big Badolescent sneered following Chris around the boiler room her shadow covering him.
The Big Badolescent(Cackling) Welcome slave to Bully Island level II, This is where the bullies go when there's no island that can contain them.
Chris(Gulping) Look girl just leave me alone and I'll be on my way.
The Big Badolescent: You look sleepy slave boy I think I can work with this, you and I have business to accomplish.
Chris(Stuttering) B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-Business?
The Big Badolescent nodded sneering as she grabbed Jessie who also fell into the dream and threw him into a boiler with other boys screaming.
The Big Badolescent: Me like Big Bad Wolf me huff and puff and blow all your houses in then you become roast pig for my dinner.
Chris(Shocked) You're cooking bullies?
The Big Badolescent(Nodding) They make a yummy pizza topping.
Chris made to run away but The Big Badolescent grabbed him grinning as he was lifted onto her shoulders.
The Big Badolescent: As me said we have business to accomplish and I'm going to make sure we do that.
Chris screamed as The Big Badolescent cackled evilly leading him to the boiler with the screaming bullies.
The Big Badolescent: See them your torture will be so much worse than theirs because as an adolescent and being big and bad giving me the nickname The Big Badolescent I need boy lovin.
Chris(Gulping) Boy loving?
The Big Badolescent nodded pinning Chris against one of the walls.
The Big Badolescent(In a nurse's uniform) You look pale cutey pie, let's take temperature first.
The Big Badolescent shoved a thermometer in Chris's mouth before he could object and cackled dancing and twirling around him her nurse’s skirt billowing as she twirled.
The Big Badolescent(Pulling the thermometer out) Tisk Tisk cutey pie you running fever, now let's see your reflexes next.
The Big Badolescent grabbed a mallet used at a carnival to win at games as Chris gulped and she sneered pushing him onto a non working boiler.
The Big Badolescent: I make sure you reflexes tip top shape slave boy/ boyfriend.
The Big Badolescent raised the mallet as Chris screamed fearfully and ran off before the mallet could reach his knee cap.
The Big Badolescent(Screaming after him) Good idea you be jerry and me be Tom the kitty looking to crush you.
Chris(Panting) Shit- what- does- this- girl- want- with- me?
The Big Badolescent(Running up to Chris) Finally Jerry I have you right where me want you, now test reflexes and then we need blood work taken.
Chris ran at the word blood taken as The Big Badolescent grabbed his shirt collar turning him to face her.
The Big Badolescent: Reflexes fine boy now we get blood taken and blood given.
Chris(Gulping) Blood- Given?
The Big Badolescent(Nodding) MMMMMMMHHHHHHMMMMMMMM I make you three like Laura II and you love her, and I make giant in you like she has so you two have things in common.
Chris(Fearful) Hold up what did you say?
The Big Badolescent(Stabbing Chris with needles giggling) Don't be afraid I wanna draw some blood, he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Chris saw his blood fill some of the needles and purple glittery blood shot into his arms as The Big Badolescent laughed triumphantly seeing him shrink.
The Big Badolescent: Have fun with giant slave boy, I have other boys to become my slave now so have fun with giant in you and Laura II to obsess over he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeeee.
Chris heard The Big Badolescent's triumphant laughter as she walked up to the door leading back to the daycare her eyebrows raised giggling at now small Chris.
The Big Badolescent: Nobody can stop me from taking a slave now, Rachel AKA Mrs. Supreme Leader has also found this portal useful.
Chris(Moaning) Wait turn me back I have an overactive imagination as a three year old.
The Big Badolescent(Smirking) Thing 2 you and Laura II have in common.
Chris held his hands to his head as he saw nothing but Laura II looking like Original Laura Limpin blast into his head.
The Big Badolescent(Spasming) Meet you’re love Goddess Laura Maryanne Limpin II.
Chris saw the suit grow smaller and Laura II giggled girlishly looking at Chris with her hand out.
Laura II: Well you heard The Big Badolescent you're my boyfriend now, boy won't Ally my new friend be impressed, now hold my hand and make sure everybody sees us as boyfriend and girlfriend or else.
Chris gulped as Laura II with her supersuit skipped off gripping Chris's hand tight.
Laura II(Eskimo Kissing Chris) You have a giant inside of you too, he'll come out when The Big Badolescent comes out kind of like double trouble you know what I mean.
Chris: Why do I need a giant inside of me again?
Laura II(Kissing Chris's lips) Because I have one and now that you do we have so much more than our love in common, who knows maybe The Big Badolescent will find Love with The Big Infantlescent.
Chris(Gulping) The Big Infantlescent?
Laura II(Nodding) Uh huh see I'm the Big Badolescent so I'll make you the Big Infantlescent, and just wait till they see what happens when you throw a tantrum he, he, he, he, he, heeeeeeee.
Chris: You get to nickname my giant?
Laura II(Nodding) Yep see The Big Badolescent was mine and she nicknamed herself that, I want to nickname someone's giant and in walks my hubby giant and all.
Laura II giggled seeing Chris's fearful face as she threw him a red suit with a glittery blue I in the middle of it.
Laura II: Your giant wearing attire, see it's stretchy and can never rip, my mama sewed it just my first boyfriend.
The suit was forced over Chris and Laura II beamed liking it on him as it came equipped with yellow gloves and black boots like her giant suit.
Laura II(Snuggling Chris) Come on sweet thang I have plans for us.
Chris gulped as he was led away from The Big Badolescent's dreamworld and was submerged in Laura II's version of a dreamworld.
What happens to a boy Rachel finds read part 10 Mrs. Bossy Pants and reply to part 9
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