Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > My Own Sins

Chapter 19

by areyounormal 1 review

Benzedrine is trapped in his own nightmares

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Published: 2010-02-04 - Updated: 2010-02-05 - 1156 words - Complete

Carried through the dark forest, Dr Benzedrine had continued to fight against the vines that held him. With each movement they had grown tighter and tighter, finally the constriction around his chest had become too much and Benzedrine had passed out.

Finally waking, Benzedrine found himself lying on an old stone floor, the cold creeping through his bones had already left him aching inside. Raising his head, he heard a low guttural growl coming from somewhere across the darkened room. Peering into the gloom, he saw a pair of blood red eyes staring back at him. In an inadvisable sudden movement, Benzedrine pushed himself upright and scrambled back against the wall. Before his back even touched the brickwork behind him, a huge black shape had lunged towards him. Losing his balance, Benzedrine fell back against the wall, hitting his head as he landed. The pain followed by the disorientation caused by the blow would normally have held his full attention, but he was unable to tear his eyes away from what appeared to be a wolf, twice the size it would normally be, only feet away. It’s mouth open and pulled into a vicious snarl, baring its long, sharp teeth and with saliva dripping from the sides, the wolf almost seemed to fill the room. Benzedrine was terrified, pushing himself as far back against the wall as he could manage, his eyes transfixed by the wolf’s own.

At the far end of the room. The gloom lifted momentarily as a door opened and closed. Stepping into the room was the Nightmare Sandman, unfolding as he slipped through the normal sized door. Benzedrine looked up and felt as though he was never going to stop looking up as the ceiling rose to accommodate him. At the same time the walls closed in, almost appearing to buckle as they tried to move closer to him as he passed by as if drawn to him by some sort of magnetic force.

“So, then, Silas,” the creature chuckled, “you’ve met my pet. Do you like her?”
“What do you want from me?” Benzedrine asked nervously, gathering his knees close to him.
“I asked you a question, and when I ask you a question, I expect you to answer it. But I must warn you, Baby here will be listening to your replies. If you lie to me, ignore me or you’re at all rude to or about either of us, she will attack you. So, I say again – do you like her?”

Benzedrine swallowed hard – honest and polite would be a tall order.

“I… She seems exactly what you need.”

Nightmare Sandman grinned, the sight was a gruesome one. His leathery skin stretched tight across a face that was little more a skull, flashing rows of bright white teeth made all the more prominent by its sunken cheeks.

“Very diplomatic,” he laughed hollowly. “Now, to your question. What do I want from you? I already told you. I am here to make Mr Sandman’s dream come true. You are surplus to requirements, unloved and unnecessary.”

Benzedrine lowered his eyes; he had always suspected that he knew what his brother thought about him, but to hear the words spoken out loud… he might as well rip out his heart and feed it to his wolf.

“Maybe later,” Nightmare Sandman laughed harshly, gaining Benzedrine’s full attention once more. “Oh, yes, I have powers too and one of them is to know your thoughts and feelings. Nothing you can do will hide your thoughts from me. As a dream, I can be inside your head as well as standing in front of you, but make no mistake, I’m very real.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Do?” the Nightmare asked with a deeply unpleasant laugh. “I’m going to torment you with your own nightmares until you beg me to kill you. Time for you to sleep, Dr Benzedrine and the best part of this is that there is no one to wake you up!”

Benzedrine fought hard against the heavy drowsiness that fell over his eyes. Deep down, he knew that resisting was pointless, even as a dream, Nightmare Sandman was more than capable of putting him to sleep. The worst of it was that, in The Dream World, he had no powers at all.

He didn’t even remember the final part of falling asleep, all he was aware of was suddenly finding himself back in the forest and he was running for his life. He didn’t know if it was real or a dream, but he suspected that either way, it was potentially fatal. Behind him the sound of the oversized wolf, growling and charging towards him through the undergrowth spurred him on to run even faster. Momentarily stopping by a wide, gnarled barked tree to catch his breath, Benzedrine glanced around checking for vines and the glowing red eyes of the wolf. This couldn’t go on… he couldn’t go on much longer. Soon the running would exhaust him and he would be caught, but what…


Turning quickly at the sound of his father’s voice, Benzedrine gasped to suddenly find himself in The Hills. The forest and Dream World were gone only to be replaced by scenes from his home. Except, this was very different. The skies were cloudy, the fairground rides stood idle with paint peeling from the wooden horses, the colours were dim and washed out, almost non-existent and worst of all, he was alone.

“Where am I?” he asked nervously.
“Take your picture, Sir?” a voice asked suddenly at his shoulder.
“No!” he cried turning away and running toward the merry-go-round, his favourite of all the rides.

Stepping up onto the platform, Benzedrine’s heart fluttered as the ride started moving. At last, something seemed normal. It didn’t last long. Turning faster with each passing second, the ride was soon careering out of control leaving the very frightened Benzedrine clinging on to one of the horse’s heads for dear life. The music, blaring out at full volume was speeded up to a high pitch; it sounded garbled and terrifying. Benzedrine closed his eyes tightly and prayed for it to stop. His arms ached as he clung to the horse, but he could already feel himself slipping. Spinning ever faster, the entire ride shifted from its housing and reeled forward. Jarred loose from his grip on the horse, Benzedrine was thrown from the ride. Landing in a crumpled, painful heap at the bottom of the grass verge, he lay for a few seconds mentally checking himself over for damage. He didn’t understand how, but there didn’t seem to be any bones broken, he was just badly bruised and sore. Opening his eyes, Benzedrine cried out in terror as he saw the runaway ride tipped on its side and bearing down on him.
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